Maybe you should invest your time in creating your own monster building rules.Something like this has been my experience for almost every session I run.
So listen when I tell you: this is too difficult (too time-consuming) for me.
The 2024 designers have ballpack damage / attack / hp / ac numbers for a given CR. Why don't we?
I'm somewhat sympathetic to the idea that this is a more "advanced" need, and that the goals of the CR calculator were easily misunderstood, and fed the fire of arguments around CR being trash. Those all make sense to me, and are pretty good reasons at the end of the day.
But when I say this is close to a dealbreaker, I mean that it stops me from running my sessions in D&D24, because creating custom monsters is something that I do extensively. Looting from existing monsters liberally, sure, but I am not going to go through 500 different monsters and calculate a Z-score for standard deviations of HP totals at 20-30 different CR points only to arrive at wrong assumptions after doing all the manual work to reverse-engineer something that the designers already have.
I mean, I'm actually going to rely on the community to patch this, practically. Someone somewhere is going to figure out what "bump" monsters in 2024 are getting over their 2014 versions. Lots of folks out there doing good analysis on the monsters, after all, and I'm sure the 2014 process isn't entirely worthless. And then I'll use that.
But this should not be necessary. D&D has had fairly decent monster creation rules since 4e, and if 2024 breaks that trend, I'm going to whine about it a lot on the internet until it does again. And budget a lot more time for monster building than I used to, probably.
Please don't get me wrong, I like monster creation rules. I found the 4e advice of just redressing monsters awful.
Maybe they should have indeed started woth the 2024 monster manual and then create the other books so they had final design guidelines for monsters to put in the DMG.
As I said, I hope we get some Advanced DM Guide with monster and dungeon creation tools. I'd really love that.
But having a table as in 2014 that just does not generate anything close to the monsters found in the MM was detrimental for my fun. I did not use them after a very short time because anything I could pull out of my hat was more useful to me than monsters built with that table.
So hopefully you publish your self made table or your whining is sucessful so we both soon have a useful tool at hand.