• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Deepfire

    TRAVELLER Is Back!

    After my experiences with Mongoose (there are about 3m of Mongoose books in my shelfs) I will definitely wait for a 2nd Edition/Printing of the "New Traveller".
  2. Deepfire

    Wanted! Your experience with Horror on the Orient Express

    Played the german version (which has a lot more background material - part of it quite useless) - it's a very railroady campaign (not only because of the train, of course) - a lot logical gaps - a lot of work to do to run it smoothly, but it still was a great experience and took us some years to...
  3. Deepfire

    Best Science Fiction RPGs

    1 - Traveller (Mongoose/13Mann or classic - don't know if 5e is worth a try) 2 - Spacemaster (Privateers or II) 3 - Transhuman Space (and GURPS SPACE in general) 4 - Eclipse Phase (bäm!) 5 - Mindjammer (great book! Worth every cent)
  4. Deepfire

    Would/do you continue to buy RPG books even when you have no one to play with?

    Hell, yes! Though I play twice a week in my several campaigns, I still have a LOT more RPGs than I will ever be able to play - no matter how old I am going to be. But still I buy new ones, a lot old ones, finish my collections, love it to search old books for ideas or new ones for newer ideas...
  5. Deepfire

    What are your last three RPG purchases?

    One of the many new Pathfinder books (Mythic something), a copy (my third) of the 2nd Edition of MERP (we start a new campaign soon) and some weirdo old avalon hill time travel rpg I found on ebay.
  6. Deepfire

    LOTR RPG vs The One Ring

    I am currently in a similar situation - *1,5. I want to introduce some colleagues from work to roleplaying. "Lord of the Rings" and "Hobbit" it is, so I had to choose between the Tolkienesque games on my shelves: MERP, LotR or TOR And - although I know that most of you will disagree here - i...
  7. Deepfire

    How do you organise playing different RPGs?

    In my groups it only works with a schedule. I have two every-14-days groups - Castles & Crusades and Call Of Cthulhu - and two every-4-weeks groups Traveller Tripwire and Traveller Skyraiders. We play usually wed, thu or fri 8pm to midnight - though four times a year we use a long saturday for...
  8. Deepfire

    An RPG I can support a KS of...

    What about media mail?
  9. Deepfire

    An RPG I can support a KS of...

    International Shipping kills every idea of supporting them.
  10. Deepfire


    The first critics were very mixed (f.i. on google+) so I guess I stay with Mongoose, which runs really smooth.
  11. Deepfire

    Looking for a Sci-Fi RPG like Space 1999 and Aliens combined

    Imo you can play everything with Traveller - an easy, adaptable, fast SF RPG without levels or a usual class structure but with an old-but-still-innovative-and-funcharacter building process.
  12. Deepfire

    RPG Sales of 2013

    http://blog.atlas-games.com/2013/02/ars-magica-4th-edition-clearance.html Ars Magica 4, 13 books - $55 ($130 for europe)
  13. Deepfire

    How many RPGs do you own?

    I have a large room full of RPG - more than most/all rpg shops I ever visited. I try to get all books for an RPG, no matter how old or rare it is. I collect since the 80s.
  14. Deepfire

    How many game sessions have you run?

    I am a roleplayer since 1984 - so about 1482 weeks (I started in summer) - we play every week, sometimes twice - but holidays, illness, work-trouble reduce the amount, so I estimate between 1000 and 1200 games. With a minimum of 4 hours and a maximum of 10 hours, my careful guess is 5000 hours...
  15. Deepfire

    Help! - Need a replacement for D&D (criteria below)

    Castles & Crusades or Dungeon Crawl Classics - Main difference imo is the magic system - C&C is more standard D&D-like, DCC has some very interesting but new ideas when it comes to casting, a bit Rolemasteresque I think
  16. Deepfire

    What stops WotC from *also* selling 3.5?

    Peugeot does this with great success - the sell their Peugeot 207 AND the pre-model 206 at the same time - the 206 cheaper than before, which is possible I guess because all presses and manufacturing are beyond their break-even-point. La gamme Peugeot
  17. Deepfire

    Poll: Which Systems are you playing or have played in the last year?

    + Rolemaster Fantasy + Eclipse Phase + Earthdawn + Trail of Cthulhu
  18. Deepfire

    A Question About Foreign RPGs

    GURPS german is metric, most other german translations I know are metric, though I play most of my games using the english books. I don't think anyone would accept a non-metric game here in germany - there are not many who can "translate" feet, inch and miles to metric "on the fly".
  19. Deepfire

    City/Town map products?

    KenzerCo's Kalamar City Map Folio - a book full of city maps and of course the Citybooks 1 to 7 (I guess, there were 7) plus "Maps Cities" from the same company (there is an ebay auction in the US right now with this book). Catalyst
  20. Deepfire

    Last Few RPG Products you purchased?

    yeah! Midgard (the german RPG) rocks!