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  1. SnowleopardVK

    Add another 3 to the list of tabletop gamers.

    I've introduced 3 new players to tabletop RPGs today, specifically Pathfinder's Rise of the Runelords, anniversary edition, as I had hoped it went quite well, and I already have some plans for the future with these's characters. One player has played a lot a D&D-esq boardgames before, but never...
  2. SnowleopardVK

    My introduction to 3 RPGs of different styles than I'm used to.

    I'm a Pathfinder player, and I've played a plethora of D&D-styled (including many editions of D&D itself, obviously) and d20 RPGs. Today however was new to me. The three games I played were definitely roleplaying games. I was playing a role of a character who wasn't me after all, but they were...
  3. SnowleopardVK

    CR 1/7 - A monster-a-week project

    Hey there. Since I can't put a link in my signature, I figured I'd best do this here, where it's relevant. For those interested I've started working on a Pathfinder "Monster a week" fan blog, posting up my creations for display, and for use by fellow GMs: CR 1/7 (A Pathfinder monster-a-week fan...
  4. SnowleopardVK

    You win some, you lose some

    My players suffered their first total loss tonight and they're mad at me. Very mad. Which raises the question of how people deal with sore losers? I opted not to kill them. Next week they'll be waking up in prison and by then I'll have reworked this dungeon into an 'escape from prison'...
  5. SnowleopardVK

    OotS #840 is up

    OotS #840: Thief's Tool Yukyuk has been upgraded from pack mule to summoned monster style trapfinder. :p
  6. SnowleopardVK

    Holly's Master of the Fallen Fortress Journal

    This adventure has just concluded, and one of my players was cool enough to write a journal of it from her PC's perspective and provide me with it. They were playing (and I was running) the free Pathfinder module, Master of the Fallen Fortress, with some changes by me to set the adventure in...
  7. SnowleopardVK

    OotS #837 is up

    Another day, another daily update. Wooh! OotS 837
  8. SnowleopardVK

    My new, old-school experience.

    Last night my university had its annual D&D day, and I got to try something new. Or rather, old. Specifically, AD&D 1e. It was quite an experience for me. Being mostly a Pathfinder GM with some playing experience, as well as one or two forays into 4e, this was a big change. I was one of the...
  9. SnowleopardVK

    NPC Critique

    Hey there, I'm looking for some opinion on this NPC who I've built for the end of a dungeon (of sorts) in an adventure I'm working on. He's a lot more complicated, stat-wise, than most NPCs I've made so I figured it'd be a good idea to post him up. Both for opinions and because others might spot...
  10. SnowleopardVK

    Coaxing the new player to the table

    I've dealt with actually teaching rules to new players several times now, and gotten several people into the game, but have encountered something new. In those previous incidents either the new player approached me and asked to be taught to play, or I'd say to them "hey I think you might enjoy...
  11. SnowleopardVK

    Shatter and Holy Symbols

    Okay, before I'm going to get into my actual question on the shatter spell, I'd like to say that it's the general opinion of my group that a holy symbol is not a magic item itself (unless specifically noted), simply a focus for divine magic, and thus can be targeted by a shatter spell. Now...
  12. SnowleopardVK

    Crowning Rolls of Awesome

    ...That is to say crowning moments of awesome. With dice. Every campaigns got at least one of those moments where the dice fell and everybody agreed the result was amazing. (Well, a lot of them do at any rate) What are yours? I'd say my current campaign has had three so far. The first being...
  13. SnowleopardVK

    Darn spellchecked monsters

    I was taking notes of what was happening in a game just a few minutes ago (we're on food/smoke/washroom break, or in my case, internet time) and realized that the mob of lemure devils that the ninja was surrounded by had been turned into a mob of lemurs by my laptop's spellcheck program. Now I'm...
  14. SnowleopardVK

    Trading Characters

    There's always a degree of danger in letting someone else play your character. Of course there's also always a degree of danger in playing your character yourself, but something unfortunate happens to them in someone else's hands, the feeling is worse. Despite this, I let my DM play my bard for...
  15. SnowleopardVK

    The single-classed wizard

    In my current party, three of the members intend to have their characters multiclass. The vivisectionist alchemist and ninja have each planned from the start to take a single level in rogue (knife master) and master spy respectively, whereas I just recently decided I wanted my bard to take a few...
  16. SnowleopardVK

    2012 PC Bodycount thread

    Since the year of Reynard's 2011 thread had come to a close, I figured it's about time to start a new one (also because I had deaths to record). I'll begin, having started the year with a TPK while running the Pathfinder AP Jade Regent. All four PCs died in a single combat with the Ogre Mage...
  17. SnowleopardVK

    Stealthy players

    How do you deal with players who are simply TOO good at being stealthy? Our party handled our 1st level dungeon with incredible ease, barely taking any hits the whole time, and we've gone up a member since then. To be honest I'm glad I'm playing in this group and not running it, because I'm not...
  18. SnowleopardVK

    Low-levelled newbie

    Our current (Pathfinder) game looks like we may be getting a new member soon, thus bringing our party from 3 members to 4, and (hopefully) giving us a proper healer or frontline fighter. The GM seems to be toying with the idea of bringing in the new guy a level lower than the current members of...
  19. SnowleopardVK

    Your favourite botches

    Share some of the most amusing results of poor rolls that you've seen. Doesn't matter what system it's from. I've got two that I can think of at the moment. The first was a cleric who threw about 6 spears off a ship in one fight due to a slew of natural ones. After that battle it became...
  20. SnowleopardVK

    Learning something new... But what?

    My FLGS has had problems this past month or so with ordering new stuff, so I'm forced to find some non-RPG things to entertain myself with. Unfortunately I've been through all my books and video games enough times that I'm bored with them. So I've decided I want to learn to do something new...