Simple Stealth Scenario Question


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Ok, this is a debate my friends back east are getting into, and it's got me confused. Help would be appreciated all using RAW plz.

Say I've got a 5' wide hallway, that's ... 15' deep. At the end of it is a monster with a passive perception of 11.

I am trained in Stealth but not a rogue. Let's assume best case scenario where all my die rolls are 20, all opposing are 1.

I've had total concealment previously and gained stealth.

I move to the wall that will eventually lead up to the hallway, and take a -5 in doing so. Still hidden.

I move up to the corner but not crossing the hallway. I'm still hidden because I've maintained cover. Great.

I move across the hallway, which breaches LoS, but hug the corner "across" from where I was. I end the move with cover and make a stealth check. Am I still hidden?

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It seems to me that your scenario is intended to be covered by Rogue Utility 10 Shadow Stride. (PHB 122). Basically you start hidden, can move your speed, need cover at the end of that move, and get to make a stealth check, which if it succeeds, means you stayed hidden during the movement.

Without that power, I would rule that you lost stealth when you had direct LOS from the enemy.

Hrmm, now if I don't remain hidden, I retain benefits of being hidden until I resolve the action (the move). So I retain being hid, but am unable to make a stealth check. What if I sacrifice my standard for another move action, and make a second stealth check?

A) Square I end in provides Cover- Cannot become hidden?

B) Square I end in provides Superior Cover - I can become hidden?

If you run across the hallway you are no longer hidden.

Once you run past the doorway and there is a physical wall in between you and the monster you don't need to be hidden because he has no LOS. He still knows that someone is around and if he heads up the hallway would have a shot at spotting you.

If you had the previously mentioned nifty rogue power, you could run across the opening (or even through the open door the monster is standing in front of) and never have been seen by the monster at any time.

Thats kinda like having unlimited 1-turn duration invisibilities.

Thats awesome.


Ok, so now assume there was a half wall that runs parallel to my wall. about 5 feet off the wall, and ran long enough to provide me with basic cover along the hallway entrance. This would then allow me to stealthy move along remain hidden?

Unlimited 1 round invisibilities so long as you start and end in cover and make a good enough stealth roll. :p

Hi, I'm not sure if you're being serious or not. Apologies. I apologize if it seems self evident to most, but I'm trying to best understand the stealth rules.

A point of contention is that it says being hidden makes you invisible, and Total Concealment includes "target is invisible" as a viable subject, thus making me wonder if you truly violate the rules of being hidden.


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