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  1. L

    WotBS Here we go again! Planes, the Burning Sky, ancient Orcs, evils and more

    Hey y'all, after having finished my epic WotBS Pathfinder camapign for two players what feels like an eternity ago, I'm about to DM yet another version of the WotBS saga. Only this time it will be in 5e for 5 players total. But I don't want a simple rinse-repeat from my old campaign, since that...
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    ZEITGEIST Livia Hatsfield and her powers [minor spoilers]

    Hey folks, we're currently at the beginning of the convocation in adventure 7 and I'm the player who's in control of Livia. Last session, we had a bit of a discussion about the nature of her Royal Might power. More specifically, the question was whether this power was given to her willingly...
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    WotBS The world of the Burning Sky

    Hey all, as some of you may know, we recently finished our WOtBS main campaign (yay!). Thing is, my players hunger for more. And I'm trying to sort out some ideas that might or might not work. So I'm trying to gather all available additional information about the setting to maybe write a...
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    WotBS Jiese and the dragon spirits

    As I'm pretty sure we'll get to Time in adventure 12 in our next session, I asked myself about the connection of Jiese, his echo (Time) and the dragon/draconic spirit in the Toteth Topec tale. More specifically: Is the dragon spirit who vowed to defend the mountain of Toteth's sacrifice Time...
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    ZEITGEIST Spirit Medium theme feat in Pathfinder

    Hey there, we just finished one of our Zeitgeist sessions and we got a bit of discussion about the Spirit Medium theme feat in the process. The original question was: If the feat lets you cast Speak with Dead as a spell-like ability, then how would that work mechanically when the original...
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    WotBS The Burning Sky, The Dark Pyre and the Rightful Ruler

    So, my party has decided to take a detour before their detour to Naamis to try to end the Burning Sky by quenching the Dark Pyre in Korstull. So they've learned that Griiat and the Dark Pyre are somehow connected and they saw that the Pyre dimmed once the undead inquisitor got killed. They...
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    WotBS The fate of the Fourth

    So, my party decided to go on the mission they promised to Shaaladel during the summit in Gate Pass in adventure 4: To first of all take the Resistance to march into Naamis and free Northern Shahalesti, including the capital Nacaan, from the Ragesian occupation. Now of course this would be a...
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    WotBS The motivation and placement of Pilus in Adventure 11

    Hey there, I've been thinking for quite a while about the possible motivations an whereabouts of Pilus in adventure 11, both generally and specifically to my campaign. I know that the Pilus/New Eagle spirit arc is considered to be the weaker part of the campaign and I kind of understand why...
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    ZEITGEIST Designing Auryn

    Hey folks, some of you may or may not have read Tizbiz' Zeitgeist campaign (found over here) where I am currently playing one of two PC characters in a team of three constables (Replacement for Team 3). So what is this thread about? As I don't want to occupy too much space of Tizbiz' own...
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    WotBS Second War council before Echoed Madness

    So finally, my group almost reached chapter 3 in adventure #7 and they, as I had already guessed a few weeks ago, turned the thing upside down again. Which ist not that bad, because this time I was prepared! Or was I? Turns out that after kind-of befriending Rhuarc my party doesn't want to go...
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    WotBS A War of the Burning Sky Wiki

    Hey you all, I've recently had a short conversation with @Morrus about the possibility of creating an easily visible resource page/thread/whateverfor additional content for both WotBS and Zeitgeist where we all could collect information old and new that has accumulated in these forums over the...
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    WotBS The other fellowship

    So, it's me again. As my party is on the verge of starting adventure 7 and I'm not really sure where they will head first, I'm trying to figure out who's who in terms of groups in Ycengled. What is intriguing me most are the members of the "other fellowship" and the reason why certain people are...
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    WotBS Discussing Magdus

    As I'm already planning in advance for the end of adventure 6 and the nearer future, I'm trying to wrap my head around the "dog-loyal" General Magdus. And I'm especially interested in any kind of information he might have about what's going on in Ragesia, considering the fact that my players...
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    WotBS Oops, they did it again...

    A new year has begun and my players left me in serious DM troubles over our NYE WotBS session. Some of you might be familiar with my quirky group of two who has a habit of going... rather unconventional ways. Right now, we're halfway through Adventure six and our heroes have just talked to the...
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    WotBS Let's find hommages and references!

    Hey you all, after playing through roughly 1/3 of the WotBS campaign so far, I've stumbled across quite a few references or hommages to other fantasy setting, series or games. And since I am obviously a big geek, but haven't seen or read everything that RangerWickett or the other authors might...
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    WotBS Lylandra's War of the Burning Sky continued

    Hey folks, since my original thread got deleted I will continue with my DM experiences in adventure #2 and start where we left off. For those interested in my campaign: we're currently at the Battle of Gallo's Fend in #4, but since I don't have that much time, my recaps are lagging behind. My...