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Search results

  1. MNblockhead

    WFRP4e - Estimating Travel Distances, Time, and Cost

    TL;DR: how do you determine distances in the Empire? How do you track time, especially for longer journeys between main adventure locations? I really like the Travel rules presented in the companion to the Enemies in Shadows adventure book. It works similar to downtime rules. It abstracts the...
  2. MNblockhead

    From free-range to back on the railroad--how to adjust?

    After five years of running a sandbox campaign, I now find myself running a large adventure path. I'm finding that I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to this--mostly in the form of some anxiety over committing the "sin" of railroading the players. First: I have never run a long campaign...
  3. MNblockhead

    DMs Concerns vs Actual Players' Perceptions/Experiences

    I've spent far too many hours over the years reading threads in ENWorld dissecting adventures, debating the ideal adventure design and layout, and complaints and advice regarding how to run an engaging adventure, often with calls for more tools and support for DMs in published adventures. I...
  4. MNblockhead

    Phrased read in the forums that would be good names for TTRPGs

    This is basically a variant of the "that would be a good name for a punk band" game. A few phrases have jumped out at me in the threads that made me think, "if that was the name of a TTRPG, I would be inclined to check it out." So, I figured, I would document these in a thread. Post your...
  5. MNblockhead

    Share Creative Ideas for Carousing Results

    Hi all, I'm running a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e campaign, but this question isn't really specific to the system. For those who are interested with the system-specific mechanical background read the text in the spoiler tag. For everyone else, I just want some ideas of things that could...
  6. MNblockhead

    What are your "dumbest" TTRPG costs

    I should think of a better word than "dumbest", but I just got off work and am tired. Also, I'm going through all my recurring expenses and recent purchase history as I currently have to rent in another city from my family, had to buy a second car, and drive 678 mile round trip to visit my...
  7. MNblockhead

    Non-evocative Names

    Perhaps this is a weird topic, and I should stop posting late at night, but in the monster hit points thread a thought occurred to me after reading this post: I highlighted "evocative" because that is what go me thinking. I'm a big fan of random name generation tables. But I find many such...
  8. MNblockhead

    D&D General What are good secret code decorations or tchotchkes to signal you are a gamer to other gamers in non-gamer environments

    I put this in the D&D thread, because I'm thinking about D&D and D&D adjacent geekery specifically, but general TTRPG coded decorations may do. I work in an environment where decorating your workspace with lots of tchotchkes would be "a bit much." But I always like to have bits of subtle...
  9. MNblockhead

    Running games for pay as another income stream for TTRPG companies

    There have been a number of threads over the past few years on paid GMing, renting versus buying TTRPG content (e.g. DDB and Demiplane), the move away from physical to digital content, decluttering, and avoiding impulse buying of material (digital or physical) you barely ever look at. All of my...
  10. MNblockhead

    GMs - what is your vetting process for finding new players?

    Was reading another thread where a DM mentioned players passing their vetting process. If if not formalized, every DM has a vetting process. Generally, you need to limit the number of players in a campaign. I'll write up some of my thoughts of how I vet players for my games and experiences I've...
  11. MNblockhead

    Looking for tips on FLGS & Gaming in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

    I'm in the process of moving to Milwaukee and would be interested in hearing from some Milwaukeeans on where to find good in-person TTRPG gaming. I'll be living in the Juneau Town neighborhood. Looks like there are not any FLGSs in walking distance, but quite a few within a 10-20 minute drive...
  12. MNblockhead

    D&D General Troll Lord Games reprinting Gygax's world-building books; any one have the old ones? Are they good?

    Troll Lorg Games is reprinting Gygax's world-building books in a new series or re-released books they are calling The Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds, https://myemail.constantcontact.com/WHAT-IS-The-Gygaxian-Fantasy-Worlds-Series-.html?soid=1102998498437&aid=SkQQ-xMSPHE The books include: The Canting...
  13. MNblockhead

    D&D General Fifty Years of Dungeons & Dragons, collection of essays published by MIT Press

    Came accross this by chance when searching for something else. I don't recall seeing (and a search didn't return any results) this mentioned on any thread in ENWorld, so I thought I would post about it for other D&D history nerds. Fifty Years of Dungeons & Dragons, Edited by Premeet Sidhu...
  14. MNblockhead

    D&D General Troll Lord Games launching new publishing ventures with the Estates and Gary’s family

    This just came in my e-mail from Troll Lord Games. Didn't see other posts on this, so I thought I would post for those who are interested. See: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Gary-Gygax--Stones-Unturned--Turned.html?soid=1102998498437&aid=Gfu-3f3868A and...
  15. MNblockhead

    Advice for setting up a Discord server for running TTRPGs

    Work has blown up my gaming planes for at least the next few months. But I'm using that time to prep for a Warhammer Fantasy campaign I will eventually run. It also gives me some time to dive into Discord and make better use of it. My players convinced me to move to Discord for my last campaign...
  16. MNblockhead

    What games are you playing over the holidays?

    I'm fortunate to be able to take a longer break from work over the Christmas/New Years holidays. Games are always part of the gifts given and playing games is part of how my family enjoys the holidays. It is also a time where friends visit from out of state. Yesterday I got together with old...
  17. MNblockhead

    Need gift ideas for players after completing multi-year campaign

    I completed a 5 year campaign last week. In celebration of that, and for x-mas, I would like to get something for my players. Gaming/DnD themed. The campaign involved defeating a cult of Orcus. If anyone has any cool ideas, please share.
  18. MNblockhead

    Anyone with experience running Warhammer 4e on Foundry VTT?

    I'm finishing up a multi-year 5e campaign and am thinking of running my next campaign in another system. I purchased the Warhammer Core rules and starter set for Foundry and I'm really liking what I'm seeing. I've not run Warhammer Fantasy since the late 80s and I'm getting a nostalgia kick...
  19. MNblockhead

    D&D 5E D&D Beyond Maps Alpha

    Just saw the maps alpha in D&D Beyond when I logged in today and played around with it a bit. Not too shabby. If you are looking for a simple digital battlemap with tokens and fog of war and are already using D&D Beyond, it is worth playing around with. If they would have had this a few years...
  20. MNblockhead

    D&D (2024) Advice on adjudicating the use of Wish in a high-level capstone boss battle (Rappan Athuk spoilers)

    WARNING: this post and thread will contain spoilers for the Rappan Athuk (Frog God Games) setting/adventure If you are a player in this adventure or plan to be, you may want to stop reading. I'll avoid spoilers in the first post in case you missed the spoiler warning in the thread title. I'm...