D&D (2024) 2024 Core rule book changes


I thought this was an interesting article D&D’s revised core rulebooks will help grow better players and more Dungeon Masters. A lot of this has been discussed here and there before, but some of it was new to me. In any case the highlights

  • 320 pages, much of it due to new art and layout.
  • There will be the 12 core classes with each having 4 subclasses
  • Reorganizing, putting character creation after how to play.
  • 144 backgrounds with more details and guidance [EDIT: it's "144 options for your character’s background" which could be 9 species * 16 backgrounds]

  • They recognize that they didn't do a great job because of lack of resources.
  • New section on creating homebrew campaign with post map
  • Still being worked on but will be completely reorganized.

  • Will include more than 500 monsters
  • Includes more high level monsters
  • Every monster has dedicated art.

Of course the standard "it will be compatible with older books".
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"At the core of the Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024) will be a newly revised section on creating your own homebrew campaign, which will include a sample campaign setting. Then the book will show budding DMs how to build it out with the needs and desires of their players in mind.

"“I don’t want to use the word ‘stripped-down,’ but let’s say it’s very condensed,” Perkins said. “But it is a complete setting, and you can take this campaign skeleton and add some flesh to it. Decide where you want to place your campaign in this setting, and then make it your own. [We] give you a poster map that you can use of this campaign setting, and give you hooks within the campaign setting to help inform your decision about which parts of the campaign you want to use, [so that you can decide] which conflicts you think are going to be important in this game.”"

Lol love the pun.

But 144 seems a huge number for backgrounds. Is it a typo, or maybe a two stage thing where each background has two steps with 12 choices each?
Something, at least...maybe they are counting the different Ability Adjustment options, times the number if 1st Level feats...?

They keep saying it, maybe eventually people will catch on...?
Compatible, yes, but I think this was the first time they used 'legal to play'. I'm assuming there will be stipulations that if you use 2014 classes, you also use 2014 spells and feats. Also wondering if that means that some of the changes they were considering to the rules outside of class updates are going to be left by the wayside or put in as optional rules in the DMG.

Ultimately, it feels like what we're really getting is 12 new classes that have their own spell/feat system to support them. They'll have the same names as 2014, but the reality is you'll have 24 classes to choose from once 2024 comes out.

Compatible, yes, but I think this was the first time they used 'legal to play'. I'm assuming there will be stipulations that if you use 2014 classes, you also use 2014 spells and feats. Also wondering if that means that some of the changes they were considering to the rules outside of class updates are going to be left by the wayside or put in as optional rules in the DMG.

Ultimately, it feels like what we're really getting is 12 new classes that have their own spell/feat system to support them. They'll have the same names as 2014, but the reality is you'll have 24 classes to choose from once 2024 comes out.
Yeah, it doesn't seem like the same edition, no matter what they claim.

What the heck does "legal to play" even mean?

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