D&D 5E 16 More Details About Theros

The latest edition of WotC's online magazine contains some juicy tidbits about Mythic Odysseys of Theros!


  1. It features Volothamp Geddarm.
  2. It was headed up by James Wyatt, who used to work on D&D, and now works on Magic: The Gathering. He worked on the 3E Deities & Demigods.
  3. It's based on a novella, which Wyatt spent considerable time researching.
  4. He also read about the government of Athens, and the Greek calendar.
  5. Subclasses include the College of Eloquence bard ("the philosopher ideal'), the Oath of Heroism paladin, and the Forge and Grave cleric domains.
  6. The DMG piety system has been "blown up into a huge thing"... "That includes all sorts of rewards and restrictions for characters who choose to devote themselves to a god and track their piety.”
  7. New magic items of the gods - artifacts and weapons.
  8. “Everyone gets this extra leg up that is a gift of the gods, which is separate from the usual character background. It may be a magical thing about your nature, such as you have the mind of a sphinx and your thoughts can’t be read. Or you might be an oracle, which is an opportunity for your Dungeon Master to give you plenty of adventure hooks. It’s a straight power-up but not a huge power-up”
  9. A table of omens with 100 entries.
  10. Minotaurs, centaurs, merfolk (tritons from Volo), satyrs, leonine.
  11. “The leonin is a different, stronger cat person, not just a tabaxi!”
  12. "Satyrs are pretty much as you would expect. They’re party animals with good Dexterity and Charisma, they have a headbutt attack, they’re fast, they’re fey, they resist magic and they have musical instrument proficiency and persuasion."
  13. Different lore for D&D creatures to match the Greek setting.
  14. Mythic threats are boss fights. More than legendary. Aresta of the Endless Web is a spider. Has baby spiders which fight you.
  15. Dyson Logos did the maps.
  16. "There’s a temple of Athreos in two parts, split by the river that flows between the mortal world and the underworld."

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I hate to bellyache . . . but Bard of Eloquence is a rhetorician, not a philosopher. High Charisma, but probably not so much on the Intelligence or Wisdom. And I want some philosophers, but I suppose anyone with a high Intelligence or Wisdom in this setting might fit the bill.

That all sounds pretty awesome. I'm in. I was already in, but now I'm doubly in. Wait, unless that means I have to buy two copies, which seems excessive. I'm twice as excited about the one copy I plan to get? Yeah! That sounds right.

I'm most curious to see how the rules amp players up into greco-mythic legends. A mythic 5E has been a long time coming. The rules do well for low-magic low-power and mid-ranges. Curious to see the new design ideas!

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