Release 5 New Titles for Amazons vs Valkyries!

Bloodstone Press is very pleased to announce the release of five new titles for Amazons vs Valkyries.

Follow the links below to get them all today!

The Trinakria Gazetteer. 99 pages about ancient, mythic Sicily

Quest for the Yulania Tree. A side trek for 3rd level characters

The Manticore's Den. A side trek for 2nd level characters

Pre-generated Characters II. Six more pre-generated characters for the Blood of Trinakria adventure path

Encounter Map Pack. Nine VTT encounter maps

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Pages: 99
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​

This gazetteer details the island of Trinakria (ancient, mythic Sicily) at the start of the First Punic War (263 BCE). This book has been developed to support the upcoming campaign path, "The Blood of Trinakria," which follows the course of the First Punic War in the Amazons vs Valkyries adventure setting.

Within This Book:

6 New Monsters. Charybdis (spawn), Laestrygonian Ogres, Moss Folk, Pharaoh Hounds, Sirens, and Scylla (spawn)

2 New Diseases. Malaria and Sand Fly Fever

1 New Artifact. Daedalus' Manual, one of the most powerful and important artifacts in the entire AvV saga

City Maps. Akragas and Syracuse drawn by Moreno Paissan

Romans. Stats for Leves, Hastati, Principes, and Triarii

Roman Allies. Stats for light infantry, medium infantry, peltasts, and barbarians

Encounter Maps. 9 detailed encounter maps with difficult terrain, hazards, and secondary monsters

Adventure Hooks. 9 Adventure hooks and outlines

Dungeon Lore. Description and brief history of the extensive dungeons below Akragas

Cities. Summaries of the major cities of Trinakria including Akragas, Selinus, Segesta, Syracuse, Adrano, Eryx, and 30 others

Cults. Military and religious cults active in Trinakria including the Sons of Mars, the Warriors of Falcon Mountain, and the Cult of Hera

Tier 1 Encounter Table. Friendly, neutral, and hostile encounters

Geographic Anomalies. Lake of acid, geysers, healing springs

Art. Immersive art by neoclassical masters and modern industry professionals

Mythology. Local myths and legends

History. 800 years of wars, tyrants, and heroes


Each city is detailed with the following traits

Patron Deity. The deity who watches over the city and its inhabitants

Population. An estimate of the city's population in peacetime

Age. The number of years since the city's founding. This can give DM's an idea of the size of the necropolis and the scope of the town's history, which may include prehistoric temples, subterranean aqueducts, or nearby ruins

Economy. The major industries of the city

Government. A brief description of the type of government currently ruling the city

Culture. The primary architecture, institutions, affiliations, and language of the city

Some of the cities and ruins outlined in this book include:

  • The dread city of Adrano, ruled by anti-paladins and evil cultists
  • The lost city of Callipolis, home to fey and plant creatures
  • The ruined city of Himera, destroyed long ago and teeming with bandits and monsters
  • The ruined city of Gela, destroyed recently and teeming with bandits and monsters
  • The cave city of Telepylus, home to more than 5,000 man-eating ogres
  • The cave city of Ispica, now a human settlement, this was once a troglodyte city
  • The half-ruined city of Segesta, founded by Trojan refugees
  • The half-ruined city of Selinus, known for its temples and cults
  • The legendary city of Camicus, built by Daedalus

Who is This Title For?

DMs. This supplement is mostly for DMs. Any DM running a fantasy campaign will find interesting and useful ideas in this title. Since Trinakria is an island, DMs can easily drop it into any campaign setting.

Fans of AvV. This supplement is an essential resource for anyone following the development of the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.

Blood of Trinakria. Anyone running a game in the upcoming campaign path, The Blood of Trinakria, will need this supplement.

If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, this supplement is essentially a large sandbox for the upcoming campaign path, the Blood of Trinakria. Combined with the upcoming modules for this campaign path, this title can provide gamers with countless hours of adventures in the early days of the First Punic War.

Only $47.00 for the Premium Edition and PDF!

$12 for the PDF only!


Pages: 16
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​

Quest for the Yulania Tree is a Fifth Edition adventure for four to five characters of 1st to 4th level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3. This adventure is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.

This module includes several simple hooks to get any group of wandering adventures involved in the action right away. In any case, The temple of Panacea hires the PCs to venture into a nearby swamp and retrieve some bark from the rare Yulania tree, which the priestesses believe may help them develop a treatment for malaria.

The swamp features:

· Hazards. The swamp has patches of marsh-muck, similar to quicksand. The PCs may encounter dangerous plants such as water hemlock. A deadly lightning storm might also strike.

· Monsters. Troglodytes, goblins, giant rats, snakes, crocodiles, and a new plant creature dwell in the swamp.

· Skill Challenges. Perception, Athletics, Survival, and Nature skills will be most useful in completing this adventure successfully.

