Kickstarter The Trinakria Gazetteer is now Live on Kickstarter!


This 96-page gazetteer details the island of Trinakria (ancient, mythic Sicily) at the start of the First Punic War (263 BCE). This book has been developed to support the upcoming campaign path, “The Blood of Trinakria,” which follows the course of the First Punic War in the Amazons vs Valkyries adventure setting.

Within this book you will find:
  • 6 New Monster (Charybdis, Laestrygonian Ogres, Scylla, Sirens, Moss Folk, Pharoah Hounds)
  • 2 New Diseases (Malaria and Sand Fly Fever)
  • History and city maps of Akragas, Segesta, Selinus, and Syracuse
  • Maps of Trinakria, Akragas, and Syracuse drawn by Moreno Paissan
  • Description and history of the dungeons below Akragas
  • History of Trinakria
  • 9 detailed Encounter Maps
  • 9 short Adventure outlines
  • A map of a neighborhood in the ogre city of Telepylus
  • Game stats for Roman soldiers (Leves, Hastati, Principes, and Triarii)
  • Game stats for Roman allies (light infantry, medium infantry, and Gaulish barbarians)
  • Summaries of the major cities of Trinakria including Syracuse, Catania, Naxos, Adrano, Kapara and 30 others.
  • The military and religious cults active in Trinakria
  • Tier 1 Encounter Table
  • Geographic anomalies (lake of acid, geysers, healing springs)
  • Immersive artwork by neo-classcial masters
  • Impressive artwork by modern industry professionals
  • Local cults, myths, and legends


Each city is detailed with the following traits.
  • Patron Deity. The deity who watches over the city and its inhabitants.
  • Population. An estimate of the city’s population in peacetime.
  • Age. The number of years since the city’s founding. This can give DMs an idea of the size of the necropolis and the scope of the town’s history, which may include prehistoric temples, subterranean aqueducts, or nearby ruins.
  • Economy. The major industries of the city.
  • Government. A brief description of the type of government currently ruling the city.
  • Culture. The primary architecture, institutions, affiliations, and language of the city.
Some of the cities outlined in this file include:
  • The dread city of Adrano, ruled by anti-paladins and evil cultists
  • The lost city of Callipolis, home to fey and plant creatures
  • The ruined city of Himera, destroyed long ago and teeming with bandits, rebels, and monsters
  • The ruined city of Gela, destroyed recently and teeming with bandits, rebels, and monsters
  • The cave city of Telepylus, home of the man-eating laestragonian ogres
  • The cave city of Ispica, now a human settlement, this place was once a troglodyte city
  • The half-ruined city of Segesta, founded by Trojan refugees
  • The Half-ruined city of Selinus, famous for its temples and cults

Mercenary Bands and Religious Cults in Trinakria





These maps are ideal for ambushes. They feature physical challenges and secondary threats such as dangerous plants or additional creatures. These maps include cliffs, mires, slopes, and dense undergrowth that create challenging and realistic encounter areas. For added verisimilitude, I went on Google Earth and walked the backroads of Sicily (virtually) and drew encounter maps based on actual locations.





Six new monsters are included in the Gazetteer.


The Gazetteer features game stats for Levis, Hastatus, Princepe, Triarii, and barbarian allies.




Trinakria is plagued by two significant diseases, Malaria and Sand Fly Fever.






Who is This Title For?

DMs. This supplement is mostly for DMs. Any DM running a fantasy campaign will find interesting and useful ideas in this title. Since Trinakria is an island, DMs can easily drop it into any campaign setting.
Fans of AvV. This supplement is an essential resource for anyone following the development of the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
Blood of Trinakria. Anyone running a game in the upcoming campaign path, The Blood of Trinakria, will need this supplement.

This project comes with several add-ons as summarized on this chart and outlined in detail below:

AvV add-ons panel.jpg

How Add-ons Work: When you go through the payment process, Kickstarter will ask you which add-ons you would like to include in your rewards. You can choose any one or more.

If you would like to be recognized for your contribution to this project, we will add your name to the list of supporters and backers in the credits of this book for $5. If you choose this option, please send us a message with the name you would like printed in the book.


The Manticore's Den
The Manticore’s Den is a Fifth Edition adventure for four to five characters of 1st to 4th level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 2. This adventure is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.

This module includes several simple hooks to get any group of wandering adventures involved in the action right away. A manticore has started attacking travelers and farmsteads in the local area. The PCs easily locate the lair, but infiltrating it is more difficult.

