• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. VoidAdept

    Put Your d20 On Trial!

    In order to increase the salinity of the water I tried very hot water, nearly boiling. I had a half-inch of undissolved salt on the bottom of the bowl I was using, and salt crystals were actually forming on the surface as the water evaporated. If I remember my high school chemistry, I'd say it...
  2. VoidAdept

    Name Generation?

    This thread is a good place to start.
  3. VoidAdept

    Residuum Lines

    "Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing residuum." :lol:
  4. VoidAdept

    met a gamer at the barber!

    When we were expecting our second child back in 2000, we decided to have a midwife attend the birth. She came over to our place for one of the consultations because we couldn't get to her office that day. After the meeting she spotted my brand-spanking new 3.0 PHB in my bookshelf and asked what...
  5. VoidAdept

    OotS 567 - The Simplest Explanation

    It's up. ...aaand they're back to square one.
  6. VoidAdept

    D&D 4E Halivar's 4E auto-calculating character sheet v.2.03 (OpenOffice, Excel & blank PDF)

    Found something else: Should the Enhancement bonus in the Weapons section on page 2 apply to both attack rolls and damage sections in the section on page 1? Right now only the attack modifier is showing.
  7. VoidAdept

    Sources of Gaming material in Vancouver / Seattle

    Chaos Books and Games in New Westminster (20 minute SkyTrain ride east of Vancouver) has a few bookshelves of second-hand stuff.
  8. VoidAdept

    D&D 4E Halivar's 4E auto-calculating character sheet v.2.03 (OpenOffice, Excel & blank PDF)

    Actually, the ACPs for plate armor and heavy shields are off, too. I'm also getting #REF errors on the 1st page when trying to place a thrown dagger in the attack section. (I'm using the OpenOffice version, if that helps.)
  9. VoidAdept

    D&D 4E Halivar's 4E auto-calculating character sheet v.2.03 (OpenOffice, Excel & blank PDF)

    Hide armor should grant a -1 ACP. Are there any plans to eventually include the masterwork armors?
  10. VoidAdept

    4e for couples, OMG your GF rolled a char ?!

    I'm getting ready to start this weekend. My wife's halfway through making an Elf Ranger, and my 14 year old son's made a Dragonborn Fighter. Hopefully I can get my 6 year old playing before 5th edition comes out. :)
  11. VoidAdept

    D&D 4E Halivar's 4E auto-calculating character sheet v.2.03 (OpenOffice, Excel & blank PDF)

    Great sheet, Halivar! Shouldn't the max hp calculation be =DATA.B34+C33+(AH9-1)*DATA.C34 ? Otherwise, it adds an extra level's worth of hp.
  12. VoidAdept

    Which Dragonborn Breath is for you?

    One of the NPCs in my new campaign is going to be a Dragonborn bartender with Cold breath. I think his beer's going to be very popular.
  13. VoidAdept

    D&D races and accents/voices

    I've been tempted to give the Elves in my campaign California "surfer dude" accents, but I don't think it would go over too well.
  14. VoidAdept

    Name Resources: For those who have trouble naming their rogues, villians and heroes

    This one's been around for years: http://www.squid.org/tools/random/index.php The online version of the "By Any Other Name" series from Dragon Magazine http://grey-starr.ca/Tools/by_any_other_name.htm
  15. VoidAdept

    OotS #544

    I thought Piffany had the market on that cornered.
  16. VoidAdept

    Our (as in ENWorld's) tribute to Gary

    Awesome job. I couldn't find my name (it kept finding DarkSoldier instead), but oh well. [EDIT: Found it! :D]
  17. VoidAdept

    OotS #526 is up

    But, Roy has no nose. How does he smell? (Sorry, had to be done!)
  18. VoidAdept

    OotS #520

    I lit lounge? Lite gun oil? Until I ogle?
  19. VoidAdept

    Time Magazine names Erfworld to Top Ten

    That's one hell of an accomplishment, even more so seeing as they also beat out Charles Schulz on that list. Link: http://tinyurl.com/2bbvd9
  20. VoidAdept

    OOTS 510 is up

    For a moment I thought it looked a bit like John Kovalic's Dork Tower.