Release Pathfinder 1e Update and New Titles for Amazons vs Valkyries

Greetings Gamers!

Bloodstone Press is very happy to announce an update to the 1st edition Pathfinder rules for Amazons vs Valkyries. First, the following titles have been revised:

Advanced Ancestries. The Advanced Races file has been changed to Advanced Ancestries. The traits of each ancestry have been divided into subcategories of Culture and Heritage. Four new ancestries have been added (Desert Dwarves, Earth Giant Kin, Marsh Gnomes, and Savannah Gnomes). This file also features a lot of new art.

The Amazon. The Amazon advanced class and the banneret prestige class have been fine tuned with better skills and spells. Charisma is now their spellcasting ability and the Improved Battle Dance ability is now called Improved Expert Tactician and uses the Knowledge (war) skill instead of Perform (dance). The alignment focus is shifted from good/evil to law/chaos. This file also has new art throughout.

The Valkyrie. The Valkyrie advanced class and the shield maiden prestige class have had several changes. They now get significantly more skills and spells than before. They also get some new abilities that rely on the Knowledge (war) skill, so they can make opposed rolls against the Amazons (who have similar abilities). This file also has all new artwork throughout.

Additionally, three new titles have been added to this series. These are:

Cult of Demeter. This file includes the Champion of Demeter prestige class, the Harvest Guardian advanced class, the Oracle mystery of Motherhood, and the Warpriest blessing of Seasons.

Cult of Freyja. This file covers the Champion of Freyja prestige class, the Freyjanaut advanced class, the Bloom druid, and the Seidr mystery for Oracles.

Cult of Hecate. This file feature the Champion of Hecate prestige class, the Witch Lord advanced class, and two Oracle mysteries: Boundaries and Witchcraft.

See below for more details about these exciting titles!


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin...
A Mythic World of Chaos and War...

Pages: 22
Game System: Pathfinder/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)
This file features 8 new advanced ancestries for players including:
  • Desert Dwarves: These miners are descended from Hephaestus and frequently found in Egypt.
  • Gray Dwarves: Repulsive little metalworkers with a severe aversion to sunlight.
  • Light Elves: Angelic sorcerers and servants of the Vanir.
  • Fauns: Hedonistic and playful fairies who protect the wilderness from harm.
  • Giant Kin: Extra-dimensional giants with an affinity for earth, fire, or ice.
  • Marsh Gnomes: Helpful and kind forest creatures who struggle against human expansion.
  • Savannah Gnomes: These reclusive creatures dwell in deep burrows beneath the savannah.
  • Nymphs: Ageless maidens with supernatural beauty and a kinship with the gods.
With this supplement, players in the Amazons vs Valkyries Campaign Setting may choose from eight non-human ancestries. Your character may be a lumbering giant kin from Jotunheim, or a wild faun obsessed with partying and celebration. She may be a revolting dwarf-like thing with a twisted sense of humor, or she may be an angelic warrior with an allegiance to the Vanir.
Each of these advanced races is built with 20 racial points. Their powers, abilities and descriptions are drawn from the mythological source material, rather than modern fantasy fiction. These are magical creatures the way ancient people imagined them. Gray dwarves can be killed by sunlight, but they also have powerful spells. Light elves have a gliding ability and are skilled with light magic. Fauns are infamous for their debauchery and musical talents. And nymphs are truly magical creatures, immune to aging.

Pick this supplement up today and add some diversity to your mythic campaign!

Only $1.99!
Or $1.49 when you get the Amazons vs Valkyries Complete PF1 Bundle


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin...
A Mythic World of Chaos and War...

Pages: 20
Game System: Pathfinder/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
Within this file:
  • The Banneret prestige class featuring the battle mastery special ability.
  • The Amazon advanced class featuring the expert tactician and bloodlust abilities.
  • Spell List for the Banneret and Amazon

The history, culture, and social structure of the Amazon society is briefly outlined in this supplement along with details on a typical Amazon warrior's role as a member of an adventuring group.

While anyone living in the Amazon nation is technically an Amazon, this supplement details the rules for the elite Amazon warriors, sometimes known as True Amazons, or Amazon Champions. These warrior women are light, fast fighters with wilderness skills and a deep affinity for war.

To become a True Amazon, a character must first become a banneret and serve in the Amazon army as a sergeant, lieutenant, commander, or special operative. She must also carry the Hippolyta bloodline.

Bannerets and Amazons have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Being the daughters of War and followers of Nature, they are often chaotic.

Pick up this supplement today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!
Only $1.99!
Or 99 cents when you get the Amazons vs Valkyries Complete Bundle


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin...
A Mythic World of Chaos and War...

Pages: 20
Game System: Pathfinder/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)​
Within this file:
  • The Shield Maiden prestige class featuring the battle fury special ability.
  • The Valkyrie advanced class featuring the greater battle fury and fatal destiny abilities.
  • Spell List for the Shield Maiden
The history, culture, and social structure of the Valkyrie order is briefly outlined in this supplement along with details on a typical Valkyrie's role as a member of an adventuring group.

