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101 Unusual Encounters


- A clearing in the middle of an old growth forest is the home of a delusional green hag. She once took a massive blow to the head, and when she awoke, she thought she was a nymph. Now she cavoprts around her clearing in the nude, protecting her realm and acting all nymphy.

- A mountain cave is in actual fact an entrance to the Underdark. Dwelling close to this cave mouth is a family of grimlocks who have ingeniously madse themselves quite a good living training basilisks to sell as pets and guardians.

- A ranger is in for a big surprise one day when it checks its snares and finds a rabbit that is barely alive, but is being guarded by the Gray Render that bonded with it.

Ok, go.

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I used this one in a recent dungeon crawl:

-In a long empty wizards tower/laboratory/trap filled dungeon, an imp sits in a glass enclosure on a summoning circle. The imp has been there, trapped and alone for hundreds of years, unable to escape or return home. When the PCs arrive, the imp taunts them in an attempt to get them to kill, and thereby free, it. Smart PCs, however, can ignore the taunts and force the imp to give up what it knows of the dungeons traps and/or treasure before freeing it.


First Post
This is a great one:

(you can read this for your players)

"A group of seven men approaches. They are following the road east, and are making good time, neither tarrying nor running. Their faces are expressionless. One is dressed as a cleric of some sort, and another is dressed as a traveling drummer. The others could be peasants or serfs going from one location to another for the harvest season. Each carries some sort of weapon. It is plain that they are not soldiers by their haphazard way of walking. They do not seem to be joking loudly or singing as they advance."

(This is for the GM)

The party encounters seven brigands. One is the leader (Fighter; AC 5; MV 6' per round; HD 3; hp 13; % in Lair 20%; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 Sword +1; SA Sword +1; SD Standard), of the other six brigands (Fighters; AC 7; MV 6' per round; HD 1-6; hp 10 each; % In Lair 20%; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 [sword]; SA None; SD Standard). The brigands look like rough men and carry weapons that pilgrims or wayfarers would not.

The brigands charge when they are 25 feet from the party of adventurers. They are all armed with swords. Roll 1d6. On 1-3 the brigands surprise, on 3-4 there is no surprise, and on 5-6 the party surprises. The brigands will fight until they are all dead, or until the party has been killed. If a brigand is captured, he will offer to lead the party to his hide-out if they spare his life. He will not volunteer any more information about the hideout, but will not lie if asked a direct question about it.



First Post

Was watching Dirty Harry in Magnum Force and one incounter I thought woukl be cool was the Highjacking at the airport, so here is my version:

The players are in Sharn (Eberron) and sent to meet and escort an official, VIP or some such mission. While waiting, they see low key commotion at one of the skyport docks and find out that a skyship has been highjacked.

Theres your encounter.



First Post
This just let to a TPK in my epic campaign:

Setting: An underground cavern, 50'x50'x40' or any dimensions such that the close range spells of a high level caster can hit every point on the floor from the center of the ceiling.

An adamantine golem is stationed on the ground, looking appropriately imposing. A caster (in my circumstance, and advanced Spell Weaver from MM2) uses Mirage Arcana to alter the appearance of the ceiling. He makes some stalagtites and sits in one of them. Since you can always see through your own illusions, they don't block his line of site or line of effect, however they do provide total cover.

Some Disjunctions, Mazes, and Forcecages later, combined with the general beating from the golem, and it was over.

This encounter severely punishes the unprepared and hasty. The trick, of course, is to use True Seeing and to just ignore the golem.

Warren Okuma

First Post
A primitive:
Urg of the tribe of Quarg: Barbarian 87A6A4 Age 18 1 Term Cr 0 Carousing-1, Interrogation-1, Jack-o-T-1, Sword-1.

A primitive that is intensely curious but not too smart, this having spent everything to get off his rock. All he got is the clothes on his back. He wants to see the universe and to buy a broadsword and a cow (two cows if they are small ones). He's looking for a job... in a starport...


