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  1. Rel

    Saturday 9-1 13th Age "Tales of the Midland Sea"

    If you haven't tried the "new D&D" from Pelgrane Press, you're missing out. It borrows some of the best ideas from several editions and brings them together with a strong focus on character identity and background. Plus it has Owlbears. Six slots available: reveal Sandie Duncan Rusty Halo Kid...
  2. Rel

    Friday 2-6 Old School Hack "Frost Queen of the Ice Peaks"

    Hop on board this delightfully slick rule system crafted by ENWorlder Kiznit to experience fast, fun, usually hilarious times. The characters and adventure will be crafted at the table but it will take place in the setting of the Ice Peaks and have something to do with the Frost Queen (all of...
  3. Rel

    Details and Game Scheduling

    Time for this year's Camp NCGD to have its very own thread! I'm sure there will be many small evolutions as we get closer to the event but I'll try and keep this first post edited/updated with the important bits so it is easy to find. Let's dive right in and talk about... The Website...
  4. Rel

    What are you doing with your Dwarven Forge tiles?

    I just got mine this week and used them immediately. The funny thing about the arrival of my tiles was they were due to get here just as the party was finishing a lengthy dungeon crawl. However, even if I'd had the tiles already, they wouldn't have been ideal since it was more irregular caverns...
  5. Rel

    Fit-beards Revisited

    Last week I warned you folks that we would talk about exercise this week, and here we are. I wanted to revisit a topic I wrote about way back in February. I had a pretty good summer, (lightly) training for the Warrior Dash and successfully running that race at the beginning of June. But since...
  6. Rel

    What's my motivation?!

    I’ll start today by talking about what I’m not going to talk about: Fitness. I was going to discuss fitness but then I had a better idea and figured I’d wait until next week and also it would give me a chance to issue this big call to action: If you’re not already doing regular exercise then...
  7. Rel

    What makes a Milestone?

    It seems we are now in the days when most of the Edition Wars have died down and things are on a low simmer as we wait to see what Next has to offer. I’m very glad of that, even though I’ve retired from being a moderator here. I always enjoyed ENWorld much more when it was people talking about...
  8. Rel

    Are you an Adventurer? Redux

    Way back last fall I started writing this weekly column for ENWorld. The topic of my very first column was “Are you an Adventurer?” It was all about how we emulate the spirit of adventures contained in the games we play, and sometimes even a version of the activities our characters participate...
  9. Rel

    What's gonna work? Teeeeeamwork!

    Apologies to those who aren't fans of Wonderpets for the title of this week's column. Today is all about collaboration. It is great when it's great but it has a few pitfalls to steer around. At it's best, there is nothing finer and I'm enjoying the benefits of such a project that I'm very...
  10. Rel

    What are we forgetting to remember?

    Today I talk about a question for which I have not landed on an answer: Does the convenience of digital storage cause a loss in nostalgia? And is that loss worth the convenience? Over the weekend I got a Facebook friend request from a friend I hadn’t seen in over 20 years. Turned out that we...
  11. Rel

    A new door opens means an old one closes?

    Our group is starting a new campaign. We've never been good running two games at once so this means we're shutting down our previous campaign. With excitement about the new game on the rise, was this a foregone conclusion? I’m pretty chuffed (can you tell I hung out with some Brits during...
  12. Rel

    What's the coolest thing you did at GenCon?

    Myself and about 49,000 other people went to this little shindig in Indianapolis last week. It's called GenCon and you should try it out sometime... I’m still adjusting to that well known phenomenon: Life after GenCon. I have to contend with coming down from a literal high each year I attend...
  13. Rel

    Is gaming your gateway?

    The past couple weeks have been all about helping friends. It suddenly occurred to me that all these friends were gaming friends. When I look around, that's who most of my friends have become. But then I began to notice that it's not just my friends "circle" that is mostly comprised of...
  14. Rel

    Do your campaigns have a theme?

    This week I am extending the concept of "what our gaming says about us" to the GM chair. I came to some interesting insights about what is most important to me and how it extends into all areas of my life. ______________________________________________________________ A couple weeks ago, I...
  15. Rel

    How do you learn best?

    Some questions and comments by a new coaching client about how they learned best prompted some introspection into my own learning style. It caused me to realize that the way I first learned to play D&D was perfect for me. Are you learning in the way that is best for you? I took on a new...
  16. Rel

    Who's your favorite character?

    We have these kinds of discussions over and over here at ENWorld. "Who's your favorite character?" Today I'll talk about a couple of my favorites (which don't include my namesake) and invite you to talk about yours. But the deeper question is why are these our favorites and what can that tell...
  17. Rel

    Free How "free" is free?

    We are deluged in offers for free stuff every day. Even if the dollar cost of such items is zero, are they worth our time and attention? Even if they are, will we value them less because we got them for free? These are questions I've been asking myself as I offer something for free in...
  18. Rel

    Textual Triage (Part 2)

    This week is the second part of my journey into making hard decisions about which books stay on my shelves when I'm having to cut shelf space dramatically. These tough choices have let me focus on some of the very best books in my collection and evaluate why they are so important. What a...
  19. Rel

    Experience Point: Textual Triage (Part 1)

    What are your top three gaming resources? Rel shines a spotlight on three that are true essentials and explains a bit about why. Today’s topic became so big I had to break it into two awesome parts. Kind of like a calzone. If the first half of my June was characterized by awesome vacations...
  20. Rel

    Experience Point: Are you using too much gear?

    Last week I got to vacation for a full week at the NC coast with my family. Not just my wife and daughter, but the entirety of my dad’s side of the family. All my sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces, and nephews were there. It was a good-sized crowd and we had tons of fun together. Now, when I...