• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

101 NPCs OR "99 NPCs on the Wall (+2)"


Steeliest of the dragons
21 left to go...let's see what's left for me to dredge up...

81. Abithgail "Abby" Ripplecreek. Halfling/female (25 y.o.). Abby is a jovial halfling young lady with a head and feet-full of honey golden curls. She is endless fascinated with tales of heroes (and the heroes themselves) from beyond her quiet countryside. Abby is the tavern-owners' daughter and serves as barmaid/waitress for some of the best halfling honey mead and "home cooked" meals to be found in the area. In exchange for sating her interest with some fantastic tales of advenutre, Abby is likely to throw the PCs some additional drinks or extra food "on the house."

82. Beranthor. Centaur/male. mid-level ranger. Encountering Berenthor is no easy thing. He roams the countryside and wilds surrounding the village of <insert outskirt/borderland village here>. He has been known to protect the local shepherds from wild animals, find/rescue children who have gotten lost in the woods, etc. His peculiar interest in the village and its inhabitants is a mystery. He has never been known to actually enter the village but is glimpsed fleetingly on a far hillcrest or in the woods at the edge of a field. The locals are most thankful for his watchful presence, but few have ever met/spoken with the burly dark-bearded horse-man.

83. Cyrianthis the Woodmage. Half-elf/male. mid-level mage. Cyrianthis lives alone (with his intelligent owl familiar) in a cottage hidden in the woods outside of town. He is a half-elf of middling age with streaks of silver coming into his temples and close-cropped beard. He is a wizard of some skill who is interested only in his research and study in the quiet wood he loves. He will cast spells for the protection of that wood...and/or to aid PCs if they are on a quest to protect "his" forest.

84. Drom the Darkrider. Human/male. high-level bounty hunter. The darkly armored and hooded man rides up the road (or through the city streets). He asks the PCs if they have seen or encountered a minstrel clad all in red, "Call's himself 'the Cardinal'?" If the party has not or refuses to give him any information if they have, he rides off in obvious frustration.

85. Eyeswide Snout. Half-orc/male. A scoundrel and a snitch. Eyeswide is somewhat scrawny for a half-orc, shorter than average and frailly built. He has made his way in the cities of men taking orders from the Thieves' guild, acting as lookout or tailing certain persons and reporting their whereabouts/daily rountines to his contacts. He may have useful info that can be "extracted" from him in various ways or may be noticed/caught trailing the PCs themselves for some unknown purpose...Eyeswide just does what he's told and gets paid. He is no combatant.

86. Lord Finster of House Finlanus. Human/male (45 y.o.). Lord Finster is the head of House Finlanus. He is gruff, tough, but generally fair-minded and good-hearted. House Finlanus has multiple business interests in a variety of goods, but notably fine/exotic fabrics, spices and iron. He is endlessly exasperated by the irresponsible antics of his sons.

87-90. Wesley, Paige, Carpenny & Brine. human/male, female, male and male, respectively (18, 16, 16 & 17 y.o.) Wesley and Carpenny are the sons of Lord Finster. Together with Wesley's beloved girlfriend, Paige and Carpenny's boyhood chum, Brine, the four youths have wandered from a party at a nearby estate. The 4 are all intoxicated, Wesley being the worst. He will speak down to the PCs, treating them as servants. If the PCs seek a combat, the wealthy brat will simply offer to pay them (100 gold per person-or whatever would be a significant amount for your world/campaign) to "protect" them for the night.

If agreed, the rest of the night the party will be following the drunks as they get themselves into any variety of tight spots and potentially dangerous situation. Paige will tire and need to e escorted back to her own estate. Carpenny, after a "close call" or two will sober up and apologize for his brother's rude behavior...he will be particularly protective of Brine (even over his own brother). When the sun rises, whether the PC's return with Wesley and Carpenny (if not the others) to the Finlanus estate, Lord Finster will grudgingly pay the fees for his sons' safe return.

91. Gruntl Greataxe. Hill giant/male. Gruntl does indeed have a great axe. He is slightly smarter than the average hill giant and enjoys roaming the countryside, pillaging villages and taking livestock for his own needs, instead of giving it to his clan chieftain. At the same time, he sees no reason to fight when it's not necessary. Played carefully, the PCs may not have to battle the giant.

92. Harvel. human/male (20 y.o.). Harvel is the town crier. He is also distinctly hard of hearing and speaks unnecessarily loud at all times. He is a nice guy and happy to engage in conversation on any topic, but everyone in a block's radius is going to known what you're talking about.

