Press Nine More Best Selling Titles!

Nine of Bloodstone’s titles have recently reached Copper status on DriveThru. Another has moved from Copper to Silver and three others have moved up from Silver to Electrum. See below for all these great titles!



The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 6
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
*WARNING: This file contains nudity and is not suitable for all audiences!
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Artemis, one of the most powerful and influential goddesses in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Artemis' main temples
  • Festivals held in Artemis' honor
  • The Forest Domain
  • New Spell (canine companion)
  • Paladin's Oath of the Wild
If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, this cult is essential. If you are playing another fantasy campaign with a heroic goddess of Hunting, Wildlife, and the Moon, you should still check this out!
Only 1.99!
Or .99 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 7
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.​
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Athena, one of the most important and powerful deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Athena's main temples
  • Festivals held in Athena's honor
  • New Magic Item: The Aegis of Athena (replica)
  • New Artifact: the Aegis of Athena
  • Paladin's Oath of the Strategist
If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, this cult is essential. If you are playing another fantasy campaign with a wise and powerful war goddess, you should still check this out! And if your campaign doesn't have an iconic deity of crafting, stratagem, and justified war, it should!
Only 1.49!
Or .99 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 8
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.​
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Freyja, one of the most important goddesses in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Freyja's shrines
  • Festivals held in Freyja's honor
  • Paladin's Oath of the Perfect Companion
  • Paladin's Oath of the Warrior's Resolve
If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, this cult is essential. If you are playing another fantasy campaign with a mighty goddess of Fertility, Prophecy, Magic, and War, you should still check this out!
Only 1.49!
Or .99 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 6
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
*WARNING: This file contains nudity and is not suitable for all audiences!
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Isis, one of the most influential and widely known goddesses in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Isis' main temples
  • Festivals held in Isis' honor
  • The Osiris Tale
  • 3 New Legendary Magic Item (Book of Breathing, Knot of Isis, and Veil of Isis)
  • Paladin's Oath of the Great Lady
If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, this cult is essential. If you are playing another fantasy campaign with a powerful mother deity of Guardianship, Magic, Life, and Fertility, you should still check this out!
Only 1.99!
Or .99 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!

The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 7
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Ninkilim, one of the most insidious and destructive deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.​
  • Sample cult secrets
  • Places where Ninkilim is worshipped
  • Rites held in Ninkilim's honor
  • 2 New Spells: breath of locust and cicada swarm
  • Paladin's Oath of the Outcast
If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, this cult is essential. If you are playing another fantasy campaign with a rat lord of pestilence and death, you should still check this out! And if your campaign doesn't have a nefarious, ancient cult of rat worshippers infesting every city on the planet, it should!​
Only 1.49!
Or .99 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 18
Game System: OGL/5e
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
*WARNING: Adult Content!

While the backgrounds in the 5e core rules cover nearly every role in the ancient world, there are a few missing. In this file, we provide six additional backgrounds that help cover all the possible backgrounds a character in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting might have. These are:
Athlete. Many people have a background in athletics, whether it is racing, lifting, wresting, or team sports.
Farmer. Perhaps the most common background in the ancient world, farmers are ubiquitous in nearly every society.
Exile. Individuals, clans, or entire communities might be forced from their homes and cast into the wilderness. You might have been convicted of a crime or perhaps you were affiliated with a political or religious group that has been exiled.
Huntress. Despite the prevalence of cities and advances in agriculture, many people still prefer to hunt their food in the wilds. Others hunt because they don't have a choice.
Professional. The Professional background overlaps slightly with the Sage, but also covers lawyers, doctors, tax collectors, clerks, accountants, auditors, customs inspectors, managers, and anyone else who keeps businesses and bureaucracies moving.
Slave. In ancient times up to 30% of the population was in some sort of servitude. Therefore slavery is a possible background for players in this setting.​
This file also includes updated Homeland and Starting Language rules from the AvV Campaign Primer. This table can be used to randomly determine your homeland and language, or you can choose.
Download this file today and bring a higher level of verisimilitude to your ancient campaign setting, whether it is Amazons vs Valkyries or some other setting that needs farmers, exiles, and athletes!​
Only $2.49!
or $1.49 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!


