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  1. Marx420

    D&D 5E 5th Edition OFFICIAL!

    Is it possible that I am the first? If not mods please nuke this. Or if it is some prank. I'm still in shock... Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Charting the Course for D&D)...
  2. Marx420

    Iconic 1st level monsters?

  3. Marx420

    Mummified Adherer

    Mumia Adherer CR 4 LE Medium undead Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +5 natural) hp 24 (4d8+4); fast healing 2 Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +4 DR 5/piercing Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2 Immune undead traits Weaknesses vulnerability...
  4. Marx420

    Mallus Rediscovers AD&D

    Love me some AD&D. I feel it's time for some for some slime, the green kind...
  5. Marx420

    Calling all grognards, flavorful spell side effects.

    Thanks for the assistance Nagol, Greenfield, and Plane Sailing! Managed to borrow an AD&D PHB just for the delightful system shock rolls table. Gonna be applying them to any raising/shapeshifting my villains get up to, and also probably when my Tsochar (body snatchers from Lords of Madness, my...
  6. Marx420

    Calling all grognards, flavorful spell side effects.

    Thanks for the help Thunderfoot, I'll definitely incorporate a large chance of uncontrolled/too powerful summonings as well as aimed fireballs and bouncing lightning bolts (loved those in Baldur's Gate) since those will be the top end evocations available to mortal casters. It also makes sense...
  7. Marx420

    Calling all grognards, flavorful spell side effects.

    Hello there, I am currently deeply into the prep of an E6 generic class (UA style) timejamming 3.5 game and want to seek the assistance of those of you salty veterans who remember well the days of yore or simply have the requisite books on hand (I unfortunately don't:.-(). I've run a few...
  8. Marx420

    What are the greatest published adventures you've run?

    Tomb of Horrors. (Oh, you meant great for PLAYERS?) Followed closely by the entirety of Queen of Spiders. Besides these an some Paizo paths I'm mostly homebrew, though I did have a grand old time playing through Necromancer Games' City of Brass as an endpoint to one of my crazier extraplanar...
  9. Marx420

    What d20 products do you think are truly the best?

    Another one for the Book of the Righteous, scored it for five bucks and it's been worth many more times that for clerics in my campaign. Also gotta hype trailblazer and Monte Cook's book of experimental might, these are what unearthed arcana should have been. Also love me the Experts and...
  10. Marx420

    Help With A Pirates Campaign

    Thanks for pimping my Serpent's Skull ap guys, running tonight and shamelessly stealing (pirating?) from this thread. I had a good idea for the second mate of the ill-fated Jenivere, a yurian (Clam-Folk) named Ivar who was the only one who didn't eat the poisoned chowder (c'mon, I gotta use some...
  11. Marx420

    Three Natural 20's in a Row

    Just last night I witnessed two 1's rolled, then a 2, and ANOTHER 1 by my irish friend (he froze then smashed this die as an example to others). This was in a combat vs a single weak eurypterid (Serpent's Skull Paizo ap) in which there was no less than 4 CONFIRMED fumbles on the side of the PCs...
  12. Marx420

    Wandering Monsters - yea or nay?

    I also subscribe to the idea of "random" encounters. Before a session I generally write up 5-6 interesting "encounters" (could be anything, drunk hunters, comedic relief, 3 way battles, a burning orphanage, etc.) which I then spring on players as the result of daily percentile rolling and...
  13. Marx420

    The Case For Castles & Crusades

    I love the system as well, nice and rules light, yet marinated in enough D&D flavor to serve as the main dish in the veritable smorgasbord of systems out there. I like to use it both as a training tool (after starting with something even lighter, like savage worlds) and to put the fear into...
  14. Marx420

    Why do you play D&D?

    I play for the role-playing. Seriously, as far as computer games have come in encapsulating the rules based minutiae, there's just something magical (both senses of the word) about sitting round the basement table with your chums and bull:):):):):)ting for hours on end.
  15. Marx420

    2011 PC Bodycount Thread

    Killed me a 5th level ranger by the name of Gregoff in my expanded kingmaker campaign, torso ripped in twain by the ferocious bite of the advanced dire snapping turtle Crackjaw. Predictable though, considering I gun for pc's that include parts of their real name in their fake one (lazy bastards...
  16. Marx420

    I love D&D but not so much Dungeons, anyone else?

    I've tried it, either minimizing dungeons to the background or removing them entirely in lieu of massive military style campaigning, and I find that eventually most groups will come to miss them and their simple left or right tunnel decisions. While aping different styles of play ala G.R.R...
  17. Marx420

    Dark Fantasy D&D webcomic, with a twist.

    I dig it. More metal than oots, who needs color in a world where you're 1 save or die away from a pile of smoldering ash.
  18. Marx420

    14 Year old You vs The Today You

    Well, I'm usually much higher now that I can afford the finest of strains and put them through my volcano vaporizer (fun for family and friends!) What I'm ashamed of? Well I only just recently began to pronounce kobold properly :blush:. That and npcs that aren't all the same person yet vaguely...
  19. Marx420

    When Is PC Death Worst?

    When another player is killed by the newly created undead spawn (happened no less than 3 times in my games). Unless of course the campaign is then revised into an undead only one (happened on one of those kills which blossomed into a full on horrific tpk with players hunting players).
  20. Marx420

    Trailblazer - Thoughts, reviews, recommendations?

    Thanks for the quick reply and the linked threads, interesting reads that I probably should have searched for myself :blush:. That is a very good price, and I'm thinking I'll most certainly pick it up now, and I agree that I wasn't feeling experimental might after auditing my friends copy...