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  1. S

    WOIN Cooperative Spellcasting

    One thing that I love in stories and in the Elements of Magic supplement that the O.L.D. magic system was inspired by is the idea of rituals and cooperative spellcasting. At the moment the closest we have to the idea of rituals in 1.2 is using long casting times. This kinda helps some flavor a...
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    WOIN Wealth Rewards

    I really like that in the game the XP rewards are quite well defined, and it's even reasonably clear when to give a Reputation reward. One thing that I'm continuously not able to figure out is how I should do monetary rewards. Has anyone else come up with any kind of guidelines on monetary...
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    WOIN NPCs LUCK Scores

    So all NPCs have a LUCK score, but there's not any specific guidance given to the GM on how to use it for them. So far I've been running enemies as if they do not have a LUCK pool at all, but I'm curious about how others run this. So far the reason I've run it this way is motivated by two...
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    WOIN Elements of Magic General Enhancements Table

    The Elements of Magic system has the table of General Enhancements, which includes duration, range, area of effects, and casting time cost reduction. Unfortunately for my sanity, there's multiple versions of the table. The table changing from 1.1 to 1.2 wasn't much of a problem or a surprise...
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    WOIN Suppressive Fire with Bows? Crossbows?

    So there is mention of suppressive fire in brief in the "Combat" header in the OLD hardcover, and in several places in the NOW hardcover, but the actual action is not described in either, only being described in the woinrules website and the NEW hardcover. Is it an intentional omission from...
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    WOIN NPC Creation Vital Attacks

    So the creature creation rules in the back of each of the 1.2 hardcovers are super helpful, I really like them. One question I have is how you decide on vital attacks a creature might have. For example, say I'm building a Bombardier Beetle as a large insect. I can set the MDP to 7, apply all the...
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    WOIN Duration Costs with Elements of Magic

    The Elements of Magic system presented in chapter 5 is my favorite magic system in any TTRPG, and I've been following it since the early days of the idea with the Elements of Magic supplement for D&D 3.5e. With the 1.2 version of WOiN however it seems like some of the duration effects haven't...