First Post
I ran an encounter one time where the party was fighting two casters, a conjurer and a illusionist. The casters turned invisible shortly before the party got to them, and as a delaying tactic every round the conjurer would pop out a Sum Mon, and the illusionist would put out an illusionary version of it. I was rolling the Will Saves for the illusions in secret, and about halfway through the battle, someone made one and realized he was fighting an illusionary giant snake. So of course he calls out, "They're only illusions!"

At the end of the battle, the group was watching a Huge Constrictor strangle the paladin and saying, "Come one dude, its only an illusion. Just disbelieve it."

Good times.

Agent Oracle

First Post
I hope i don't step on anybody's toes, but i saved this from before the wipe...

1. A small, lost, boy, looking for his dog.

2. A pocket of anti-gravity about 10 feet in diameter.

3. A group of loggers pulling a very, very large log.

4. Laughter fills the air.

5. Whispering fills the air.

6. A scream that abruptly ends off in the distance.

7. The air fills with glittering lights, and quickly passes.

8. A black cat crosses the PCs path.

9. Two black cats cross the PCs path.

10. A swarm of strange bugs fills the air.

11. A wizard and a sorcerer arguing about the nature of magic

12. A cleric handing out religious pamphlets.

13. A dog barks in the distance followed by several replies

14. The PC's encounter a Talking mouse that berates them about being cruel to animals.

15. A campsite that has been abandoned.

16. A campsite that with a fire still going, and the previous users gear still there.

17. A dead body hanging from a tree.

18. A sword stuck in a tree nearby.

19. A dagger lying in the middle of the path

20. Ghostly moaning fills the air.

21. Signs of a recent battle.

22. A discarded book written in gibberish.

24. 23, was too scary to list.

25. A cloud floats down and flies near a random pc.

26. A sudden gust of wind nearly knocking the PCs down.

27. A small bag of coins has been discarded(Possibly cursed)

28. A dirty gold ring. (My precious)

29. Singing fills the air.

30. A mighty cheer fills the air as the PCs pass by.

31. The molded remains of a merchants wagon sits half submerged in the river.

32. The party smells fresh roasted (insert odd bird/mammal type), but it only lasts for a second.

34. A vampire spawn weeps in an alley, feasting on rats.

35. A griffon flies overhead, with a flaming rider atop it.

36. Dozens of bones - thigh bones and skulls particularly - hang from a tree in the middle of a clearing, tinkling like macabre wind chimes as a gust of wind blows by.

37. Several dozen black birds sit in the trees/on buildings/etc near the PCs. They are utterly silent, and almost completely still. And just watch the PCs.

38. A street preacher harkens the coming of the apocalypse because of X; he has a small crowd gathered.

39. Atop a hill is a door with an arch way. In front of the door are two full-plated knights. They acknowledge no one unless directly confronted (meaning attacked or anyone trying to open the door).

40. Pacing around the base of a tree is an appropriate wilderness monster, and in the tree itself is a cowering kobold spitting various curses in Draconic at the beast.

41. A company of wounded soldiers retreating from a defeat walk by.

42. The town crier announces an impending marriage.

43. You see hundreds of birds perched in the trees above, and the farther you look, the more birds you see.

44. There is a pair of shoes just sitting in the road.

45. A man with a sword at his side is taking a nap under a tree.

46. A beautiful woman, one eye swollen closed with a black eye, pleads wordlessly for your help with a glance as she's bundled onto a carriage/wagon/horseback by a man in a heavy black cloak with a hood that obscures his face.

47. You hear your name mentioned from across a room. Strangers you do not know -- and whom you do not like the look of -- are huddled together at a table, not touching their drinks.

48. A noose, unoccupied, sways slowly in the wind, causing the branch over which it is slung to creak quietly.

49. A cat watches you from the top branches of a tree with feral intelligence.

50. A rusty sword catches the light in the bottom of a stream. It was clearly once a beautiful weapon.

51. A bouquet of flowers, now brown, rolls past pushed by the wind.

52. A boot is nailed to the door of a house on the street.

53. A man and women in fool's motley juggle balls between them.

54. Honking loudly a flock of migratory birds is flying north when they should be moving south.

55. The smell of smoke wafts by, but there is no sign of a fire.

56. Someone has stacked a half dozen beer steins one atop the other at the side of the road.

57. A large wooden holy symbol and some flowers have been placed along the road suggesting a loved one died at this spot.