· Disease. While seeking a cure for malaria, the PCs may contract it themselves. This new disease is covered in detail in the file's appendix.

The download includes the following content:
  • An extensive Appendix that includes several Poisonous Plants, conditions, and diseases.
  • A 17 page PDF outlining the mission with DM's map, stats for a new plant creature (whipvine), and three poisonous plants
  • A 40 x 30-inch player's map suitable for use with popular VTTs
  • VTT Tokens (diseased rat, hag, whipvine)

Adventure Stats​

Designed for: Four 3rd level PCs

Estimated Play Time: 90 – 120 minutes

Environment: Wilderness (swamp)

Difficulty: Easy/Moderate

Base XP Reward: 1650

Total Possible XP Reward: 2125+

Only $5.99!

Pages: 7
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​

The Manticore's Den is a Fifth Edition adventure for four to five characters of 1st to 4th level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 2. This adventure is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.

This module includes several simple hooks to get any group of wandering adventures involved in the action right away. A manticore has started attacking travelers and farmsteads in the local area. The PCs easily locate the lair, but infiltrating it is more difficult.

The dungeon features:

· Traps. Rather than traditional traps, some rooms pose trap-like risks, due to the inherent dangers of spelunking.

· Monsters. These caverns are home to giant rats, giant fire beetles, a giant spider, and of course, a manticore.

· Skill Challenges. Perception, Athletics, and Acrobatics skills will be most useful in completing this adventure successfully.

· Disease. Two opportunities for PCs to contract debilitating illnesses lurk in these caverns. These diseases (histoplasmosis and infected wounds) are covered in detail in the file's appendix.

VTT Assets

This adventure comes with a Zip file containing the following VTT Assets

  • 2 Road Encounter Maps (one with victims, one without)
  • 1 Manticore Lair Dungeon Map
  • 4 Tokens (Fire Beetle, Manticore, Giant Rat, Giant Spider)
  • 1 Player's Handout Illustration

Adventure Stats

Designed for:
Four 2nd level PCs

Estimated Play Time: 90 – 120 minutes

Environment: Subterranean (hills/mountains)

Difficulty: Easy/Moderate

Base XP Reward:550

Total Possible XP Reward: 980

Only $5.99!

Pages: 9
Game System: OGL/5e
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)

These six pregenerated characters are designed for "The Blood of Trinakria" campaign path in the Amazons vs Valkyries adventure setting. Each character is presented with full statistics for beginning play at 1st level and includes a background story that immerses them in the setting, involves them with the plot, and explains their sometimes eclectic skill sets.

Included in this file:

Aketa the Dacian. Giant Kin Fighter. The Celts captured Aketa in battle and sold her to the Romans as a slave. She ended up in a gladiator school and fought for several years. She and Zita recently escaped and they are eager to strike back against the Romans.

Cassicia and Lugius. Human Ranger. Raised deep in the Hercynian Forest among fey and giants, Cassicia honed her skills hunting troglodytes and goblins. Her sidekick, Lugius, is her best friend and guardian.

Nena. Human Priestess (Isis). A devoted follower of Isis, Nena came to Trinakria as a missionary to spread the faith. She does charity work and provides medical care to the Carthaginian mercenaries. She also has a toddler who stays at the temple, but is sometimes unintentionally helpful or inspiring to her.

Veilia the Animal Trainer. Human Bard. Veilia's clan lived in southern Italia and suffered during the wars between Rome and the Greeks of Tarentum. Born into a troupe of minstrels and troubadours, Veilia was destined for a life in entertainment. As a young girl, she met a old animal trainer who taught her the secret languages of animals.

Xanthepia the Spartan. Human Fighter. An ambitious youth with a desire for land and riches, Xanthepia left Sparta to find her fortune as a mercenary serving the wealthiest employers. Since Carthage pays a premium and offers a bonus for Spartans, she has hired on with them.

Zita. Nymph Rogue. Humans captured and enslaved Zita and her sister. The girls were soon separated. Zita ended up in Rome, working for a jeweler. Through happenstance she met another slave girl, a giant named Aketa who was a gladiator. Together they escaped Rome, arriving in Trinakira. Penniless and hungry, they hired on with a mercenary recruiter who promised them a chance to kill Romans. Not really a warrior, Zita sees this job a way to make some quick cash so she can begin searching for her sister.

Download this file today for just $1.49!

Included in this file:

Map 1: Hillside Loop

Map 2: Orchard Path

Map 3: Parallel Paths

Map 4: Waterfall Bridge

Map 5: Hillside Trail

Map 6: Roadside Shrine

Map 7: Tiny Thorp

Map 8: Urban Neighborhood

Map 9: Ruins

Bonus Map: Farm​

Sample Map: Waterfall Bridge

Sample Map: Parallel Paths


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