Search results

  1. GentleGiant

    Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.

    Of course, if I had the money I'd buy the Sanyo PLC-XL51 - the "big brother" to the PLC-XL50 but now with 2700 Lumens, SD card slot, networking capabilities and so on. This is the Sanyo that has been mentioned earlier in the thread, with a throw distance of only 3-15"! "Only" $2,299.-
  2. GentleGiant

    Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.

    I can't seem to find the Samsung L220 anywhere in Europe, only the L200 (haven't done a step-by-step comparison, but it seems like it's only the Lumens that's different - 2200 vs. 2000 obviously) - and even then it's hard to find any who'll ship to Denmark. My own ceiling height is 8½', but I'm...
  3. GentleGiant

    Coolest. Gaming Set-up. Evar.

    For the last couple of years I've wanted to use a projector for my games and I've finally decided to do some serious looking into it. So I started browsing the various eBay'esque sites to see if I could find a useful and good, yet cheap projector for this project. I stumbled upon two...
  4. GentleGiant

    A German in America

    Obviously, if you do cross country measurements then they're larger than across Europe. The North American continent is much larger than the European continent. However, I took it to mean that there were major cities which were located farther away from other (i.e. nearest) major cities than the...
  5. GentleGiant

    A German in America

    Thunderfoot I don't know which measurements you normally use, but a mile is 1.6093 kilometers, so Jürgen would only have been doing 60% more lanes than usual, not 3.3 times as many. :D Also, I'd like you to point out where in the US the distance between some of your larger cities is greater...
  6. GentleGiant

    A German in America

    Oh it's definitely an LA thing, I think I made that clear. ;) I did experience the other type of rain, the tropical storm kind, and it DID slow the traffic down, pretty much no traffic was to be found. Driving up from Florida in late January (back in '04) a friend and I hit the backside of a...
  7. GentleGiant

    A German in America

    Regarding ATMs (advice from a fellow European who has been to the US a couple of times): I don't know if German banks have the same rules as Danish ones, but just in case they do... don't use an ATM unless it's an emergency! Use your VISA card instead (most places take them and you really should...
  8. GentleGiant

    WOTC undecided over OGL/GSL. Why you should care

    Who marketed it to pre-teens and teens? The bookstore? Nothing on the book itself proclaims this. RPGs and D&D are wide ranging products, some appeal to "kill the monsters and loot the treasure, then onwards to the next dungeon" players and some appeal to "you have now successfully infiltrated...
  9. GentleGiant

    WOTC undecided over OGL/GSL. Why you should care

    So, I assume that she didn't read it (being a non-roleplaying wife I'd imagine she wouldn't understand much of the rule stuff anyway)? No? Sorry, in that case I'm putting this one down to a knee-jerk puritanical reaction. Is BOEF a good book? Not really, but that's because it details a lot of...
  10. GentleGiant

    D&D 4E What was Paizo thinking? 3.75 the 4E clone?

    If I'm not completely mistaken, Necromancer Games isn't a full time business, i.e. the people there have day-time jobs too that pay the bills (although this might just be Clark, don't know about Scott and anyone else over there). No idea about Goodman Games, though. So Necromancer might be able...
  11. GentleGiant

    D&D 4E Anyone know a Pro-4e site?

    Wisdom Penalty edited his post so no need for mine either.
  12. GentleGiant

    Bearded Men of EnWorld Unite!

    Started out way back when with a moustache back in... 8th grade or so, had a trimmed full beard when I was 18 but for the last 15 years or so I've had a goatee. I look seriously "funny" without my beard but maybe it's just because I'm so used to it (I have experimented with different styles from...
  13. Clausie2.jpg


  14. Dapper1.jpg


  15. Midtvejsfest-2007-195b.jpg


  16. GentleGiant

    GSL questions for Scott Rouse and Mike Lescault

    A couple of other things that some people are curious about (at least some customers, not too much info on this from the various publishers) are these: Will the GSL prevent a company from publishing OGL content alongside 4e products* (e.g. dual-statted books, a 3.x gameline/gameworld etc.)...
  17. GentleGiant

    GSL questions for Scott Rouse and Mike Lescault

    I think DaveMage meant that it wouldn't exist in its current form (rules-wise) or designed by the people who did it (e.g. Mike Mearls).
  18. GentleGiant

    Showcasing a friend's drawings - feedback appreciated

    Still looking for more feedback :D
  19. GentleGiant

    Printing Large Maps (GenCon Vendor)

    I don't know if this is the company in question, but they do print large maps:
  20. GentleGiant

    WIP (so what isn't?)

    AHA! Thanks for that info... now get back to making more awesome tutorials! :D