Release 3 New Titles for Amazons vs Valkyries!

Bloodstone Press is very excited to announce the release of three new titles for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting!

See below for details or follow these links to get them all today!

Sorceress Origins - Arcane, Divine, Elemental, and Fey ancestries
The Cult of Demeter - Oath of the Sacred Journey
The Cult of Enyo - Oath of Destruction and 4 new magic items

Pages: 10
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)

This file covers the four most common sorceress origins in the Amazons vs Valkyries adventure setting, including:
  • Arcane Ancestor: One of your ancestors was a powerful mage. Her arcane experiments permanently changed her and her descendants.
  • Divine Ancestor: You are distantly related to a deity. A tiny fragment of godly power shines within you.
  • Elemental Ancestor: There is an elemental in your ancestry, perhaps a nereid or a genie.
  • Fey Ancestor: You have a fairy in your family history, perhaps a dryad, sprite, or brownie.

If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, these origins are essential. If you're playing another Norse or Greek themed setting, definitely check these out! And if your campaign doesn't have sorceresses who derive their power from ancient wizards, deities, elemental powers, and fey, it should!

Only $1.49!
Or .99 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!

Pages: 7
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.​
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Demeter, one of the most important and influential deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Demeter's temples
  • The many festivals held in Demeter's honor
  • Paladin's Oath of the Sacred Journey
If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, this cult is essential. If you are playing another fantasy campaign with an omnipresent agricultural goddess, you should still check this out! And if your campaign doesn't have a powerful deity of fertility, abundance, and life, it should!

Only $1.49!
Or .99 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!

Pages: 8
Game System: OGL 5E
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.​
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Enyo, one of the most fearsome and dreadful deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
  • Sample cult secrets
  • The location of Enyo's temples and sacred sites
  • The Day of Blood and other festivals held in Enyo's honor
  • Four New Magic Items: including Enyo's torch and Enyo's mask
  • Paladin's Oath of Destruction
If you're playing an Amazons vs Valkyries campaign, this cult is essential. If you are playing another fantasy campaign with a brutal and devastating war goddess, you should still check this out! And if your campaign doesn't have a bloodthirsty deity of sieges, war, and destruction, it should!

Only $1.99!
Or .99 with the Amazons vs Valkyries Starter Bundle!

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