D&D (2024) 2024 Player's Handbook Reveal: "New Wizard"

"The paramount collector of spells."

Open your spellbooks, everybody. Today we get a Wizard video.

The last version of the class was in the UA Playtest 7 package (PT7). It's not clear how much they'll say here. Of the base class, I am hoping that they have recanted the level 5 ability, Memorize Spell (or perhaps shifted it to needing a short rest). They've said that the PHB will get clearer rules for how illusions work -- maybe they'll talk about that? Other than that, I think the most they can do is show us some revised spells: Will the revised version of Counterspell be kept? Any surprise Necromancy reveals? Let's find out.

  • "the paramount collector of spells": "many" of new spells are for the wizard.
  • As in PT7: cantrip change after long rest (level 1); scholar -- expertise in an academic field (at 2)
  • NEW: Ritual Adept broken out as a new class feature. They can cast spells in their spellbook, as before, but here ID'd as a new feature.
  • NEW: Memorize Spell at 5: you can swap a spell after short rest.
  • Each subclass gets a new version of Savant: free spells in spellbook of preferred school. 2 free spells of favored class, and a new spell for each spell level (so every 2 levels, as in the playtest. This isn't what is said in the video, but has been corrected elsewhere.
  • new abjuration spells feeds back onto how subclass functions.
  • NEW: Arcane Ward at 3: resistance, immunity applied before the Arcane Ward.
  • NEW: Projected Ward a 6: your friend's resistance is applied before the ward for them.
  • NEW: Spell breaker at level 10: Counterspell and Dispell Magic are both prepared (PT7 did not include Counterspell). Dispell Magic is a bonus action.
  • NEW: Third Eye at 10. As in PT7, bonus action to activate; 120' darkvision, see invisibility. NO MENTION of Greater Comprehension ("read any language")
Evoker -- "all about bringing the boom"
  • As in PT7: Potent Cantrip at 3 applies to cantrips both with a saving throw or an attack roll.
Illusionist -- "we felt that the subclass needed more" (YAY)
  • NEW: Improved Illusions at level 3:
    • cast illusion spells with no verbal components. (FUN)
    • illusions with range with at least 10' is increased to 60' (no-- by 60' to 70').
    • you get minor illusion cantrip, with both visual and audible
    • you cast minor illusion as a bonus action.
  • NEW: Phantasmal Creatures
    • summon beast and summon fey spells always prepared. These MAY BE changed from conjuration to Illusion, and the illusory version can be cast without expending a spell slot, but the summoned version, only with half the hit points. ONCE PER DAY.
    • illusions can step on a trap to set it off (?!)
    • (replacing Malleable Illusions, which I complained about here. This is so exciting.)
  • NEW: Illusory Self triggered by you being hit by an attack (not when you are targeted). As in PT7, you can get more uses by giving up a spell slot of level 2+.
  • NEW: school shift to Abjuration: no examples
  • Counterspell as in PT7.
  • GUIDANCE ON ILLUSIONS in Rules Glossary. E.g. How are they affected by environment?
    • spell descriptions also clarified. Rules Glossary to be discussed in future video (also conditions, areas of effects, guidance on teleportation, telepathy, "
  • "being dead" to be discussed in Cleric Video. Tease...
So this gave much more than I was expecting, and it looks amazing. Playing an illusionist will now be much more clearly not a "mother may I?" situation, which (I feel) has long been the case. I think I got most of what I'd asked for in the PT feedback.

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The problem is people start debating spells known and then switched it to spells prepared without actually noting that.

In terms of spells known, wizard straight up know more in 2024, before any additional spells purchased.

Prepared I believe it is close or the sorc has more prepared.
Using 2014 terminology sorcerers didn’t prepare spells, so need to bridge that gap somehow. The closest is sorcerer spells known to wizard spells prepared, with rituals in their own category.

Yes wizards can trade spells prepared on a long rest (and now one on a short rest) but I rarely saw that advantage being utilized at level 6, so I personally give it really weight (even less so for blasty spells).

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As much as I defend the wizard in this thread, I think its clear the sorc is the more blastery blaster....which to me is the very point of the niche. Sorcs are the best at casting the spells they have, and wizards are a more swiss army knife. No shame in that, if your wanting to play the most blasting blaster that ever did blast, you play a sorc. If you want to be a blaster by day but then bring in some utility at night, play a wizard.

Yes wizards can trade spells prepared on a long rest (and now one on a short rest) but I rarely saw that advantage being utilized at level 6, so I personally give it really weight (even less so for blasty spells).
This is one of those areas where playstyle will heavily impact your impression on it. For example, in the games I play downtime is common as is timeless exploration (aka the party explores some old crazy ruin, but they can explore it at their leisure other than potential hostile encounters they might have.

Wizard excel in such scenarios, the party has often marked something in the area for the "wizard to take care of latter". They explore for the day, rest for the evening, wizard prepares the needed spells and knocks out the key spots. In downtime, the wizard often are casting crazy spell X,Y,and Z

Yes wizards can trade spells prepared on a long rest (and now one on a short rest) but I rarely saw that advantage being utilized at level 6, so I personally give it really weight (even less so for blasty spells).
Wizards can now also swap cantips on a long rest. But I agree swapping doesn't get used much.

Wizards are going to pick their prepared spells same as sorcerers (but a better selection), and then fill the rest of their book with rituals.

Maybe if they find some spells they can swap.

Wizards can now also swap cantips on a long rest. But I agree swapping doesn't get used much.

Wizards are going to pick their prepared spells same as sorcerers (but a better selection), and then fill the rest of their book with rituals.

Maybe if they find some spells they can swap.
“Better selection”
What spells are really good that the sorcerer doesn't have access to?

Lets check combat scenarios.

Level 6 2 metamagic pick, elemental Adept fire +1 cha that is now a must have for dragon sorcerer.
Careful and Empowered Spell.
More HP, better AC, free resistence to fire, more prepared spells
-You spend 1SP IF your dice rolls was bad. If your damage rolls is high, you can choose not spending empower metamagic.
-You spend 1 SP IF your allies are around.
-Not every situation you will spend metamagic for your fireballs.
Also Careful Spell also apply to encounter ending spells like Fear / Hypnotic Pattern

The Dragon Sorcerer blasts with Empowered Fireball.
Average 37 damage with fireball that ignores enemies fire resistence. (33% highter than standard evoker), also +1 DC
The sorcerer can also blasts with non evocation spells.

If you dont have spells slots or need a single target you cast Scorching Rays or Firebolts with extra damage (cha on fire damage) with advantage. Here the Wizard is overshadows again.
When you get level level 7, you get Arcane Eruption and now the sorcerer shines and overshadows the evoker mixing blasting and a naughty word hard control Spell.
The dragon sorcerer is clearly stronger and reliable than evoker at blasting and control.

The Evoker Average damage is 28 damage.
I have seen the math. I can do it myself thank you. Noone denies that a sorcerer can do more damage than an evoker.

“Better selection”
What spells are really good that the sorcerer doesn't have access to?
This is what undercuts the value of wizard class having larger spell selection so badly & renders meaningless the practically hypothetical drawback carried by the subset sorcerers get. Even if there are multiple spell levels with lets-say-three☆ top tier spells to fill a given need for that slot level it is incredibly rare that a spellcaster gets much benefit from having all of them& odds are good that the sorcerer gets at least one from their subclass even if none of them were on the main sorcerer list by chance.

Given the unwillingness of the butbutbut it matters crowd to list specific examples any of the times this came up in the thread it makes for a range to discuss. Also treantmonk & colby used three in one of their recent 2024 phb discussion videos when talking about it.

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