• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. D

    Blood and Vigilance more plese

    Cool I hope the Magic and the Tech books arent too far behind. Dartnet X
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    Blood and Vigilance more plese

    Got Blood and Vigilance and love it. :cool: Butt... I see in the intro that there are more books in the line on the way. When will we see these books? :D More plese more...... Dartnet X
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    (Mongoose) D20 CyberNet - Royalty Free Licence

    So mat whene will we be seeing steampunk D20?? Is there a Pupl book in there somewhere also? Dartnet X
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    [Polyhedron] Iron Lords of Jupiter

    Gee Hope my copy gets here soon. Dartnet X
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    [Polyhedron] Iron Lords of Jupiter

    When can we execpt Ploy 101??? Dartnet X
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    Urban Arcana Artwork

    My gess, Aasimar, Bugbear, Tiefling, Drow, Gnoll, Half-Dragon, Ogre Rastafari and Hobgoblin. The ECLs fit. Dartnet X
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    Munchkin Master's Guide

    DUDE YOU ROCK!!! My group laphed so hard we cried after reading the Munchkin players book. :D It must be mine! Dartnet X
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    WotC conspiracy theory

    This message is for any one who can hear my voice..... Me and the darring Ninja Gnomes have found the sourse of the con*Static*. It is none other than Stev*Static*. Thats right *Static* Jackson. *Static* son has allied him self with no other than Jimmey Carter the leader of the vast Right Wing...
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    What Would You Like From the Mongoose?

    Books for 2 things. 1.Wuxia 2. D20 Modren support. Dartnet X
  10. D

    An overview of BESM d20

    YESSSS Snip [Everything (or very nearly) is in one book, but BESM d20 integrates seamlessly with both D&D and d20 Modern.] He he he he he. Happey dance. This is great. My D20 Mod game will go Anime. :D Dartnet X In the end well all be farmed by spiders.
  11. D

    [Poly] World War II Mini-Game

    Ok Eric.. There are 2 mini games that I would love to see. I would love to see them use D20 Modren. 1. Steampunk. 2. An atomic horror type of game based on the bad low budget films of the 1950's 60's and earley 70's. Think about it. Dartnet X
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    Farscape Cancelled!!

    Gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr The big problem is that reality shows that are geared to Bubba Bob sitting in his trailer home with room tep IQ. The reasons for this is that they are: A: Poplar. Lots of people like to watch a group of jerks stab another in the back. B: Easy to...
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    Deeds Not Words, post your hero ideas

    Remeber to give Ash alot of tongue-in-cheek feats, A high Cha, and a chainsaw. Dartnet X "Listen up you primitive screw heads this is my boom stick." Ash
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    Deeds Not Words, post your hero ideas

    I think that the FF should have these classes as their starting classes. Human Torch: Playboy He just was in it for kicks. Thing: Adventurer Best fit for Ben. Mr Fantastic: Tech Need I say more. Invisible Girl: Side Kick In the original comic she was more of a side kick than in later...
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    [d20 Modern] My campaign idea

    Adventure! is a game by White Wolf. It's the prequile to Aberrant. It uses the staryteller system. Great ideas, thoe the tules are incompleat. Add to this the game has been all but canned. :mad: dartnet X
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    Four Color to Fantasy & Deeds Not Words 2 great games that go great together!

    Cool Why not call it "And Chew Bubble Gum"? What will that be about?? Cuz I would love to know. Go for it. DNW looks splat book arific. One more thing, when you update DNW please tell us poor slobs that made a paper copy of the book what pages were changed. Our printers will thank you...
  17. D

    Four Color to Fantasy & Deeds Not Words 2 great games that go great together!

    Well lest see. I all ready gave both of you about $10. And my car is as the great Doc McCoy would say: I'm a doctor not and auto mechanic. It's dead Jim. Hey but if either of you two yahoos get a supplement out for your games.......I'll pick them up too. You are planning to put out more...
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    Four Color to Fantasy & Deeds Not Words 2 great games that go great together!

    I just got done reading Four Color to Fantasy and came to the conclusion that it works great with Deeds not Words. :D Just as long as the GM makes the players decide which rule set there super is based on. Four Color to Fantasy: More flexibility but less starting power. Each level of the...
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    It's Coming

    NeghVar When you finish growing that other arm please send us some details. Like a list of what are the races, feats, and mutations. Dartnet X
  20. D

    It's Coming

    More Muntants for COC.. BLA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More Mutants for everyone. Dartnet X :D