• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. F

    You're the British military. Defend Avalon from my PCs.

    Hmmm, Everyone is concentrating on what the military will be doing. Fair enough your soldiers will follow all the orders they are given (presumably) but what about your three ringers? How about your three ringers do things that the military would not normally do? How will they interact to...
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    Prestige Class: Husband

    What about the bonus feat? Big Daddy Feat - After an indeterminate amount of time as PRC: Husband, you acquire a small henchperson known as "Child" who may refer to you by the grand title of "Not the Momma" :heh:
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    Weapon of the Gods!!!

    Weeelllll. No I don't really want a Rod of Lordly Might. Sure it can change to be Mace/axe/longsword/lance/javelin but basically the mechanics of it mean that you just push a button and voila! If its a powerful magic object, I'd prefer something that takes a standard action to morph and then it...
  4. F

    Weapon of the Gods!!!

    Hi All, My Players stay OUT!!!!! In a few sessions my players will finally get access to a weapon of the gods that has been essentially promised to the "chosen one" I have a few ideas along these lines but am searching for brainwaves/mechanics. It is a high powered game with little to...
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    Best way to revitalize the economy of a town in D&D

    1) How does the King get paid his money? If you have to send it to him by mundane means... "I'm awfully sorry Sire; bandits appear to have stolen your money. Tsk such a shame; I don't suppose you could lend me some troops to help clear them out could you?" Now where are those Orcs hiding...
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    WotC's D&D bumperstickers

    Couple of suggestions OOps
  7. F

    Effects of an all blood diet.

    dave o, To give your good aligned characters a moral Quandary (if you like that sort of thing) and to add new levels of RBDM-ness you might want to consider what has caused his Demented state of mind. Other than he is just insane and needs to be put down like a rabid dog. For something creative...
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    Books of Swords

    Any weapon that powerful Surely any weapon that powerful would be sentient? Aren't there bad things that happen when the wrong person picks up a sentient weapon :) Perhaps as a progression idea, the swords could choose to limit their abilities and reveal more of their talents as the...
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    The Quests of Samantha the Red (pictures included-updated 8/5)

    Bump :::BUMP::: When are we hearing from our favorite little adventurer again?
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    3rd Level Character

    Hmm melee or casting really depends on the other players, if one of them chooses a barbarian or straight fighter I'm much more likely to go caster, if we have enough caster levels, more inclined to go for melee damage. Just want to get an idea if there is something I should be working towards.
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    3rd Level Character

    Hi All, New campaign starting up and I'm tossing up what to go for. 3rd level entry and four players in the game. Only one confirmed at this stage is the cleric. I am thinking about having a fighter/bard and was wondering if there are any PrC out there that I should be working towards. Don't...
  12. F

    Building an 11th Level Bard

    Hi All, Not played a bard in a decade and am unfamilar with the 3.5 rules governing them. I need to build a bard with an overall 10th or 11th level. At this stage cannot decide whether to take bard/rogue or just leave as plain bard. I'm thinking about using a Whip/Rapier combo and wondering...
  13. F

    What defenders would a large settlement have?

    I am DMing a game with an evil party who wants to tak over the world (bwa-ha-ha-ha and all that). I'm trying to come up with some idea what challenges they and their allies would have to overcome in order to take over individual enemy settlements. One challenge would be to kill or drive off the...
  14. F

    Do you use NPC "voices"?

    Actually I find that if you want to add flavour to a particular NPC nothing beets inventive expletives. Expletives are present in every language and many of them have religious references (tsk tsk), with the large number of deities in D&D the list is endless. It also can be used to give hints...
  15. F

    How tough is too tough?

    Saeviomagy Can't TP, Wizard died when the two Fireball glyphs went off on the front step doing 100 points of damage. Must slog it, glad we brought horses. Also in other in-game events the wizard is not going to be brought back. Already tried to negotiate with the Keep defenders, I tried...
  16. F

    How tough is too tough?

    Keep Defences Brother Mac, Actually he stated it was the dragon that set the Glyphs just inside the front door, but the defenses of the castle that we have discovered are as follows: - 1) Self repairing walls/Doors etc 2) Only one entrance (Confirmed) 3) Make food/water inside so no need to...
  17. F

    How tough is too tough?

    Gm Green Slime, Generally the GM is a great DM. He does believe that stupidity should get you killed (Which is something I agree with) - Until the party had sorted out the inevitable teething problems and come up with some tactics there were several deaths in the party, but I think he wants...
  18. F

    How tough is too tough?

    Impregnible means impregnible I can see I'm going to need more detail. Party 9th Level Fighter 10th Level Fighter 11th Level Half Orc Barbarian 11th Level Multiclass - Rogue 11th Level Wizard We discovered that the walls are sealed so that we cannot TP, Dimension door ETC ETC out of or into...
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    How tough is too tough?

    Hi All, Question for all the DM's out there. How tough is TOO tough? Just started a new module with our regular DM. We solved the last one with admirable sneakiness deciding not to fight the dragon that was guarding the treasure we had to have but instead being very sneaky and achieving the...
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    The Quests of Samantha the Red (pictures included-updated 8/5)

    Rel, Must express my appreciation for this story hour and inspiration. When reading I can remember my own three year old rugrat saying something along the lines of. "No Daddy you can't walk there the dragon will get you!" What the? How does she know about dragons? Must be the RPGenes have...