58. A recently dug pit is surrounded by discarded shovels. There is no sign of the diggers.

59. A lady's dress has been neatly folded and left in a chair.

60. With a thunk, a large walnut falls from a tree and hits a squirrel on the head, knocking it out cold.

61. A group of children torture a small dog by tying things to its tail.

62. A group of young men crouch around a dice game.

63. A performer, dressed as a statue, stands perfectly still by a fountain.

64. A small, sullen boy, his pants rolled up to his knees, stands in a fountain and scoops coins into his pockets.

65. A large, black rat darts from a pile of rubbish to man dressed in rags.

66. A young girl with a dirty face runs by. She clutches a sack in which something swims.

67. A group of people, shouting and waving sticks, have surrounded a terrified kobold.

68. A stunned bat lies on the ground in your path.

69. A well-dressed, middle-aged woman is standing outside a disreputable-looking tavern. Nervously, she twists her handkerchief around her hands and looks about with wide eyes.

70. What looks like a shadow in an alley is actually a large patch of mold.

71. A neon pink cat (with vomit green stripes) tears out of an alley, mewing loudly.

72. The party enters a room (any room) with loud laughter and talking. All of the guests turn to look at the arriving PCs, stop speaking, and leave the room.

73. Bushes rustle, with occasional grunts. Inside are two necking teenagers.

74. Standing on the very edge of a tall building is a young woman. Below, people have moved out of the 'splash radius' of where she'd hit, but otherwise ignore her. A few taunt her.

75. Several men and women in plain clothes stand motionless in front of a building/establishment.

76. A toothless gnoll chases a chicken down the street

77. A spare change of clothing laying in a neat bundle below the tree. It is perfectly folded and neatly pressed

78. A man strolling along with a cat-who-ate-the-canary grin. He winks coyly at any female party members.

79. An old woman walks through the battlefield at a brisk pace, carrying a bundle over her shoulder, for some reason, no-one bothers her.

80. A small crack appears in the earth, then a jet of steam blasts out before the crack reseals itself.

81. A spider, lazily spinning a web in the lower branches of the tree, among the webbing is the word "Crunchy".

82. You find a fork in the road... now all you need is a spoon and a knife and you have a complete dinette set.

83. A man sits beside a busy road on a milking stool waving at anyone who walks past. If the PC's approach and talk to him, he engages them in pleasant conversation about nothing in particular, but continues to wave. If there is no traffic, he STILL waves.

84. A tavern sign for a place called "The Immovable Rod", has been dropped here in the middle of nowhere.

85. A circle of dead earth. There is no plant growth in the area of the circle. If you look closely, you will notice that there are also no insects, and no animal tracks in the earth.

86. A trail of copper coins lead off through the underbrush. If followed, they lead to an empty, badly weathered coin purse.

87. A gentleman's wallet, inlaid with the name "Antoine Le Blanc". If tested, the wallet is made out of human skin.

88. A man with an oddly shaped head walks awkwardly through the crowd, all of which is staring at the comically flat skull he possesses. He smiles cheerfully.

89. A bard is performing songs from 50 years ago at a small stage he has erected beside the road.

90. A small home off to one side of the road is surrounded by marble columns and statues, all made in an amateurish fusion.

91. An abandoned home, far from the road. The windows have been boarded shut, but the door has been ripped off it's hinges.

92. A natural cave with an abandoned brick gatehouse before it. The gatehouse left a chain stretched across the mouth of the cave, and a warning to stay out.

