¿Quién es más macho? Simpsons, or Futurama?

The greatest is:

  • Simpsons.

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Futurama.

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • Life is Hell.

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Disenchantment (h/t THAT GUY)

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Poll closed .

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I've been thinking about this for a long time. And given I generally distrust my own thoughts, I felt that the best way to resolve this was a complete scientific enworld poll.

That's right- in the showdown of Matt Groening cartoons, what is the best? When all you have is a binary choice between the Simpsons, or Futurama, what do YOU choose?

Obviously, you probably have questions. For example, what criteria should you use to select between these two towering titans of animation? Should you use an objective criterion, such as "What show has the most seasons?" Or, perhaps, "What show has the most slurm?"

Perhaps a more slushy, subjective criteria? "What show is the funniest?" Or, "What show had the wittiest banter?" Maybe even, "What show had the most characters that I think about while privately worshipping Onan?" I mean ... ew. But everyone is different.

See, normally I provide some Snarf Rules here to allow you to make a decision. Today? It's the wild west. It's an Outback commercial. It's no rules, just right. Pick the show you think is the BESTEST EVAR OF THESE GROENING SHOWS, and then defend your choice (or attack the other one) in the comments.

Finally, if you're here to say, "But what about Disenchantment?" No. Don't be that guy. The show is fine. It's perfectly cromulent. It doesn't suck, and it's not great, it's copacetic at best.

Okay? Okay! Have at it.

EDIT- Due to somewhat popular demand, I have reversed my original correct edict and am now allowing Disenchantment as an option. Go ahead, vote for it. I'm not judging (I'm lying.... I'm TOTALLY judging).
Last edited:

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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
I mean, I like Futurama for the nerdier references, but for that exact reason it will always have a smaller fanbase.

Simpsons was a bunch of geeks making cartoons for the general public. Futurama was geeks putting all the jokes too nerdy for the Simpsons--I mean, it's hard to see the Simpsons hiring Gary Gygax to voice himself.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
I mean, I like Futurama for the nerdier references, but for that exact reason it will always have a smaller fanbase.

Simpsons was a bunch of geeks making cartoons for the general public. Futurama was geeks putting all the jokes too nerdy for the Simpsons--I mean, it's hard to see the Simpsons hiring Gary Gygax to voice himself.
Good argument. I tend to concur, and my real answer is thus Futurama.

That being said, I am in some ways a simple and self-contradictory creature. When I have a chance to vote for Life In Hell (even if the poll-maker misremembers the name), I vote for Life In Hell.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Eh, my opinions are fickle and I watch both. You caught me on a "Simpsons" day, so that's what I voted.

Tomorrow might be a "Futurama" day, or a "WKRP In Cincinnati" day, or a "Great British Baking Show" day, there's really no telling with me.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Tomorrow might be a "Futurama" day, or a "WKRP In Cincinnati" day, or a "Great British Baking Show" day, there's really no telling with me.

Every day is a WKRP in Cincinnati day! Give it to 'em straight, CleverNickName!



Dances with Gnolls
I'll always go with Futurama. Some of those episodes... the emotions. And others, with just great lines that I can find useful in normal day life.

Voidrunner's Codex

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