• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. F

    Release Gamemaster Portal

    Hello, friends! Today, I'm excited to introduce to you Gamemaster Portal, a tool designed for virtually running tabletop RPGs. With the ability to use custom images and maps from your computer or the web, this tool aims to reduce clutter during your gaming sessions. No need for physical dice...
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    Press Knights' Conquest

    Product Description Knights’ Conquest is a new IP by the American writer and programmer, Felix, J. Founder of Pragma Game Studio, in association with KnightsTabletopRPG.com. The digital game will be published on October 13th, 2022 for Windows, MAC, and Linux operating systems. No Android or IOS...
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    Press Knights & Legends Reached Its Conclusion

    Dear friends, I'd like to inform you that after nearly 6 years in publication Knights & Legends has reached its conclusion. This means there won't be any more Knights & Legends titles in the future. Since Knights & Legends debuted on DTRPG the series remained a bestselling title for 4...
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    Coming New Games Coming Late 2022

    Hello friends, hope everyone is doing well during these chaotic times. Things have been quiet on the KnightsTabletopRPG front. I'm currently on hiatus, but working on a very big 3D project. I've been working on it since Christmas 2021 and still in the early stages of alpha development...
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    Free Advanced Knights & Legends For Dark Ink 3e

    Knights & Legends came a long way since its draft release in 2016. In 2018 the original tabletop rpg was officially published on DriveThruRpg. There it thrived with subsequent bestselling titles for 4 consecutive years. These ranged from Electrum to Silver. Combined with other free supplements...
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    Release Shotguns & Zombies: Zero Hour | TRPG/3D Hybrid

    S&Z, is a semi-apocalyptic tactical ops survival horror TRPG/3D game. Much of its influence comes from the current state of the world, and imagining a not too distant future where civilizations all over the globe have collapsed. Not only that, the modern aspects of the game allow its expansion...
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    Release Knights & Legends: Dark Ink 3e

    Welcome to a lore-rich, vibrant world of knights and legends. Following the popularity of its predecessor, Dark Ink breathes new life into the perilous world of Ezora. Players will find bliss and be endowed with infinite knowledge as they scroll through the core book's highly engaging, original...
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    Press Three Blockbusters Coming November 18th!

    From medieval knights to semi-apocalyptic bio warfare. Check out these tabletop role-playing hybrids bound to revolutionize Indie. AVAILABLE Q4 2021 Shotguns & Zombies: Zero Hour, is a hybrid tabletop/FPS game set in a bio chemical semi apocalyptic world. You’ll take control of John Wagner...
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    Coming Memoirs Of A Game Dev - The History Behind K&L: Dawn of a New Age

    Wow, it's been 4 years since I shared my first game on here. I had no clue it would've fared so well considering it was a completely solo project. Back then, I was just setting foot on a completely unexplored territory. One I wasn't a part of since I was at least 12 years old, if I remember it...
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    Press On Q3 2021, I'll be available for game development. If you need a programmer or writer feel free to reach out!

    Game development is no easy task. In this competitive market there’s something for everyone. But hang on! Will your game even be noticed among the hundreds of thousands of games already out there? Everything starts at development, and that’s where I can help you achieve your goal. As a...
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    Coming Shotguns & Zombies: Zero Hour | Available April 2021

    Kept you waiting, huh!? This is my first post of 2021, with a second update for Shotguns & Zombies: Zero Hour. This article sheds more light on my latest IP. As previously mentioned, S&Z just like K&L: DNA, will be a hybrid between tabletop rpg and video game with a nostalgic homebrew feel to...
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    Press Knights & Legends: Dawn of a New Age | Ultimate Ed. Coming Nov. 6th 2020 DTRPG

    It's been a great two years since I released classic Knights & Legends on DTRPG. From that point on, the game was able to expand to unimaginable extents. In September of 2019 I self-published yet another game. This time called the New Horizon: All-In-One Core Book, it expanded the lore of the...
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    New Horizon Development | Coming Q1 2020

    Dear friends, here's a glimpse of what's coming in this 2020 DTRPG exclusive. Fans, will experience immediate nostalgia. Newcomers, are encouraged to catch up with the K&L collection before then. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/253707/ That's also the best way to support the development of...