93. Two fish flop in a puddle of spilled cream.

94. A man passes by counting each step "...three thousand fifteen, three thousand sixteen ..."

95. Two men take turns peering through a spyglass at a cow in a nearby field.

96. A well dressed dwarf is handing out pamphlets labeled "Individuality Through Conformity".

97. Moisture on the stone wall forms the shape of an old woman’s face.

98. A three legged dog runs by splashing mud on party members.

99. A small patch of fog perhaps 20’ across comes past without apparent wind.

100. Two young boys skip rocks on a pond, but run away as soon as they hear the party approach.

101. A pair of heavily armored female warriors armed with Glaives stride past boldly if noisily.

102. A rusty flail with a rotten handle is tangled with a broken dagger.

103. A monogrammed lace handkerchief is caught on a bush at the edge of the trail.

104. Black moths flutter about a point in space a couple of feet off the ground.

105. A basket of eggs has been dropped and several are broken, but no one is around.

106. Otherwise normal seeming frogs around a pond croak in a way that sounds like the words ‘run away’.

107. A magic mouth appears as a party member with an uncommon name passes and says, ‘Hurry, <character name>, we are waiting for you.’

108. The party hears the sound of rainfall only to discover clear skies and dry ground when they get outside.

109. A Halfling rides by on a large dog at unnaturally fast speed paying no attention to the party.

110. A group of young boys in choir robes stride by trailed by a priestess. One carries a large holy symbol on a pole another has a swinging incense burner.

110. An unusually large oak tree bears glowing acorns, but they fade quickly if removed from the tree.

111. Panting as if from a long run, a fox watches intently from a nearby slope.

112. A silence spell surrounds the party for a round then fades only to return again every 10 minutes.

113. An enormous cart pulled by 6 oxen rumbles past driven by a wizened old gnome and hauling hundreds of chickens.

114. Painfully thin a black warhorse waits on a bare patch of ground, its reins have been dropped to the ground and it fights if anyone tries to move it.

115. A long roughly cut apparently dwarven beard with a few flecks of blood on it lies on a small pile of rocks.

116. A small grey mouse sits at the edge of the road, if approached, it skitters away

117. A single floating eyeball drifts past, it takes a moment to inspect each of the adventurers (just out of reach) before drifting off.

118. An old man in a nightshirt stands in a field with a pitchfork, he is staring off in the opposite direction from the party.

119. Three farmhands laze quietly at a fence beside the road. They nod appreciatively as the party passes, one says "Yep". the other "Uh-huh."

120. A small inquisitive dog runs up to the party, sniffs around, and relieves itself on one of their legs before rushing off.

121. Two young artisans walk past, deep in conversation, as they pass the party one says to the other "...if all these things happened around me, I’d be paranoid...

122 Two women walk past, deep in conversation, as they pass the party one says to the other "...and if it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college."

123. A severed hand clutches 16 gold coins from an ancient empire.

124. Two thieves chase down a street urchin for a knife he's stolen from one of them.

125. Two monks kneel before a roadside shrine, praying for guidance.

126. A crucifix or holy symbol at a crossroad.

127. A dead soldier, sits against a tree, with arrows in his belly.

128. A bag full of teeth hangs from a blood-drenched tree branch.

129. A small rowboat on fire.

130. A murder of crows feeds on the carcass of a dire boar.

-130A. Suddenly, the carcass lurches up, catches one of the crows in its jaws and swallows it whole.

131. A pool of stagnant water ripples from an unseen force.

132. Faces reflect off the surface of a cracked, amber wall.

133. Violent, gut-wrenching coughs echo through an alley.

134. A lycanthrope changing form

135. A shackled prisoner, sits at a roadside with a stone, trying to break open his chains.

136. Thunder and flashing clouds hang overhead in the otherwise calm sky.

137. Hysterical weeping emanates from a black coffin.

138. A dead dog, covered in flies, with a large bite in its neck.

139. A drunk (or sick) dwarf spits up his last meal and drops his beautifully carved axe.

140. A dead orc with pennies on his eyes, surrounded by cats.

141. a small board lays atop a barrel as if an impromptu table. upon it rests a playing card with its value turned facedown. It is held there from any breezes by a silver coin.

142. an abandoned painting easel with a half finished painting of the scenery. a man's boot hangs from the cross brace.

143. party must check to realize they are being scryed, but the effect is created by a wizard whose point of view happened by and is not interested in the party in the least

144. a group of adventurers suddenly appear 15 feet away after using a teleport spell.

145. a carving on a nearby tree reveals that Glenn loves Bess (or did at one time)

146. one of the party members is mistakenly served leg of lamb covered in chilled green slime.