The Dungeon Features:
  • Traps. Rather than traditional traps, two rooms pose trap-like risks, due to the inherent dangers of spelunking.​
  • Monsters. These caverns are home to giant rats, giant fire beetles, a giant spider, and of course, a manticore.​
  • Skill Challenges. Perception, Athletics, and Acrobatics skills will be most useful in completing this adventure successfully.​
  • Disease. Two opportunities for PCs to contract debilitating illnesses lurk in these caverns. These diseases (histoplasmosis and infected wounds) are covered in detail in the file’s appendix.​
The download includes the following files:
  • A 9 page PDF outlining the mission with DM’s map, stats for a young adult manticore, and two new diseases (Infected Wounds and Histoplasmosis)​
  • A digital 40 x 30-inch player’s map suitable for use with popular VTTs​
  • VTT Tokens (manticore, rat, fire beetle, spider)​

Adventure Stats

  • Designed for: Four 2nd level PCs​
  • Estimated Play Time: 90 – 120 minutes​
  • Environment: Subterranean (hills/mountains)​
  • Difficulty: Easy/Moderate​
  • Base XP Reward: 550​
  • Total Possible XP Reward: 980​
**The Manticore's Den is currently only available through this Kickstarter. It will be available on DriveThru soon for $5. You can get a pre-release copy added to your Gazetteer rewards for a pledge of just $4.



Quest for the Yulania Tree is a Fifth Edition adventure for four to five characters of 1st to 4th level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 3. This adventure is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.

This PDF module includes several simple hooks to get any group of wandering adventures involved in the action right away. The temple of Panacea hires the PCs to venture into a nearby swamp and retrieve some bark from the rare Yulania tree, which the priestesses believe may help them develop a treatment for malaria.

The Swamp Features:
  • Hazards. The swamp has patches of marsh-muck, similar to quicksand. The PCs may encounter dangerous plants such as water hemlock. A deadly lightning storm might also strike.​
  • Monsters. Troglodytes, goblins, giant rats, snakes, crocodiles, and a new plant creature (whipvine) dwell in the swamp.​
  • Skill Challenges. Perception, Athletics, Survival, and Nature skills will be most useful in completing this adventure successfully.​
  • Disease. While seeking a cure for malaria, the PCs may contract it themselves. This new disease is covered in detail in the file’s appendix.​
The download includes the following files:
  • A 17 page PDF outlining the mission with an encounter map and a large appendix coving two poisonous plants, malaria, expanded swimming rules, and a new plant monster​
  • A 40 x 30-inch player’s encounter map suitable for use with popular VTTs​
  • VTT Tokens (diseased rats, hag, whipvine)​

Adventure Stats

  • Designed for: Four 3rd level PCs​
  • Estimated Play Time: 90 – 120 minutes​
  • Environment: Wilderness (swamp)​
  • Difficulty: Easy/Moderate​
  • Base XP Reward:1,650​
  • Total Possible XP Reward: 2,125 +​
**Quest for the Yulania Tree is currently only available through this Kickstarter. It will be available on DriveThru soon for $5. You can get a pre-release copy added to your rewards for a pledge of just $4.


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Pre-generated Characters I

These six pre-generated characters are designed for "The Blood of Trinakria" campaign path in the Amazons vs Valkyries adventure setting. Each character is presented with full statistics for beginning play at 1st level and includes a background story that immerses them in the setting, involves them with the plot, and explains their sometimes eclectic skill sets.

Included in this file:
  • Helena of Syracuse. Human Barbarian (mighty heroine).​
  • Matia of the Ortani. Human Rogue (scout).​
  • Misti of the Drakonnaus. Human Paladin (Ran).​
  • Sattia of Alfheim. Elf Paladin (Sol).​
  • Vanni the Sorceress. Human Sorceress (arcane).​
  • Yrsa Ragnarsdottir. Human Fighter (Champion [SRD]).​
This PDF is currently available on DriveThru for $1.49. You can add it to your Gazetteer rewards with a pledge of just $1.

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Pre-generated Characters II

These six pre-generated characters are designed for "The Blood of Trinakria" campaign path in the Amazons vs Valkyries adventure setting. Each character is presented with full statistics for beginning play at 1st level and includes a background story that immerses them in the setting, involves them with the plot, and explains their sometimes eclectic skill sets.
Included in this file:
  • Aketa the Dacian. Giant Kin Fighter.​
  • Cassicia & Lugius. Human Ranger and wolf sidekick.​
  • Nena the Priestess. Human Priestess of Isis.​
  • Veilia the Animal Trainer. Human bard.​
  • Xanthepia the Spartan. Human Fighter.​
  • Zita. Nymph rogue.​
This PDF is currently only available through this Kickstarter. It will be available on DriveThru soon for $1.49. You can get an early copy of it added to your rewards for a pledge of $1.



