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  1. S

    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}

    *raises an eyebrow at Martin's response* Interesting...... As a player in Nemm's campaign, I don't think that any of us really feel that the campaign world is any more frustrating than "real" life.... Everything we do seems to have multiple consequences--- some good and some bad--- and that...
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    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}

    I guess in many ways our group doesn't have a "leader" per se.We all tend to rely on the leadership of Ratchi in the forest and we also depend on Ratchis and Kazrac to enter into the fray first... I guess there is no clear cut "leader" in our group and I really dont' think that our group has...
  3. S

    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}

    Missed opportunity Well, I had to venture a guess I would say that it has to do with the fact that Beorth ran from the fight and didnt' even attempt to go inside the cave after the Ram even though he knew that he was in there.... Not to mention Beorth is being lead by the other characters, not...
  4. S

    [ot] What Is A Story Hour Addict To Do?

    vacation Il faut poser la question: pourquoi est-ce qu'on quitterait jamais la beauté de Bretagne pour parcourir l'Espagne? and no computer? Mon Dieu!!!! J'espère que tu ne creveras pas du manque, mon ami.
  5. S

    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}

    Beorth and Beasts Hey, HF. thanks for the pat on the back. I enjoyed roleplaying those sessions very much. There are many interesting events in the upcoming updates, especially for Beorth. Some very good, and some VERY VERY bad. But you have to experience the darkness so you can experience...
  6. S

    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}

    Beorth and the woman in chains As the player of Beorth, I would like to respond to Masterof Heaven's post of earlier. I think that having a player speak about the situation probably would clarify the "why, the "what" and the exact reasons why we did not mount an all out assault upon the Druids...
  7. S

    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}

    sorry, Nemm. I doublechecked.... and like always you are correct..... I didn't read far enough to find it.... though I thought I tried to sidestep that oath. *bows graciously* That should suffice as an apologia.
  8. S

    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}

    Beorth did NOT swear to keep the knowledge of the location secret. Hamfast asked him to make a vow but it was never made. The only vow that Beorth made was to return at some point and establish a monastery.
  9. S

    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part Two) - {complete}

    *busily cutting and pasting* Thanks Mav for the list of plot threads. NOW I think I have an idea what the party is up against..... Nem has created quite a twisted plot for us and THAT is what is so much fun about his game. I started a thread on the Aquerra boards summarizing the info that we...
  10. S

    "Out of the Frying Pan" - Book II: Catching the Spark (Part One)

    Well, it definitely is good to see that my character (Beorth) was missed. Can't wait to find out what you guys think about the trouble that Beorth got himself into while he was away from the other party members...... The story gets REALLY exciting after Beorth falls from grace..... *evil chuckle*