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25 Years of Dungeons and Dragons

Keith Robinson

Wow - that's truly impressive. Congratulations to everyone!

Our group has been running since 23rd April 2003 and we're now into our third campaign (the first was very brief...). Of the original group, only myself (the DM) and 1 player remain.

I have a lot of very fond memories.

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That's really great. I truly envy all you longtime campaigners.
I started playing D&D in the 5th grade (the red box) in 1984, but we were told we couldn't play in school because a group of mothers got together and decided it was " of the devil". :D

My first steady group was in 1992 while I was in the Air Force. That group was made up of a mix of Air Force folks and townies so it changed a lot in 4 years. My longest running group though only lasted about 5 years in the Atlanta area. I've moved a lot.
Last summer I visited one of my old Air Force/Gaming buddies and we played some DDM skirmishes. It wasn't exactly the same, but it was still good.

Silver Moon

Doug McCrae said:
What level are they?
The female half-elf Druid is 12th level;
The male half-elf Fighter is either 9th or 10th level;
The male human Cleric is 8th level.

Each player has from 5 to 8 characters who we alternate playing in the various modules. We also continue to use 1st Edition AD&D rules.


That's a very impressive run for a gaming group. It's also amazing that you remember the date you started. :cool:

I've been gaming for 25 years now, but can't remember the exact annivesary. It's been more than 23 years since I've seen the members of my first gaming group, with the exception of my two older brothers. My current group has been gaming together for about 12 years. None of our campaigns last longer than a few months though.

Congrats to Silver Moon, and all the other long-time gaming groups in general. I have really only been gaming regularly from 1996 (with a couple of long breaks in between) so I am a long way behind a lot of people on these boards.

My current group has been together for just over a year now. In that time there have been 4 people (including myself) that have been playing for all of that time. There have been 5 other people that have been through the group during that time. I can't imagine what it would be like to have played in the same campaign for 10+ years. Still, it must be fun if everyone keeps coming back, week after week.

Olaf the Stout

Haloq Jakar

First Post
Our D&D group still has 3 players from 1979 and 4 more from 1982 still playing together in 2007. Until last year we still were using/playing characters going back to "82".

Kudo's to you because I know how hard it is.


Still playing every other week with a friend who started gaming with me in November 1977. Two other guys from that era are geographically too remote for regular play but we get together on occasion.


First Post
Henry said:
When I realized that I have Character sheets older than the latest American Idol winner, I tend to feel old, too. :D

I don't have my first character's sheet anymore, but have my second, which is about 29 years old, give or take.

Heck, I've never lived in one spot more than 6 years until recently, good show Silver Moon.


Victoria Rules
While no single campaign of ours has lasted so long, the same core crew of us have been playing since about 1981-82, gathering and losing others along the way. We've had 5 major campaigns, lasting (in order) 9, 10, 8, 11+, and 6+ years - obviously, some overlapped - and a host of minor ones lasting anywhere from a session or two to a month or two. (also a few other long campaigns that I was only marginally involved with spawned out of these, with mostly different players)

At the 20th anniversary of the start of the first of these campaigns (April 21, 1981) we held an all-star game...show up with any one character you had played during those 20 years, prepare to drink all the beer you bring, and laugh yourself silly through a most un-serious adventure. :)

We missed our chance for a 25-year all-star game, so our next good chance will be in 2011.

Glad to hear you're still using 1e, too. :)


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