D&D (2024) 1D&D elf: Swing and a miss

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
If my board name could remain whatever it was at the time I made a post, and it was very easy to switch them... I would have had a lot of fun posting as DEFCONs 1 through 5 depending on how strongly I felt about my opinions of the post. Issues I had no real care about would be posted as DEFCON5, ones that I believed with all my heart would be DEFCON1, and then the other three levels in between. :D
Dynamic naming. I like it.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
If my board name could remain whatever it was at the time I made a post, and it was very easy to switch them... I would have had a lot of fun posting as DEFCONs 1 through 5 depending on how strongly I felt about my opinions of the post. Issues I had no real care about would be posted as DEFCON5, ones that I believed with all my heart would be DEFCON1, and then the other three levels in between. :D
You could do that with a signature, but it would be pretty fiddly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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