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007 - Quantum of Solace (SPOILERS)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Of course, we do. It's a staple of the genre and the franchise. We don't want the whole movie to be about the gadgets but their introduction allows for fun HQ scenes and some surprises during the action that keep it from being just another chase and fight movie.

I agree. While the gadgets did get too silly, I miss their existence.

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I really liked Quantum of Solace. Partly because it didn't feel like a sitcom anymore. James Bond's actions in the previous movie had an effect in this one! Crazy talk!

Yes, folks... If you're going to go see a sequel, see the first movie first! Is that so much to ask?

Plus this movie had a bit more action than the card gamey Casino Royale. That said, the female lead was not nearly as compelling as the one in Casino Royale.

As for the gadgets, I'm glad they're gone. "What's that Q? You have for me the new Apple iPhone with multi-touch screen and the ability to shoot lasers? Fantastic! And this MacBook can deflect bullets off it's pure aluminum case? I sure do love Apple products."

Gadgets were once the domain of the cool-plot-device. They have since become the domain of the uncool-product-placement-device.


First Post
Worst... Bond... Movie... ever...

I am quite the Bond fan, but I think Quantum of Solace might have been the worst bond movie ever.

Here are my problems (spoiler alert):
(1) Chase scenes were terrible. If you like hand held camera nauseating filming, then this is the movie for you. They were clearly ripping off Bourne Identity, which was not necessary. (That being said, I can forgive this to a certain point since today’s audience all have A.D.D.).

(2) Too many chase scenes. The first car chase scene was stupid (too hard to watch, and it ended with him pulling out a gun to shoot the other guys? LAME). Then 5 minutes later they do ANOTHER chase scene on foot (which was exactly like the one in the Bourne movie).

(3) The "who do you trust" concept is all played out. Battlestar Galactica does this, and so does Heroes. Oh please.

(4) So Bond shows up at the hotel with the girl, receives a note that says "run", and he goes upstairs anyway? Really? M tells Bond that they're holding the girl accomplice downstairs, but he tells M that the girl is innocent, and so M lets her go? Really? She trusts him by letting the girl go, then arrests him 10 seconds later anyway? Really? The he escapes, and makes it downstairs, and the girl shows up with a car and not a single British agent or police officer around? Really?

(5) Bond bought an unarmed cargo the plane, knowing that the guy would sell him out? Really? And the cargo plane was able to beat a fighter plane? Really? Oh, I forgot, the cargo plane was on fire, giving out black smoke, so the fighter couldn't see. So flying close to the ground in black smoke is safer than just pulling up into clear skies? Really?

(6) The final complex was a solar plant in the middle of the dessert. I was waiting for Matthew Mcconaughey to show up with the rest of the Sahara cast (this was yet another movie rip off).

(7) The final complex was guarded to the teeth, with wide open spaces all around it, yet Bond and the girl manages to penetrate it… in broad daylight? Really?

(8) Lets not forget the incredibly dumb plot -- An evil super-secret group is spending billions of dollars to overthrow Bolivia in order to sell them their own water.... really? Apparently in the Bond Universe, the Bolivian currency is worth way more than Euros after a big government coup.


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