11 Hours Ago


Truth Seeker said:
ah , someone loves the 24 hour clock :D.
Yes, it's only the lazy Americans and British (isn't it?) who're still using that old and dated AM and PM stuff. Same with Fahrenheit, Miles, Feet and Inches ;)

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Huh, relative timestamps were still in effect for me until now. I think an option in the UserCP would be dandy since it would then be up to the user.

I prefer absolute timestamps. If we could get an absolute timestamps that used a 24 hour clock, that would be even better!

In any event, I have been putting off any gripes about it because moving servers is problematic enough without dealing with stuff like that. :) But I am happy with the work that has been done on it. Thanks guys!

Truth Seeker

GentleGiant said:
Yes, it's only the lazy Americans and British (isn't it?) who're still using that old and dated AM and PM stuff. Same with Fahrenheit, Miles, Feet and Inches ;)

Uhm, I still like inches, feet, and yards....


First Post
Yeah, as late as 8am CST 'Merican the time was still relative.

But, yay for the return of the timestamp. Much, much better...


First Post
I also prefer the timestamp and am glad it has returned. However, I can see many people like the relative label and, since the experiment proved that it works, I would really like it being offered as an option in the user CP.

There are, of course, items of a more immediate nature to fix, and I don't want MM working his fingers to the bone, so I don't mind waiting until things have calmed down for this one.

Love the super-fast new server! Great work everyone!


the Jester

jmucchiello said:
And furlongs and fortnights, as well.

Don't forget rods, stones and leagues, either! :D

I prefer the timestamp as well, and am grateful that it's back, but I do agree that making it user controlled somehow would be ideal. I have no idea if that's possible, though..

The 24-hour clock is ok, but am/pm is ok too. I can use either as needed or desired. Shrug.

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