Darn spellchecked monsters


First Post
I was taking notes of what was happening in a game just a few minutes ago (we're on food/smoke/washroom break, or in my case, internet time) and realized that the mob of lemure devils that the ninja was surrounded by had been turned into a mob of lemurs by my laptop's spellcheck program. Now I'm worried this may have happened to other monsters without my noticing! :eek:

I'm glad I noticed this one in particular though. A mob of lemurs would entirely destroy the reputations of both hell, and our party's ninja.

*types some monster names at random* Oh Gods, my computer autocorrects Gnoll as "Golly" and Tarrasque as "Barbeque".

I'm going to have to proofread these things if I ever plan on putting them into Story Hour...

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Staff member
OTOH, you may have just taken your first step to producing entries for the "Demon Directory", one of the core books for a 3PP game using 4Ed D&D mechanics.

And isn't it fitting that a Barbeque should be hard to beat? That anthropomorphic scavenger/hunters make you say "Golly!"?

As for Lemurs...did you know that one is rumored to kill people with its finger of death?
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First Post
The Madagascan lemurs are named after the Roman lemures.

It's amusing when typos become official. Huecuva to Heucuva for example (or was it the other way round? Don't have the books handy).

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
The Madagascan lemurs are named after the Roman lemures.

It's amusing when typos become official. Huecuva to Heucuva for example (or was it the other way round? Don't have the books handy).

The first one I saw, way back in OD&D, was Minotaur lizard (instead of monitor lizard). :)


Dump the entire list of monsters in MM1, MM2, MM3, and Monster Vault into the local dictionary on your computer. That should help.

Or just turn the darned spell-check off. That's good, too.

Or get a copy of Dylsexicon, the Antlerate Dictionray -- for goofs with antlers. (If you can find a copy; I couldn't. I think it's far-and-away out of print, if it even existed at all.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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