• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. K

    Incantations from Unearthed Arcana

    I remember a thread a few months ago about creating incantations using the rules from Unearthed Arcana, but IIFC it died quickly and now I can't find it searching. I was wondering if anyone had spent some time creating incantations and was willing to share them, as I'd like to add this to my...
  2. K

    Does a publisher/author's interaction here influence your purchases?

    I've seen many publishers present here on the boards, and it's part of the draw of Enworld for me. Rather than go and attempt to manage multiple accounts on publishers who are doing things I'm interested in, I can count on most of them to provide feedback and information here. It's very helpful.
  3. K

    Vampires -- best supplement?

    I second the second. An excellent book for vampires
  4. K

    EN World Game Store poll

    This has it pretty well covered ror me, especially all comments about Pix n' Mix: Cool idea, need more info before buying. I currently prefer rpgnow, but I'd love to support EWGS if they can match the convenience, excellent service, and ease of payment. Exclusive content is a way to draw my...
  5. K

    Replacing the Sorcerer with the Psion

    Full Steam Ahead Problem? None. I'm building my own homebrew right now, and I believe I will end up with both psions and sorcerers, but either could easily replace the other from a simple game function point. Mine will be different from a story and cultural point. I'd say of you like it...
  6. K

    Order of the Gilded Rose

    Thanks, based on that I'll most likely skip it. I want more fluff, less crunch.
  7. K

    Half-Dwarves and Half-Gnomes...

    Very cool idea. Doesn't work for where I'm going, but still cool. As for creating my own race, I'm sorry I wasn't clear, but I'm a lazy dog, with an enormous world to build, and I'm looking for cheats/helps/plagarizing others works. I might not worry about ti too much, or just miz and match the...
  8. K

    Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss

    I may have wet my pants Just purchased Book of Fiends 3.5 from rpgnow, which I've been waiting a long time for. If wizards is wise enough to release their new product as a pdf, then I'll get that one as well. Whoohoo!
  9. K

    Order of the Gilded Rose

    Has anyone purchased this product? I did not find a review on EnWorld, and I was wondering if anyone had it and what they thought. I'm looking for a ready made order, secret or non-secret, to place in my home-brew, Jhampere.
  10. K

    Half-Dwarves and Half-Gnomes...

    Hmmm...Bastard and Bloodlines looks interesting, but is not quite what I want for this plan. I'll keep poking around.
  11. K

    Half-Dwarves and Half-Gnomes...

    Cool, although when it comes to half-breads, I prefer banana bread :D I'll look it up.
  12. K

    Half-Dwarves and Half-Gnomes...

    Like Advanced Bestiary, or was it all half-races? I trying to ferret it out of their catalog right now...
  13. K

    Why would/did you become a community supporter?

    I became a community supporter thanks to a gift from a friend, but I told him more or less what I wanted. At the time, I was on EnWorld every day, and I figured I should support a community I abused to frequently. I've lapsed lately, but I'm starting to get back in my DND groove, so I expect to...
  14. K

    Half-Dwarves and Half-Gnomes...

    Or maybe even half-dwarf gnomes. I'm working on an idea where dwarves, gnomes and humans living in an isolated environment have been interbreeding for many centuries, and I was wondering if there are already some templates/races already drawn up to help me be lazy. Pdf products are preferred...
  15. K

    The horrors of constant True Seeing...

    True Seeing is almost unheard of, so illusion magic is common for those "in the know". A surprising number of "people" turn out to be all sorts of other things. I like worlds where demons and devils are constantly looking for "ins" to your soul. Along this same line, a local "villian" turns out...
  16. K

    Would your group stop a woman from joining?

    I can see where some of the wives our our gamers might think the scene had changed somewhat if there were women present, but that's a real stretch. I don't mind if anyone joins, sex, race and ethnic identity have zilch to do with whether or not we let you in. More like can you show up and bring...
  17. K

    What (type of) Book Would You Spend $100 On?

    I'm pretty close to this response. It's just a ton to fork out for one item, set ot not. It would need heavily integrated features, electronic support, maybe some electronic tools (spreadsheets, custom programs) to support the material.
  18. K

    PDFs - Does size matter?

    I purchase some larger pdf's, like Book of Roguish Luck (and most Malhavoc stuff) and I like it just fine. I also purchase many smaller books on obscure things I might like. Phil Reeds points about the 6 Living Planar Gates is a great example. I intend to buy it (number 28, apparently!) and for...
  19. K

    Once and for all- Is D&D magic overpowered?

    Permanent Protection from Arrows. Even better, Reverse Arrows...silly archer... The point being that it's a good plan until around 13th level or so. Past that point, good mages become almost unkillable. Persistent this, permananet that, long lasting or empowered spells, and a smart mage can...
  20. K

    Would you spend $100 for a monster book?

    No way. I've got plenty of monsters books and I've not spent $100 on all of them together.