D&D 5E 16 pgs or Less


Be aware that it references many monsters in Tome of Beasts, so it looks like ToB is necessary to run the Warlock Lairs adventures.

I picked that up last year along with Creature Codex and 5th Edition Foes and Ive used those more than my other WotC mm's

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You're not going to get those kinds of modules from Wotc. Wizards wants to release big epic storylines that they can use for their multi-media initiatives. WoTC is doing a great service to the hobby, but they kind of have their own motives for releases that don't always line up with the needs of beleaguered DM's.

Your best bet is to harvest adventures from the old classic editions. With a some minor conversion work, the old school / OSR adventures and modules work great with 5E. Many can be run by just swapping in 5E versions of monsters and treasures.

The one page dungeon contest (especially the early ones): Dungeon Contest.Com: Home of the One Page Dungeon Contest

Stonehell dungeon is under $10 as a PDF. michaelrcurtis 's Books and Publications Spotlight . It is a mega dungeon but it is easy to break out into several one page dungeon complexes.

Dyson Logos has tons of maps that aren't stocked but have hooks written for them: Dyson's Dodecahedron

The hidden 'killer app' of 5E is that it is very closely compatible with the majority of the D&D content available since the beginning. I think it is the first modern D&D that provides this level of compatibility. It opens a world of content that is easily obtainable on DriveThru and DM's guild. Look for old classic TSR modules, Judge's Guild and OSR products.


Your best bet is to harvest adventures from the old classic editions

I totally appreciate your response and everyones responses, and thank you all for letting me vent. It helps me realize what it is Im looking for. Did I buy Decent Into Avernus, yes I did. Will I run it, maybe in another lifetime, will I mine it for scenarios/encounters, absolutely. Call it what you want review/preview and dont get me wrong I wanted to but after 10 pgs it just lost my attention. Why couldnt it be "Decent Into the Ethereal Plane"? Im definitely going to go back and read through this thread to gather all the suggestions to find some shorter modules or those that arent so transparent. Thanks folks!

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