Amazons vs Valkyries PDF Player's Bundle
This large collection of PDFs contains all the 5e edition Amazons vs Valkyries material currently available for players. More than 400 pages of content covering races, classes, archetypes, cults, and equipment provide everything you need to start adventuring in this alternate history of the Hellenistic Age.

This bundle currently sells on DriveThru for $39.95, which is 27% off the regular price. If you back the Trinakria Gazetteer, you can add this bundle of PDFs to your order for just $30, which is another 24% off the sale price and a total of 48% off the original price!


Amazons vs Valkyries DM's Bundle

This bundle of PDFs gathers together all the current AvV files that are pertinent to running a game in this setting. This bundle currently sells on DriveThru for $12.91, but you can get it added to your Gazetteer rewards for a pledge of just $10.


Poisonous Plants
Poisonous Plants was our first Kickstarter. It finished in December, 2021, and has received several 5-star reviews from backers and customers. This title was heavily researched with special attention paid to the lethality, alternate uses, and side-effects of all the most poisonous plants found in our world.

It has a cover price of $5.99 and currently sells on DriveThru for $4.99, but if you back the Trinakria Gazetteer, you can add this PDF to your reward for just $4, or 20% off the current sale price!

Fully hyperlinked and packed with tons of cool ideas and information, Poisonous Plants will bring a high level of verisimilitude to your game.

Poisonous Plants is based on popular content from our 3rd edition library. Originally published as a chapter in the Primal Codex, then later as a section of Nature’s Wrath, this material has long earned an enthusiastic and positive response from players.

Wow this looks fantastic! Excellent job on the details, layout, and illustrations.” -Glen.

Ok you were not joking when you were saying that this is a really good looking and well-polished book. Amazing detail, great artwork, lots of info. Really commendable! Well done.” -Dimitrius

Check out the Kickstarter campaign page right here!

What is AvV? Amazons vs Valkyries is an alternate history adventure setting about the Hellenistic Age. It is a low magic, high fantasy world of epic war.

Are there plans to produce more AvV content? Absolutely. New titles are constantly being released. Several freelance writers are helping to develop this setting and there are hundreds of titles planned for the future.

Are there plans to produce more AvV PoDs? Yes. The current plan is to produce an adventure module (Prelude to War) followed by the Book of Cults that covers all the warrior cults, religious cults, and arcane cults in the setting. It is expected to be around 200 pages. After that, we will begin releasing more adventures.

There are eight campaign paths planned for this setting. Each path takes the characters from 1st to 20th level and covers 20 years of actual history. Some campaign paths have overlapping timelines, meaning the PCs could encounter their characters from a previous path as NPCs.

Is it really as awesome as it seems? No. It is far, far more awesome than that!

Want to know more?
Read a brief summary of the setting right here.
Watch a short video introduction to the setting right here.
Download the Campaign Primer right here.

PDF. All PDFs in this Kickstarter will be delivered by DriveThruRPG within 21 days of this Kickstarter ending. You will receive an e-mail from DriveThru containing a link to add the PDFs to your shopping cart for free. There will be a separate e-mail for each bundle or title.

PoD. If you back at the Standard or Premium PoD level, you will receive the fully hyperlinked PDF as well as an "at cost" link to print and ship your PoD book. At the time of this writing, the costs to print this book are as follow:
USA Standard Print Cost: $6.90
USA Premium Print Cost: $15.29
UK Standard Print Cost: £4.24
UK Premium Print Cost: £8.45

Back this Kickstarter today and take your game to an ancient, war-torn world that is familiar, realistic, and terrifying!



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Just over 30 hours left on the Trinakria Gazetteer kickstarter! It is about $125 from the goal, so it may still get there. If you are interested in it, you should back it today so you can get it at a discount. When it goes live on Drivethru it will probably be a little more expensive, since I'm adding some more content to it - and several people have told me it should be more expensive...

So if you want to get some great content at a discount price, back the Trinakria Gazetteer today!

There are also a couple free previews available on DriveThru:

Here and Here.

And a few previews on my Patreon, here.

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