• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. luckystrike23

    Warforged and Shifter Monks

    Warforged and razorclaw shifters have natural attacks and are considered armed with these attacks, my understanding of the rules is that the monk's bonuses to unarmed attacks (increased damage and the ability to flurry) does not apply to these natural attacks. I am planning on house ruling...
  2. luckystrike23

    Cross pollination: Lindy Hop and D&D

    while i don't actually dance much anymore lindy hop was my profession for several years (teaching, performing and competing) and i didnt game at the time, but i guess that may count
  3. luckystrike23

    iPod, Zen Xtra or Dell DJ?

    yes it works exactly like that, and nothing can stop you from doin that with your music. i evem have a flash card reader for my ipod for when i take my digital camera on road trips. beats luggin a laptop around. interesting ipod note, if you watch the extras in the LOTR:pt 2 dvd you see that...
  4. luckystrike23

    iPod, Zen Xtra or Dell DJ?

    very east to transfer data, either manaually or automaticallly upon connection. and yes any mp3 files on my computer. the only beef i have is that i can only load the music flies from one computer. the ipod can store music from another computer in hard drive mode, but it cannot be added to the...
  5. luckystrike23

    iPod, Zen Xtra or Dell DJ?

    the ipod batteries do eventually run out (as all batteries do) and it is a lil pricey to replace them, although lower than it was originally. After some press on the lifespan of the batteries Apple lowered to battery replacement fee to around $100. They also included battery coverage on the...
  6. luckystrike23

    D&D Monsters that look sci-fi

    phantom fungus the plant mech
  7. luckystrike23

    How to remove tattoo (in-game)

    the lowest tech (stone age even) method of tattoo removal has to be a sea salt scrub. this is an abrasion method that functions by removing the pigmented layers of skin and breaking down the ink into particles that can be absorbed and expelled by the body. while painful this method leaves...
  8. luckystrike23

    Hordes of the Underdark

    nice to see that even game developers aren't above the cheesiest of heavy handed dm tricks. Really, why import a character you spent time leveling up and equipping when you can make a new character to be stripped of his belongings.
  9. luckystrike23

    Hordes of the Underdark

    ok i just got the game and i gotta know, am i gonna get my gear back?
  10. luckystrike23

    Spell-like abilities and prestige class pre-reqs

    Do spell like abilities count towards spell casting requirements for prestige classes? the character in question wants to use their spell like abilities (which are cast as a sorcerer of their character level) and their cleric levels to qualify earlier for the mystic theurge.
  11. luckystrike23

    [ot][astronomy][paranoia] aim running man nebula

    i can't explain why but this really creeped me out. check out the dark regions of this nebula in orion that "suggest to many the shape of a running man" http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap031002.html
  12. luckystrike23

    Todd Lockwood on Ebay!

    i didn't see a size listed for some of these. how big are they?
  13. luckystrike23

    [OT] Sad: the man in black is dead... (merged)

    its too large to post in here without slowing down browsing, but here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/luckystrike/69834.html is my lil tribute to the man in black.
  14. luckystrike23

    D&D 3E/3.5 Wood Elves [3.5]

    dunno if its a revision or not, but having orc blood is quite an advantage. orcs are common enemies, orcs have orcish items, half orcs can use these items after they dispatch the orcs.
  15. luckystrike23

    [OT] Livejournals - Whats Yours?

    luckystrike and devin_ross
  16. luckystrike23

    [Medical Update] One pill makes you tall, one pill makes you small

    if the marinol doesn't completely take care of your appetite loss and nausea you should check out <a href="http://www.bcvaporizer.com/">http://www.bcvaporizer.com/</a> their product delivers all the active ingredients without the unnecesary dangers of smoke and tar. for people who need the...
  17. luckystrike23

    ENnies 2004 - looking ahead

    can lightning strike twice? i think that if privateer press gets their Iron Kingdoms campaign setting this year, we could easily see a repeat sweep at the ENnies. They've had a consistent work so far and i doubt imagin they will dissapoint.
  18. luckystrike23

    2003 ENnie winners announced!!!

    monsternomicon deserves the credit, and it was everything it needed to be, everything except followed up at a predictable pace. oh well, i'ts this patience that gets us such great products, if only this mindset would get over to the software world, and the folks at WOTC.
  19. luckystrike23

    [OT] Matrix ping-pong video

    totally off topic, but the pinnacle of matrix spoofing has been reached. see for yourselves. http://www.ntv.co.jp/channel/kasoh/kin10.html
  20. luckystrike23

    [OT] To All Who Know Me ... Sad News

    i've lurked here forever, and it says a lot about your role in this community that i feel this much about this news. i echo everyone's sentiments of care and support. also at the risk of upsetting gradma, sign up for the best "herbal" medicine california has to offer you as soon as you can...