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  1. dlane001

    Pathfinder 1E Collective thread for Paizo problems

    Not just a European problem! This isn't an exclusively European problem. As others have mentioned, the mags show up in the US on the newsstand first. That's unacceptable, especially since the Paizo website says subscribers get their's first. My mags ALWAYS come two-three weeks after the...
  2. dlane001

    What world has the best maps?

    Al-Qadim, for the flavor Al-Qadim had some great maps. Sure, not as detailed as Harn (those are beautiful maps, yes), but they just worked very well with the setting. Evoked the Arabian feeling that was at al-Qadim's heart. They were closer to what a map would've looked like to a character...
  3. dlane001

    Campaign Settings poll XLII

    Whoa! :eek: Somebody else who plays al-Qadim! Will wonders never cease? Put me down for a heavily modifed, alternate history al-Qadim campaign. -Derek
  4. dlane001

    Dragon #325 has arrived

    subscribers first? NOT. Yeah, I'm gonna let my Dragon sub drop as well. With the low quality (from my perspective, YMMV), I'd save money just buying the one or two I like/want when they hit the newstand. Can't stand having to wait three weeks or more for my sub to come, when it is sitting...
  5. dlane001

    Monster Manual 3 Available at Gencon [merged]

    Ditto here! What's the different between the Desert and Sand giants? -Derek
  6. dlane001

    Recommendations for alchemy source books?

    You should check out the new Iron Kingdoms Player's Guide. It has an entire section on Alchemy (the upcoming World Guide will have the NPC Alchemist class). The section if full of new alchemicals that can be used, bought, made. I got the impression that Privateer wanted to provide an...
  7. dlane001

    Just got Dragon 315 - Campaign Classics

    Well, as I said in an earlier post, my belief is the sha'ir is more of a negotiator, diplomat and advisor. Yes, he has access to spells, but really only to make him mechanically playable (however limited) in a D&D setting. My recommendation is to boost his access to genie allies. "Call Jann"...
  8. dlane001

    Just got Dragon 315 - Campaign Classics

    Well, we can only hope that if somebody picks up Al-Qadim and runs with it, they are equally as talented. In terms of campaigns... Assyria? Egypt? Cool! Tight focus is fine, by the way. So many places to explore on a map, so few opportunities. Always great to see a new take or ANY take on...
  9. dlane001

    Just got Dragon 315 - Campaign Classics

    HEAR HEAR! Al-Qadim adventures and/or minigame! -Derek
  10. dlane001

    Just got Dragon 315 - Campaign Classics

    I've finally got this issue! My one problem with the focus on the gen and spell fetching mechanic is that the sha'ir isn't supposed to be a big spellcaster. That is not his role. This is why (in terms of game balance) the sha'ir needs to wait for the gen to return. Otherwise, he'd just be a...
  11. dlane001

    Just got Dragon 315 - Campaign Classics

    Did you think it was well-balanced? The old sha'ir from 2nd Edition was a bit strong at higher levels, but horribly weak at lower levels, even weaker than a normal 2nd ed magic user. I want this issue so bad. GenCon in a day and I'm running a 3e Al-Qadim session there. Probably won't get my...
  12. dlane001

    Just got Dragon 315 - Campaign Classics

    What about Al-Qadim? Any word on the street about add'l Al-Qadim adventures or campaign materials? Would love to see more asian (go Green Ronin!) and middle-eastern flavored materials. Am disappointed so far in the available d20 middle-eastern stuff. It is all "Tolkein with a desert." -Derek
  13. dlane001

    Just got Dragon 315 - Campaign Classics

    Must have the sha'ir! Well, for all the talk of Spelljammer, it is the d20 sha'ir that I must have. I'm running a short d20 Al-Qadim adventure at GenCon next weekend and I want that sha'ir article! Even if Paizo hadn't messed up my Dragon subscription, I'm not sure I'd get it in time. And...
  14. dlane001

    So I finally bought Bluffside!

    Bluffside, yes, Dry Land NO! To the MEG guys: Great campaign setting, guys. No problem finding it in my game stores in Los Angeles' Westside. HOWEVER, Dry Land is nowhere to be seen. It has been on order at my local shop for quite a while and there's still no sign of it. Not much you can...
  15. dlane001

    [MEG] Mystic Eye's site now has a newsletter to sign up for!

    What to talk about and your HTML newsletter Hal: Good to hear you're putting out a newsletter. I just signed up (more on that in a second). As to what should be in it... well, the above idea of a behind the scenes look at the design would be cool. Here's an idea: how about a discussion of...
  16. dlane001

    In the Saddle: Horses and other Mounts

    I found this product to be interesting and useful. I will definitely be using it in my campaign. HOWEVER... the editing is just atrocious. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, consistency, these things are all _horrific_ in this document. I found 70+ errors in the first five...
  17. dlane001

    In the Saddle: Horses and other Mounts

    I found this product to be interesting and useful. I will definitely be using it in my campaign. HOWEVER... the editing is just atrocious. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, consistency, these things are all _horrific_ in this document. I found 70+ errors in the first five...
  18. dlane001

    In the Saddle: Horses and other Mounts

    Oh jeez. Here I am whining about editing and I can't even proofread my own comments. <sheepish grin>
  19. dlane001

    [MEG] What is going on update for late Feb/early March

    Web Enhancements? Hal: When I hit the Web Enhancements section there's just a blurb of text there. No "click here to log in" or "click here to enter your password"... nothing. When will this section be ready? -Derek
  20. dlane001

    [DQG] In the Saddle

    Mounted Spellcasting? OK, the mounted arcane spellcaster prestige class receives the Mounted Spellcasting feat at 3rd level. That's great, but what is this feat? Where can it be found? A quick perusal of the materials at hand show no such feat. Can somebody enlighten me? Thanks, Derek