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  1. L

    D&D 4E Most useless 4e Feat?

    Power Attack from PhB1. Note: there are corner cases in which Power Attack might be useful, but for 95%+ of characters and situations, its a self de-buff. It decreases your hitting chance by 10% to increase your damage by frequently well less than 10%. Plus you miss on the benefits from your...
  2. L

    Instant Friends

    It is interesting stuff to post about! :) I'd also prefer that non-combat stuff be kept away from the combat stuff for balancing reasons, but Friends may not be any worse than the slight mix we saw in PHB1. Of course, that was the kind of stuff I was hoping to see fixed by Essentials/Errata.
  3. L

    Instant Friends

    It does seem a little... non-4e-ish to me in a way I don't like. And to say the least, I'm not one of the "sky is falling" crowd about Essentials. Like TikkchikFenTikktikk said, I'd prefer to keep the powers in one place, and the rituals in another. There are balance reasons for that -- it is...
  4. L

    Starting without equipment

    I said some classes are heavily effected by missing their equipment, others much less so. Your response is partially true at high levels, where the wizard misses his +3 wand, and the fighter misses her +3 Bastard Sword. But at 1st level, a naked wizard misses nothing, because he doesn't use...
  5. L

    Essentials fighters and plate?

    I believe they already announced all of the errata to old material, and plate for fighters wasn't in it. There were a lot of threads on why fighters don't get scale when 4e was released. The gist is that scale is much more mobile than plate (no armor check penalty vs. -2), scale still gives...
  6. L

    Starting without equipment

    4e isn't really set up for this. You can certainly do it, but some classes are heavily affected (fighters, rogue) and others take no penalty (wizard, monks). Also, non-magical equipment in 4e is extremely cheap. The 100g you get at start can buy whatever non-magical equipment almost any...
  7. L

    Generic Power Question(s)

    First, to answer your question, you would use different numbers if your melee and ranged attacks have different modifiers. I intuit from your question that you *might* have made a common mistake. Are you thinking of your melee attack as your "melee basic attack" which uses your Strength...
  8. L

    2 Boxes Lords of Madness in the mail today

    Well it is one of the uncommon huges, so those will be pretty frequent... If you plan on buying a lot, you can get a case online for really good prices, and the cases are supposed to be sorted so you don't get too many repeats. I've only bought 1 case, but it was ruthlessly well sorted (no...
  9. L

    Ignorant questions about Essentials

    I think the word is "Farbrengen." I hear the Matzo Ball soup is excellent. :p (Yeah, in-joke about 1% of the forum might get).
  10. L

    Ryan Dancey - D&D in a Death Spiral

    Leaving aside Essentials threadwaring, I don't see the complaint against Arcana Unearthed as it has been announced and implemented so far. It's clearly labeled as experimental and speculative material and isn't included in the character builder. The only way I could see for it to "negatively"...
  11. L

    Ignorant questions about Essentials

    Re: you question on whether "Essentials" is a good name for the line, I think "beginner's" or "starter's" might be a more accurate name, based on what we've seen so far. However, "Essentials" sounds more cool, so I imagine that's why they went with that title. There is also a "classic" or...
  12. L

    Ray of Frost, Scorching Burst and Phantom Bolt are Dead

    Neat thread idea! Minor digression: this is why I wish there was more Errata in 4e. When they released PHB1, they didn't have the best grasp on what makes a good controller, and they wizard at-wills particularly suffered for it. However, these weak at-wills had a lot of the classic...
  13. L

    MERGED - "About Edition Wars" threads x9

    You know, I think this solves a lot of the nerdrage out there. If 4e isn't actually 4e, then Essentials cannot be 4.5 (that was, what? "2nd" ed Player's Options?), and the people out there eager to criticize 4e will have to start picking on some version from the late 80s / early 90s.
  14. L

    Eberron: Any new material published?

    They've have new articles in Dragon and Dungeon for Eberron every now and again. They had a good article on Dragonshards recently (written by Keith Baker, no less). Also, 98% of the 3.5 material is still valid, fluff-wise, so those books (and there are something like a dozen really good 3.5...
  15. L

    Pathfinder 1E If Paizo can, why can't Wizards of the Coast?

    I wholeheartedly agree. Although I play 4e now, and had lots of fun playing 3.5, 3e, and everything back to when I was a wee one in the 80s. :) IronWolf: You also make very good points on the playability of 3e. Every game has strengths and flaws, and some OTHER games might indeed be lousy...
  16. L

    Pathfinder 1E If Paizo can, why can't Wizards of the Coast?

    AngryMojo: Really good analysis on your last post, especially on the differences between 2e and 3e. I'd give you xp, but I can't because I already did too recently! :cool: I think you get something basic about 3e: it is the edition that most focused on creating a unified mechanical system...
  17. L

    OotS #747

    Haley with short hair in a white party dress? Yes please! Drunk? Now it's just getting too wrong. And yes: a) it's stick figures, and b) I'm a bad, bad man. But: a) it's really good stick figures, and b) I'm still a bad, bad man. :blush:
  18. L

    Pathfinder 1E If Paizo can, why can't Wizards of the Coast?

    Hey, I thought you said you didn't want to engage with me anymore, and I agreed? I haven't even posted in this thread for a while. Why the ad hominem attack against me now? What's the point of saying you'll don't want to discuss with me anymore, and when I agree, coming back to personally...
  19. L

    Falling Damage Scaling With Tier?

    I'm a big fan of stuff with laser eyes. There was this one time... No seriously, thanks for the reply, and I see your points. It is true that you could always just put nastier and nastier spikes at the bottom of cliffs, but I think there are still some limits. First off, you need to have...
  20. L

    On bugbears and weapons

    No, you still need to go ranger or Dex/Barb or similiar options to dual wield bigger weapons, and even then, you don't get two-handed weapons, you just get one handed weapons without off-hand (e.g. longswords, bastard swords). Oversized just increases the damage die, as listed in... I dunno...