147. the party passes a ditch with an area of the bank clearly torn away by the effort to bring an animal or carriage from below to the top

148. the party catches a quick sight of a foppish dandy checking himself over just before knocking at a door.

149. a small boy passes purposefully by with a smile upon his face his fist held closed in front of him. If stopped, he will explain how proud his mother will be that he traded their last chicken for the two magic beans that he now holds in his hand.

150. a character stumbles over a medium-sized and extremely weathered stone, which proves to be an old land border marker for someone named Edgar.

151. a middle-age man struggles with replacing the wheel on his wagon, as his wife and three young daughters look on.

152: A man and a woman hustle past, singing to each other He is first heard intoning "...can do better." then she picks up in the same melody "I can do anything..."

153: A fish falls from the sky. it lands in the center of the road, and flaps there morosely.

154: an ancient one-eyed turtle watches from the side of the road

155: Just then, it begins to rain.

155: Just then, it begins to hail.

156: Just then, it begins snowing for no apparent reason..

157: The wind suddenly picks up, causing one tree to begin shedding leaves.

158: An old woman is hustling the other way up the road, on her back is a bundle of sticks that is twice her size.

159. A small meteor streaks down with a brilliant light, but burns up a dozen feet above the party leaving only a warm breeze and an acrid smell to wash over them.

160. A tall woman steps through a gate into another place only dimly seem and the gate vanishes leaving no trace.

161. The ground begins to tremor for two rounds and then is still as the minor earthquake passes, no damage is evident in the area.

162. A group of small normal animals such as birds, rabbits, deer, mice, and lizards moves across the party’s path as if fleeing a forest fire or other hazard, but no danger is noted.

163. A boy and girl in straw hats are carrying cane poles and a basket of fish.

164. Sounds of splashing and laughter come from a dry stream bed.

165. A smith is pounding out a large iron rod into the shape of a heart at his forge.

166. In a nearby meadow and bull is seen chasing a Gnome in a red cloak.

167. A pair of unsavory looking characters tosses daggers at a target roughly painted on a tree.

168. Several tarot cards are carried on the breeze; the Death card lands upside down before a character.

169. A small pair of shoes, the laces tied together has been tossed high in a tree.

170. Within a ring of small white mushrooms rests a dead robin.

171. A swarm of hornets chases an adolescent hill giant.

172. A small blue-gray burrow munching flowers at the side of the road shakes his head sadly.

173. A pretty girl guides half a dozen geese down the lane with a stick; she smiles revealing horribly misshapen teeth.

174. An old beggar with milky unseeing eyes holds up an alms cup, within a few coppers and several nice gems can be seen.

175. Throughout the day the party keeps seeing a carved stylized eye with three tear drops on trees, walls, bridges etc.

176. All the water carried by the party turns brackish.

177. The sounds of hunting dogs and horns can be heard in the distance; a stray crossbow bolt narrowly misses a character.

178. A ball strikes one of the PCs. A child runs up and demands they give it back.

179. A friendly dog follows the party for a short while before it mounts the leg of one of the PCs

180. A man walks up and asks the party what day it is. When they reply he looks frightened and runs off.

181. A man pushing a street cart stops and begins ringing a bell. Children come running towards the cart shouting excitedly.

182. A woman's cloak comes loose in a gust of wind and blows down the street while she chases after it.

183. A flock of sheep move into and block the party's path.

184. A loose cobblestone shifts under the party's feet.

185. There is the sound of breaking glass as a serving girl drops a tray of drinks.

186. A group of little girls are playing on a side road, hopscotch from the look of it.

187. Five teenagers are crouched in the alley, they seem to be playing a game with dice.

188. The scarecrow in the farmer's field has a human skull for it's head.

189. A messenger rushes past at full breakneck run, if pursued he easily leaves all other party members in his dust.

190. The word "MEAR" is written in white paint high on the side of a stone building, too far off the ground for anyone to have climbed there.