Pages: 10
Illustrations: 5
Game System: M&M 3E​
Each issue of the Public Enemy series introduces one super villain from M.E.T.A. Force and includes an overview of their origin, personality, goals, methods, enemies, allies, and combat tactics. Each installment also includes story ideas and M&M stats so you can add these nefarious and sinister characters to your own games.​

This Issue:
General Steele – A paranoid madman and dictator of a small eastern European nation, the general is driven by a deep fear of artificial intelligence and he attempts to murder anyone who would develop such projects.​

What’s Included:
  • Summary of General Steele (Origin, Personality, Combat Tactics, Goals, etc.)
  • PL 12 stats
  • Minions (Service Droids, Heavy Infantry Droids, Assassin Droids, Pilots, Black Ops Troops, and Mercenaries)
  • Vehicles (UAVs, SUVs, and Helicopters)
  • Adventure hooks
  • 3 Headquarters (R&D Facility, Secret Fortress, and Submarine Aircraft Carrier)

Read the full story of General Steele's origin right here.
Only $2.49 or $1.49 cents when you get the entire M.E.T.A. Force Bundle.


Pages: 8
Illustrations: 1
Game System: M&M 3E​
Each issue of the Public Enemy series introduces one super villain from M.E.T.A. Force and includes an overview of their origin, personality, goals, methods, enemies, allies, and combat tactics. Each installment also includes story ideas and M&M stats so you can add these nefarious and sinister characters to your own games.​

This Issue:
Shadowblade – An elite assassin, huntress, and guerilla fighter, she is a genuine mercenary and cannot be trusted. Whether she is working for another super villain or pursuing her own criminal agenda, there is sure to be plenty of confusion, terror, and pain.
What’s Included:
  • Summary of Shadowblade (Origin, Personality, Combat Tactics, Goals, Methods, etc.)​
  • PL 12 stats​
  • Magical gear (scimitars, cloak, armor)​
  • Illusion magic​
  • Adventure hooks​
Read the full story of the Shadowblade's origin right here.​
Only $1.99 or 99 cents when you get the entire M.E.T.A. Force Bundle.


Pages: 5
Illustrations: 1
Game System: M&M 3E​
The Behind the Mask series goes beyond the media hype and comic book exaggerations to uncover the real people who wear the costumes, fight the super villains, and live with the moniker, "hero." Where did they come from? What do they want out of life? Who are their most hated adversaries? Each issue of Behind the Mask asks one hero of M.E.T.A. Force to answer these questions uncensored and unscripted, no subjects are off limits.​
Features Include:
  • Full M&M 3E stats -PL10
  • Areas of Specialty, Methods, and Objectives
  • Allies and Enemies
  • Personality
  • Origin
  • Combat Tactics
And we make a few suggestions on how to incorporate each hero into your own RPGs.
In this issue we get up close and personal with one of the most talked-about heroes in recent history, the H.A.C.K.S.A.W. Combat Droid. Believed destroyed last year in a highly publicized battle with General Steele, the H.A.C.K.S.A.W. has recently returned to active duty with a new chassis.​
Read the full story of the H.A.C.K.S.A.W.'s origin right here.

Only $1.99 or 99 cents with the entire M.E.T.A. Force Bundle.


One title has reached Silver Seller status:​


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 22
Game System: OGL 5e
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
This file features 12 new ancestries for players including:
  • Desert Dwarves: These children of Hephaestus are expert crafters and advisors to kings.​
  • Gray Dwarves: Repulsive little metalworkers with an aversion to sunlight.​
  • Light Elves: Angelic sorcerers and servants of the Vanir.​
  • Fauns: Hedonistic and playful fairies who protect the wilderness from harm.​
  • Giant Kin: Three subspecies with an affinity for earth, fire, or ice.​
  • Marsh Gnomes: These gnomes live in close-knit communities and bond with animals.​
  • Savannah Gnomes: These gnomes live in huge burrows and fight flocks of cranes.​
  • Nymphs: Ageless maidens with supernatural beauty and a kinship with the gods.​
With this supplement, players in the Amazons vs Valkyries Campaign Setting may choose from twelve new non-human ancestries. Your character may be a lumbering giant kin with resistance to damage, or a wild faun obsessed with partying and celebration. She may be a revolting dwarf-like thing with a twisted sense of humor, or she may be an angelic warrior with an allegiance to the Vanir.
The powers, abilities and descriptions of these ancestries are drawn from the mythological source material, rather than modern fantasy fiction. These are magical beings the way ancient people imagined them. Gray dwarves have an aversion to sunlight, but they also have innate magic. Light elves have a gliding ability and are skilled with light magic. Fauns are infamous for their debauchery and musical talents. Nymphs are truly magical creatures, immune to aging.
8/9/22 Revision. This file has been revised and expanded with four new subspecies: the Desert Dwarf, the Marsh Gnome, the Savannah Gnome, and the Mountain Nymph.