93. Ignatum Evreak. Human/male (50 y.o.). Ignatum is a life long sage and alchemist. He has information on <insert a half-dozen campaign/location relevant topics here>. His alchemical wares are very precious and expensive, his time (and information) is moreso. If the PCs can wait the requisite 2 weeks for an appointment with the very-in-demand sage, they will then find out just how valuable his time is (charge 3x the going rate for sage for an hour, for a 15 minute meeting.) His knowledge, however, is second to none. Ignatum prides himself on NEVER being wrong.

94. Japsik Turnbuckle. Gnome/male (appears young to mid-20s). Japsik is Ignatum's clerk and assistant. To get their appointment with Ignatum, they'll have to go through Japsik. PC's will find threats, bribes or outright violence will get them nowhere with Japsik. In fact, the gnome is unsettlingly stoic for one of his race. The young gnome is trying to become the greatest sage in gnomish history. He will do (and tolerate) NOTHING to disrupt his master's system or house. Japsik has a wand that will instantly teleport (or Dimension Door if you like) anyone outside of the manor's gates. Naturally, the gates are magically locked and certainly will not be opened for someone who needed to be "wanded" out of the house!

95. Kern Longpole. Human/male (50 y.o.) Kern runs a barge, toting goods and people up and down the river at very reasonable prices. He makes the run from <insert riverside/fisher village> to <another riverside village> once per day (takes that long to get there, off/on load, and back. He's easygoing and knowledgable about the river, local fauna and surrounding banks. He might have some information of strange sightings or occurrences he's witnessed along his daily route.


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Steeliest of the dragons
96. Lenor'lial. Elf/female. Lenor'lial will be found humming quietly to herself in a quiet glade in an idyllic wood (or in a picturesque park within a large city?) braiding her silvery hair, conversing with songbirds and small forest creatures that scamper about with her. She can (and will) happily answer any questions the PCs might ask. Her home is the forest. She has no treasure, weapons or armor. Just an elf maiden doing what elf maiden's do...just hanging out. <If the party is in a forest as part of some adventure, DM's discretion as to any useful information she might have for them>

97. Mershand the merchant. Human/male (39 y.o.). Mershand is a merchant of <insert regionally appropriate good here>. He is rotund and jovial, easy going and enjoys jokes. He is a master salesman who is 75% likely to be able to get at least one of the PCs to buy some of his wares (that, most likely, they do not need). Mershand travels quite a bit and will/can likely be encountered on many roads or in many towns peddling his goods.

98. Nisssenthss. Medusa/female (obviously). Going by the name of Nistha, a shapely lady of apparent elegance and standing, this medusa makes her way through the busy market streets, in velvet gowns and deep-hooded cloaks and a mask that shields the accidental onlooker from her direct gaze. She will share information of some great threat to the city ("It issss my home too."). Any threat against will win the offending PC a eyeful.

99. Oerindal Oakenshaft. Elf (or eladrin)/male. High level druid. Oerindal rules over a great swathe of ancient forest. He holds sway over the plants, animals, and a veritable army of faye beings all devoted to him. Oerindal is likely to encounter the party clothed as some common peasant woodsman or farmer...he will attempt to discern the party's intentions in his wood and react to them accordingly.

100. Prioress Evenansar. Human/female (55 y.o.) high-level cleric <insert powerful deity/temple here>. The Prioress is the spoken authority of <deity> for this world. She wields a significant amount of divine power, but more importantly, wields the political power of that divinity's temple with unquestioned authority...which she has completely corrupted. Evenansar has not been devoted to <good deity> in some years, gaining her mystical powers, instead, from <good deity's evil rival>.

101. Quii. Ancient gold dragon. Quii can appear as any thing, any where, for any purpose the DM desires. If there is nothing of particular world-shattering importance, he is as likely to simply cross paths with the PCs for curiosity, observational purposes or keep tabs on them as some common inconsequential small animal or bird. PCs are likely to have many interactions with Quii (in various shapes) without ever knowing his true nature/form.

There. 101 NPCs. Phew.

That was tougher than I thought.
Have fun and happy gaming.
--Steel Dragons


Steeliest of the dragons
Not sure what made me think of this thread from...apparently, almost exactly 11 years ago! Jeez. I'm old... but for anyone who missed it the first time around, here y'all go.

Hopefully useful or, at least, an enjoyable read, and/or get some of the creative juices flowing (for NPCs, for plots, for whatever you find useful).

Voidrunner's Codex

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