These warrior women are tough, armored fighters with divine spells and the power to bend fate. They reside in distant Kvenland, but they frequently venture abroad to assist Odin's favored kings in battle and to sort out the dead in preparation for Ragnarok.
To become a Valkyrie, a character must first become a shield maiden and serve in the Valkyrie army as an officer or special operative. She must also carry the Saeming, Skjold, or Volsung bloodline.

Shield maidens and Valkyries have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Being the daughters of Odin and dedicated to following his objectives, they are usually lawful.

Pick up this supplement today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!

Only $1.99!
Or 99 cents when you get the Amazons Vs Valkyries Complete Bundle


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin...
A Mythic World of Chaos and War...

Pages: 16
Game System: Pathfinder 1e/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Demeter, one of the most important and influential deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
Within this file:
  • The location of Demeter's major temples
  • The many festivals and holidays associated with Demeter
  • The Champion of Demeter prestige class featuring the divine provider and familial bond special abilities
  • The Harvest Guardian advanced class featuring the aura of safety ability
  • Oracle Mystery: Motherhood featuring Hopes and dreams, Mother's Touch and other revelations
  • Domain of Sustenance featuring the Touch of Abundance and Cup Overfloweth abilities
  • Warpriest Blessing: Seasons featuring Sew the Fields and Reap the Harvest abilities

These warrior women are tough fighters with divine spells. They serve one of the most powerful and influential temples in the world and work tirelessly to protect crops, herds, and children.

To become a Harvest Guardian and gain the full powers of Demeter's blessing, a character must first become a Champion of Demeter and serve the temple as a security officer or special agent.

Champions of Demeter and Harvest Guardians have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Being dedicated to agriculture, the seasons, and nature, they are usually lawful and often neutral.

Pick this supplement up today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks, where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!

Only $2.49!
Or $1.49 when you get the Amazons Vs Valkyries Complete Bundle


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin...
A Mythic World of Chaos and War...

Pages: 16
Game System: Pathfinder 1e/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Freyja, one of the most important and influential deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.

Within this file:
  • The location of Freyja's major shrines
  • Festivals and celebrations held in Freyja's honor
  • The Champion of Freyja prestige class featuring the Close and Personal Combatant and Stunning Caress special abilities
  • The Freyjanaut advanced class featuring the Divine Flesh ability
  • Oracle Mystery: Seidr featuring Destiny Magic, Fated, and other revelations
  • Bloom Druid featuring the Nature Bond and Abundant Pheromones abilities

These warrior women are tough fighters with divine spells. They serve one of the most powerful and influential deities in the multiverse and work tirelessly to promote her values.

To become a Freyjanaut and gain the full powers of Freyja's blessing, a character must first become a Champion of Freyja and serve the temple as a security officer or special operative.

Champions of Freyja and Freyjanauts have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Being dedicated to support, understanding, and companionship, they are usually lawful and often neutral.

Pick this supplement up today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks, where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!

Only $2.49!
Or $1.49 when you get the Amazons Vs Valkyries Complete Pathfinder Bundle


The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin...
A Mythic World of Chaos and War...

Pages: 17
Game System: Pathfinder 1e/OGL 3.5
Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology)
Mystery cults are secret societies that exist within religious institutions. Like other secret societies, their existence is well known, but their rituals, lore, and objectives are concealed. Only the initiated are allowed access to these secrets.
This file provides an overview of mystery cults and specific details about the Cult of Hecate, one of the most powerful and influential deities in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.
Within this file:
  • The location of Hecate's major temples
  • Festivals and celebrations held in Hecate's honor
  • The Champion of Hecate prestige class featuring the Prolific Magic and Guardian Sight special abilities
  • The Witch Lord advanced class featuring the Aura of Witchery ability
  • Oracle Mystery: Boundaries featuring Crossing borders, Watchdog, and other revelations
  • Oracle Mystery: Witchcraft featuring Curse of the Necromancer, Witch's Hex, and other revelations

These warrior women are resourceful fighters and powerful spellcasters. They serve one of the most important and influential deities in the multiverse and work tirelessly to promote her values.

To become a Witch Lord and gain the full powers of Hecate's blessing, a character must first become a Champion of Hecate and serve the temple as a security officer or special operative.

Champions of Hecate and Witch Lords have an alignment restriction and a code of conduct which they must follow. Their goddess demands secrecy, supplication, and respect. Being dedicated to the cyclical aspects of life and the power of magic, they are usually some form of neutral alignment.

Pick this supplement up today and discover a whole new world of hyper-violence and debauchery; a high-magic, mythological world of Romans and Persians, Egyptians and Greeks, where two legendary warrior cults are locked in an epic, endless clash of total war!

Only $2.49!
Or $1.49 when you get the Amazons Vs Valkyries Complete Pathfinder Bundle

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