4/17/23 Update. This file has been updated. Changes include the title being changed to Ancestries, the traits being subdivided into heritage and culture, and some new art being added.​
Pick this supplement up today and add some racial diversity to your mythic campaign!
Only $3.49!
Or $2.99 wit the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle


The Following titles are now Electrum Best Sellers​


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 76
Game System: Pathfinder/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
Within this file:
  • 23 Heroic Bloodlines (Heracles, Perseus, Zal, Atalanta, Hippolyta, Yngvi, and more than a dozen others from Greek and Norse mythology).​
  • An overview of the Amazons Vs Valkyries Campaign Setting​
  • Summaries of the Volsung Saga, the story of the House of Atreus, the story of Wayland the Smith, and several other ancient legends​
  • A player’s map of the campaign world​
  • More than a dozen new abilities for characters such as Danger Sense, Guarded Stance, Twisted Thoughts, Warped Mind, Warrior’s Wisdom, and Wrath of Achilles​
Is your character a descendant of Achilles? Did she inherit his supernatural resistance to injury and epic combat skills? Or perhaps she is related to Yngvi, the legendary Swedish King, and has inherited sorcery that grants her visions of the future and the power to bend fate.
Perhaps the cursed blood of Tantalus flows from her heart, filling her head with dark plots and evil schemes. Or she might be a member of the Volsung line, destined to carry the legendary sword, “Nothung,” into battle.
Maybe she is among the hundreds of adventurers who claim Hercules as an ancestor. Like her cousins, she has incredible strength and grappling skills, but her temper is murderously violent.
Whatever your character’s family history, it is sure to affect her life, not just in terms of special abilities, but she may also have difficult family relationships, a bad family reputation, a lost hereditary title, blood feuds, and vendettas. Bloodlines offer plenty of useful tools for the DM to bring personal conflict into her game.
Pick up this supplement today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!​
Only $4.99!
Or $3.50 cents when you get the Amazons Vs Valkyries Complete Pathfinder 1e Bundle
*Note: A 5th edition version of these rules is now available right here.


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 20
Game System: Pathfinder/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
Within this file:
  • The Banneret prestige class featuring the battle mastery special ability.
  • The Amazon advanced class featuring the expert tactician and bloodlust abilities.
  • Spell List for the Banneret

The history, culture, and social structure of the Amazon society is briefly outlined in this supplement along with details on a typical Amazon warrior's role as a member of an adventuring group.

While anyone living in the Amazon nation is technically an Amazon, this supplement details the rules for the elite Amazon warriors, sometimes known as True Amazons, or Amazon Champions. These warrior women are light, fast fighters with wilderness skills and a deep affinity for war.
To become a True Amazon, a character must first become a banneret and serve in the Amazon army as a sergeant, lieutenant, commander, or special operative. She must also carry the Hippolyta bloodline.

Bannerets and Amazons have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Being the daughters of War and followers of Nature, they are often chaotic.
Pick up this supplement today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!
Only $1.99!
Or 99 cents when you get the Amazons vs Valkyries Complete Bundle


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…
A Mythic World of Chaos and War…

Pages: 20
Game System: Pathfinder/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
Within this file:
  • The Shield Maiden prestige class featuring the battle fury special ability.
  • The Valkyrie advanced class featuring the greater battle fury and fatal destiny abilities.
  • Spell List for the Shield Maiden
The history, culture, and social structure of the Valkyrie order is briefly outlined in this supplement along with details on a typical Valkyrie's role as a member of an adventuring group.

These warrior women are tough, armored fighters with divine spells and the power to bend fate. They reside in distant Kvenland, but they frequently venture abroad to assist Odin's favored kings in battle and to sort out the dead in preparation for Ragnarok.
To become a Valkyrie, a character must first become a shield maiden and serve in the Valkyrie army as an officer or special operative. She must also carry the Saeming, Skjold, or Volsung bloodline.

Shield maidens and Valkyries have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Being the daughters of Odin and dedicated to following his objectives, they are usually lawful.
Pick up this supplement today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!
Only $1.99!
Or 99 cents when you get the Amazons Vs Valkyries Complete Bundle

What is Amazons vs Valkyries all about?​

Visit the website right here

Check out the Campaign Primer right here (PWYW):


and Download the free Optional Rules PDF right here:


You can also check out the new 5e Rules website right here.

For excusive content, previews, and early access to upcoming titles, join the Patreon right here!


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