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Search results

  1. H

    Lovecraft Country

    This has bee a pretty good series so far. Last Night's episode was creepy as all heck.
  2. H

    Banshee (higher body count than Game of Thrones)

    We're now in to Season 3 of the Cinemax series about a thief who spent 15 years in prison and is now impersonating a murdered sheriff in the small town of Banshee, PA where his former girlfriend created a fake identity and is nowmarried to the DA. If you haven't watched it and like gritty pulp...
  3. H

    Need help identifying childhood toy

    Apparently my Google-fu is not strong and I'm not overly familiar with classic toy searches and wondering if anyone has insight on an item. Here's teh info I have: It was a modular vehicle for 12" action figures (GI Joe, Johhny West, etc.). It was a cockpit with attachment point for Wheels or...
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    Broadchurch vs. Gracepoint

    Just wondering how much people enjoy either. I really liked Broadchurch. It had a great feel and the casting and acting was fairly spot-on all the way through. The story and roles seemed very cohesive. I'm having trouble getting in to Gracepoint. The casting/acting is far weaker and the feel...
  5. H

    New Doctor to be announced Sunday

    Supposedly a live studio audience for teh announcement with Zoe Bell hosting that's currently listed on the schedule as a Celebrity Mastermind rerun. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/doctor-who/10217000/Doctor-Who-12th-Doctor-may-be-unveiled-this-weekend.html...
  6. H

    50th Anniversary lead up specials/shows/movie.

    The first special, dedicated to William Hartnell, was pretty goo, bringing the first two male companions for parts of the interviews. David Tennant and John Barrowman were also prominantly featured which may be just using older footage or may be a red herring. I was mildly disappointed that the...
  7. H

    Disney buying Lucasfilm for $4 billion! More Star Wars movies coming!

    http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/30/disney-buying-lucas-films-for-4-billion/ Another Star Wars film in the works for 2015 with more to come.
  8. H

    Super Hero Movies: What's their lifespan?

    All teh Supers movies lately got me thinking: How many of these things can they really make before people are compleyely bored with them? Looking at the latest Batman trilogy, the Rhas Al Ghoul/League of Shadows arc really encompassed a good deal of villainspace with Rhas, Catwoman...
  9. H

    The Hobbit in three movies, what a gyp! ;-)

    I read that with the Hobbit now split in three, we fans that have been patiently waiting are getting gyped right up front. Yep, the estimated running time of "An Unexpected Journey" is now out and Peter Jackson admits it's the shortest of the three!!!!!! Talk about a kick in the pants, scraping...
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    Who cares about Otiluke, Mordenkainen, Rary and whatever geezer names they trot out.

    This is an issue with D&D Next that I don't know the design team has even looked at in any major way. In the latest survey, they spammed out all these old spell names, many with names of "some old Wizard or something" attached. I've been around longer than the game and they don't even mean much...
  11. H

    Gaming, not just for the sane.

    Report: Taiwanese teen dies after 40-hour Diablo III marathon | Games Blog - Yahoo! Games Playing 40 hours without a break? Is that natural selection? Did he have a catheter? That's just stupid and there's no cure for it. I've played marathon weekend gaming sessions where we went for hours...
  12. H

    Encounter-based Design: The only smart elephant in the room

    One issue that crops up time and time again is how different groups have different-lengthed adventure days and the 15-minute adventuring day issue. The biggest problem with the whole system is daily resources, yet many who complain about "We usually only have one combat per adventuring day and...
  13. H

    One thing playtest feedback is showing about "simulation" is.....

    ...that many simulationists have no idea what they're simulating, especially in regards to fighters. I see many comments along the lines of "Fighters are battling for their lives, not engaging in fancy moves." or "They're kited up for battle and swinging their swords for their lives!" I...
  14. H

    Trying to figure out a new character

    I'm playing in a Scales of War campaign and we're currently at 13th level. Current party: Dwarf Shaman Dragonborn "Balanced" Paladin (slightly favoring Charisma) Deva Wizard (Enchanter) Halfling Pursuit Avenger Genasi Thaneborn Barbarian (elemental chaos-based theme/powers, etc.) Warforged...
  15. H

    New Companion Announced

    Yep, 11 gets his new sidekick this Christmas in the form of Jenna-Louise Coleman. [imghttp://www.hollywoodreporter.com/sites/default/files/2012/03/jenna-louise_coleman_-_p_2099.jpg[/img] At first glance I thought she was younger but she's 25 and pushing the hotness factor of companions to a...
  16. H

    WWJKS about D&DN?

    DORK TOWER, Tuesday, January 31, 2012 | Dork Tower It's definitely an interesting way to look at this whole thing.
  17. H

    Modular: simple and/or suck?

    Here's one of my....concerns with the new, modular approach. It could be straight forward, simple, but it could also really, REALLY suck even though it makes sense on a certain level. We have five base classes: Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Ranger, Rogue. Every other "class" simply becomes a...
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    Tron (or how I learned I'll never understand retail pricing structure)

    My S.O. really liked the original Tron and wanted to see Tron: Legacy in the theater but we never made it there. I thought 'Hey, I'll buy it for her for Christmas' as we have a nice enough home theater system. It's not on the top-50 video rental list and it got really harsh reviews. I would like...
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    I'm a bit stupid and want to provoke the Mods

    Discuss Why yes, I changed the title. Your point? Plane Sailing, ENworld Admin
  20. H

    Doctor Who Series 6 Fall run

    Ummm, WTF?!?!?!?!?! That was ...... bizarre, to say the least. I can't decide if it was brilliant or I absolutely detested it (Let's Kill Hitler). There's obviously much more coming even though it looks like Moffat has seemingly painted himself in a corner again.