191. Two men with ladders are disassembling a stone building from the roof down, tossing down one brick at a time.

192. The road briefly becomes paved, before reverting to a dirt track again

193. A Loud scream shatters the night, followed by someone else drunkenly shouting "You scream like a GIRL!" and a third voice laughing.

194. A man on a balcony above shouts down "Where you going heroes? Going to go beat up rats?"

195. As you pass a shop, an argument is going on inside. All you can make out is, "Of course, sir! It is a cheese shop!"

196. You pass an aged man standing in front of a temple. He has grabbed a worshipper by the arm and is telling him a long, involved tale of a cursed sea voyage.

197. A raven settles on a nearby fence, stares balefully at the party, and cries out, "NEVER MORE!"

198. A hunchbacked man shuffles by, mumbling about unrequited love.

199. A passing wizard has locked an irritating street performer in a force cage. The performer is in whiteface, and is frantically running his hands over the inside of the clear enclosure, looking for an exit.

200. A frantic young man in a strange orange vest runs up and asks you the date, then walks away perplexed once told.

201: A line outside of the community theater is reaching around the block. If you ask any of the people waiting, they will tell you that the theater is doing a revival of "Spelljammer Wars: The Phantasmal Menace"

202: A small blue dog with floppy hears bounces past, leaving a muddy paw print one of the player's robes.

203: A young female apprentice wizard approaches with her monkey familiar in tow. She asks if this is the right road to reach "Sugar Mountain"

204: A lone tree stands in the middle of the field, from the look of things, many, many, MANY people have tried to cut it down. And every one has failed.

205. The party realizes it is currently in a small and stationary area of shadow , but can see nothing between them and any light source

206. A small cloud/wisp of fog floats by.

207. The shadow of a large flying animal swoops over the party, but the animal does not stop

208. a small hat flies past the party, followed soon after by a small boy in pursuit of it

209. a scrawl of the top half of a face with long loose floppy ears can be seen on a nearby wall. Under it are orcish words that roughly translate as "Rugak was here."

210. while leaning against a wall, one of the player characters accidentally push a loose brick out of its place. Behind it is a small note reading "bring the gem to the jail guard with red hair."

211. a small dirty child offers the party a copy of the local paper for 2cp

212. a shower of dirt and dust skitters down the wall nearby. Looking up the characters see the dusty bottom of a foot disappear over the edge of the roof.

213. a small smiling man with a small notebook and crayon approach the party and ask "will you help me?" Once helped, he suggests you all find and sit in his thinking chair.

214. The third undead-infested village. (You just stop caring.)

215: A kitten, if you reach to pet it, it will remind you that kittens are NOT projectile weaponry, then scamper off.

216: While walking you see a monk and a black cloaked figure, debating, the color of eternity. The black robes man insists that its blue, while the monk says its black.

217: You see two men dueling with rapiers, at the break of dawn.

218: You enter a room that is filled with bright white light, the sent of flowers fill the air, and a feeling of wellbeing fills you.

219: You enter a room completely opposite of the room above.

220: A high wall runs along the road, after a while you see a archway with large iron gate, on the wall by the archway is a copper sign saying "Arkham Asylum"

221: You enter a room from the west, the potent smell of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls, a mage standing there looking around, if asked he'll tell that his name is Goldstaff Sorcerer of light, and that he is waiting for some friends to arrive. If attacked he'll cast Magic Missile...

222. A large, ornate bottle lays at the bottom of a mud-filled hole, it's mouth has been sealed by a ingot of molten lead.

223. A warforged stands at locked attention with an axe over his shoulder. if you pass within 10 feet of him he'll mutter something like "uuulll k'nnnnn."

224. A parish appears to have set up a arm-wrestling table as a way to make money for their church.

225. Three elven girls in matching green outfits with sashes are selling confections by the side of the road.

226. A wagon loaded with bananas is sitting in the middle of the street with a broken axel.

227. While talking, a PC swallows a bug.

228. While riding into town, a guard steps out in front of them and issues each PC a written warning about keeping their horses at a "canter" or else they are speeding.

229. A guy is offering to sell his +3 knife of ogre slaying to you if you can get him one of the hot chicks in the bar.

Voidrunner's Codex

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