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  1. A

    Analysis of the new stat pairs for elf, eladrin, dwarf, halfling

    My guess is Dragonborn will either be Str (Cha/Int), Str (Cha/Dex) or Cha (Str/Int). I hope for the second one, (Half-orcs have little interest to me) but I think the first is most likely. Drow is really a wild card, there are any number of combination's that fit thematically. Half-orc is...
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    D&D 4E Essential 4e: Heroes of the Forgotten Lands

    Hello, A few questions. Under Thief, for the description of Sneak Attack, does it use once per round or once per turn for its usage. For the magic items, are the elemental (frost, fire etc.) weapons listed? If they are, are they common or uncommon? Are there any Rare items listed at all...
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    Tell Me Everything There Is To Know About Push, Pull & Slide

    Is there a rules quote that Forced movement can not change altitude? We have allowed Come and Get It! to pull a flying monster down to ground level (so the other PC's could then wack on them) - is this illegal?
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    Tactical Supervision (Warlord 6)

    The issue here though is that the Trigger specifically requires a 'hit' - so we know that the trigger occurs after the die has rolled. My gut tells me that Tactical Supervision works after the Declare Targets step, I just wish it had been written more clearly. Does anyone know of any other...
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    How often would you apply these bonuses?

    The only ability that I know of that adds a bonus per die rolled is the Action Point ability for the Death Dealer Paragon Path (+2 Damage per die rolled).
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    Dragon 381 - Warlord Essentials

    Overall the article looks pretty good - I like that they added powers that have triggered bonuses for two different Warlord builds. By far my favorite addition is Provacative Order. If Martial Power 2 will include more powers that work akin to Commander's Strike and Provactive Order, a...
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    Tactical Supervision (Warlord 6)

    THIS - is basically the exact issue. Can the interrupt occur during any part of the attack process or does it have to occur at a specific point during the attack process. The power is certainly a lot more useful if it can be used after the die has been rolled but before a 'miss' or 'hit' has...
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    Tactical Supervision (Warlord 6)

    Encounter Arcane, Force Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You are hit by an attack Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn. The trigger on shield is different though - the trigger is being hit, so clearly the die must already...
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    Tactical Supervision (Warlord 6)

    Hey everyone! Tactical Supervision Encounter Martial Immediate Interrupt Close burst 10 Trigger: An ally makes a basic attack, a bull rush, or a charge within 10 squares of you Target: The triggering ally in burst Effect: The target gains a power bonus to the attack roll equal to...
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    Damage Rolls

    I am looking to get a better grasp on when Damage Roll bonuses are not applied. Please correct me on anything that I am incorrect on. Damage Rolls Roll the damage indicated in the power description. If you’re using a weapon for the attack, the damage is some multiple of your weapon damage...
  11. A

    At-Will damage scaling too slow?

    Bummer - it not being my weapon I really didn't know exactly how it worked, just that it was on her wish list. Hmmm - I will certainly let her know, and maybe she'll go for Jagged or Frost or something else instead.
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    At-Will damage scaling too slow?

    My two PC's are a Drow Rogue and an Eladrin Warlord, both currently Level 7. These are LFR characters, so the loot value is rather high, which does skew the numbers. Here is my expected At Will Damage at Level 11 Drow Brutal Scoundral Subtle Dagger +2, Frost Dagger +2 Sly Flourish 1d4 + 3d8...
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    Darkvision Vs. Cloud of Darkness

    Is there a definition somewhere that differentiates between 'magical' darkness and 'normal' darkness? I know that from 1E to 3.5E the Drow clouds were immune to Infravision/Darkvision - so by tradition one would presume that is the same here in 4E - and so far I have run it in that fashion...
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    Darkvision Vs. Cloud of Darkness

    Darkvision: A creature that has darkvision can see in dim light and darkness without penalty. Darkness: Characters who have normal vision or low-light vision can’t see creatures or objects in darkness. Characters who have darkvision can see without penalty. Cloud of Darkness: The burst...
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    Off-hand Weapon Properties

    If someone is wielding two weapons, do they gain any property bonuses from the other 'other' weapon when attacking with the primary weapon. For instance, a Rogue wielding a Frost blade and a Subtle dagger who attacks with the Frost blade - do they gain the damage bonus from the subtle dagger...
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    Someone please sell this to me!

    I will see if I can get some pics of them tonight so everyone can see them. What we have used that we are very pleased with are the cap rings from 20 oz and 1 Liter soda bottles. They vary by color and are easily distinguishable. Each fighter gets his own color for his marks, the bard for...
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    Chaos Bolt LoS and LoE

    So if the point of origin must be the caster, does the Range 10 limitation then also apply?
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    Chaos Bolt LoS and LoE

    Hello, I have a question regarding the Sorceror at will Chaos Bolt. When determining secondary targets for the 'rolled an even' effect, must they be within Line of Sight and/or Line of Effect to the Sorcerer herself, or must they only be within LOS/LOE of the last target targeted by the...
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    Broken things errata'ed, July 2009

    As for the other level 6 Utlities - it has entirely gone from the best of the bunch to the least useful of all of them. I would concur with you on the level 2 issue as well - there are a number of level 2's that are very good. I would go Adaptive Strategem and then take Knight's Move at level 6.
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    Broken things errata'ed, July 2009

    The errata mostly looks pretty good, but I do have a few quibbles with it (shocking!). The Tempest and Battlerager fixes look spot on. The two feats for BRV were a double nerf (the +1 now only triggers once versus twice in the old rules) so that was probably over the line - but the other...