• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Valador

    D&D 5E Gods and Goddesses - 5e supplement Kickstarter

    Saw this on my Facebook wall and thought I'd share since I love to support these types of things. Sorry for the poor editing, I'm on my phone... so I'll just c&p it below. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/782735675/gods-and-goddesses-a-5th-edition-supplement?ref=3mz89o Jetpack7 /...
  2. Valador

    D&D 5E May the odds be ever in your favor (my grimtooth book arrived!!)

    Sorry, but I'm really excited that my Grimtooth trap collection arrived today after waiting probably over a year from the Kickstarter to now. Time to kill some PCs. :angel: /endgirlishsqueels
  3. Valador

    D&D 5E Please delete :-)

    Damn, beat me to it. Sorry. :-)
  4. Valador

    Recording Live Sessions

    Hey guys. I'm reaching out to get some insight and help regarding recording live (D&D) sessions to upload later to YouTube, similar to groups like Nerdarchy, etc. I'm not a tech genius nor am I an idiot, so my real question is what do I need besides a camera and possibly a decent microphone...
  5. Valador

    D&D 5E December issue of Dragon+ is out.

    Unfortunately I'm stuck at work and my phone has no signal to download it. :-( Anyways, maybe one of the news crew can download it and hook everyone up with a spiffy article.
  6. Valador

    D&D 5E Character Age

    Okay, so the purpose of this thread is two-fold. First, it's to explain my issue and second, to receive any advice, insight, stories of your own, etc. So my issue is character age and how it relates to the character, specifically at low levels. My problem is that at low levels your character is...
  7. Valador

    D&D 5E So, with the expanding community...

    With the expanding community here due to the closure of the WotC forums being announced, how is everyone finding the shift in the forums? What I mean is that IMO, before the huge migration these forums seemed a lot more calm and docile, and now, I see a lot of threads popping up that really seem...
  8. Valador

    D&D 5E D&D Podcasts, Blogs, etc.

    So I've kind of been out of the loop thanks to the military hijacking the last 4 years of my life and now that I'm becoming a civilian again I'm trying to hunt down the quality blogs and podcasts that center around D&D or by extension Pathfinder, etc. So, I thought I would call upon the...
  9. Valador

    D&D 5E Inkarnate - Web Based Fantasy Map Generator

    Sorry if this doesn't belong in this exact forum, but my cell signal is horrible right now and I can't browse well enough through the forums to find a better place for it. I saw a post today on Facebook for this site and thought it was pretty nifty and worth sharing. http://inkarnate.com/...
  10. Valador

    D&D 5E Oath of Vengeance (Paladin)

    Is it just me, or does anyone else think that mechanically speaking, that this Oath is relatively weak compared to the other two oaths? I don't want to type everything out, otherwise I'll be here all night, so I'll try to condense my comparisons and give my two cents. Please share your comments...
  11. Valador

    D&D 5E Great Weapon Master Feat Question

    So, my team is out here in Poland on mission in no man's land with limited internet access and nothing around this military post... so we decided to start up a D&D campaign. As I'm building my signature Paladin, I was looking at the Great Weapon Master feat and a question popped into my head...
  12. Valador

    D&D 5E Looking for good sources for online D&D sessions.

    Hello everyone. As the title suggests, I'm looking for some good sources of online D&D games. Any type, whether it's play by post, roll20 type sites, etc. My issue is that I'm in the US Army and I'm constantly back and forth from my home, so I've been trying to find some online sessions to...
  13. Valador

    D&D 5E Question About Reach Weapons

    First time poster. Sorry to ask such a simple question, but I was hoping to get some clarification on an issue. I would look it up in my PHB, but I don't have access to it right now. (I'm in the Army and currently away from home for a few weeks...) Ok, so from what I understand about reach...