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D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Class Conversion "The Tinker"


First Post
Hello everyone, I am new to the forum here, been lurking about since a little before D&D Next came out, but I think it's finally time I contributed something rather than asking a ton of rules questions. So, I present to you the Tinker, a class from the 3.5 Warcraft RPG books, and one of my favorite classes. I have done my best to tweak and change it so that it is 5e compatible without breaking anything, which can be hard due to the nature of the Tinker. So, I implore to read below, but beware, it's long and not for the faint of heart.

EDIT: Tables are messing the formatting up, working on fixing it.

Tinkers are among the smartest of the adventurers setting out to explore and conquer the known world. The creators of incredible inventions from steam saws to siege engines, their devices allow them to overcome nearly any situation — and if they don’t have the device they need, they just might be able to design and create a new one on the spot. Tinkers have a reputation for being dangerous companions, born mainly of reckless experimentation with explosives. However, the true heart of the tinker profession can be found in the steady craftsmanship of the dwarves and the wild-eyed curiosity of the gnomes. As tinkers begin to spread to all the races, the idea of the “typical tinker” may continue to change, but inventiveness and intelligence will always be an important part.

Class Features
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Tinker level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution modifier per Tinker level after 1st

Armor: None
Weapons: All simple weapons, all Weapon-like Technological Devices, and Firearms
Tools: Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence and Dexterity

Skills: Choose three from Sleight of Hand, Arcana, Acrobatics, History, and Investigation.

Table 1-1
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st 1 Craft Technology, Tinker's Knowledge
2nd 1 Pack Rat, Scavenge
3rd 2 Cobble (1/week), Tinker Specialization
4th 2 Bomb Bouncing, Ability Score Improvement
5th 2 Tinker's Knowledge, Coolness under fire (1/day)
6th 2 Tinker Specialization
7th 3 Coolness under fire (2/day)
8th 3 Cobble (2/week), Ability Score Improvement
9th 3 Coolness under fire (3/day)
10th 3 Tinker's Knowledge, Tinker Specialization
11th 4 Coolness under fire (4/day)
12th 4 Ability Score Improvement
13th 4 Cobble (3/week), Coolness under fire (5/day)
14th 4 Delay Malfunction
15th 5 Tinker's Knowledge, Coolness under fire (6/day), Tinker Specialization
16th 5 Ability Score Improvement
17th 5 Coolness under fire (7/day)
18th 5 Cobble (4/week)
19th 6 Coolness under fire (8/day), Ability Score Improvement
20th 6 Tinker's Knowledge

Craft Technology
As a Tinker you gain the ability and knowledge to craft technological devices. This path is not for the faint of heart as technological devices are unwieldy and often unpredictable. For a full explanation on how to craft technological items please read the section entitled “Creating Technological Devices”. You also gain the ability to make a Craft Technological Device check, which is simply the Tinker's Intelligence Modifier + The Tinker's Proficiency Bonus.

Pack Rat
Tinkers tend to carry about packs and pouches full of heavy tools, spare parts and inventions both finished and incomplete. In doing so, they quickly develop the ability to shoulder casually otherwise crushing burdens. A tinker of 2nd level or higher calculates his carrying capacity as if he possessed 5 bonus points of Strength.

A tinker of 2nd level or higher can put together devices out of random piles of spare parts or whatever wires and gears he happens to be carrying in his pockets at the time. A tinker who succeeds at a Investigation check with a DC equal to 15 + the intended device’s overall Technology Score (TS) can gather random materials sufficient to substitute for raw materials equal to half the tinker’s level x 50 gp.

Tinkers prefer to spend days, weeks or even months constructing the devices they design. When adventuring, though, tinkers are often forced to throw together a device more quickly. A tinker of 3rd level or higher can make Craft Technological Device checks for progress on a device’s construction once per hour, rather than the normal once per week (see the following section on the device construction process). However, after the device is complete, the device’s Malfunction Rating is increased by +5. Further, it will continue to increase by +1 each time the device is operated, and no repair or upgrade can decrease it. At 3rd level, the tinker may use the cobble ability once per week. Each five levels thereafter (8th, 13th and 18th), the tinker may use the ability one additional time, to a maximum of four times at 18th level.

Bomb Bouncing
At 4th level, a tinker learns an esoteric technique developed by an insane tinker and passed along to their brethren — the art of bomb throwing. When throwing a grenade-like weapon, a tinker with the bomb bouncing ability imparts a spin to the object that doubles the thrown object’s range increment.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score o f your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Tinker Specialization
At 3rd level Tinker may choose a specialization, either Battle Tinker or Engineer. The Tinker gains additional benefits from their specialization at 6th, 10th, and 15th levels.

Coolness Under Fire
At 5th level, a tinker has employed his skills in dangerous situations often enough that he learns how to remain calm in combat even when operating complex controls or working to repair delicate machinery. Once per day, the tinker can take 10 on any roll that involves the construction, operation or repair of a technological device, even when circumstances would otherwise prevent it. This ability cannot be used for attack rolls, so the tinker cannot take 10 when operating a weapon such as a blunderbuss or a steam saw. For each two tinker levels achieved beyond 5th level, a tinker can use the coolness under fire ability one additional time per day, to a maximum of eight times per day at 19th level.

Delay Malfunction
The Tinker has learned how to making last-minute repairs and make sure that his equipment is good to the last drop. When a device malfunctions you may attempt a craft technological device check (DC = 15 + the device's MR). If successful the device operates normally for 1d4 rounds, giving you the chance to finish the job you are doing, make an emergency repair, or get clear before it explodes. If you roll a natural 20 on the check, the malfunction is completely adverted. You may only use the feature once on a particular malfunction.

Tinker's Knowledge
The Tinker's experience with technological items has manifested into knowledge, which shall aid the Tinker in creating new and wondrous items. The Tinker may select one bit of knowledge or experience at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level. The Tinker may choose from the below choices.

Firearm Knack
You have a talent for building and using Firearms. You receive a +2 bonus on craft technological device checks when building firearms. In addition your Technological Limit for building firearms increases by +2.

Scavenge Materials
You may build an item using raw materials equivalent to only 1/10 the item’s market value. The Craft check DC needed to build the item increases by +10.

Siege Weapon Knack
You have a talent for building large weapons and engines of destruction. You receive a +2 bonus on craft technological device checks when building catapults, cannons, mortars and other siege weapons, and your Technological Limit for building siege weapons increases by +2.

Small Device Knack
You get a +2 bonus on craft technological device checks when building a device of Tiny, Diminutive or Fine size. Your Technological Limit for building such devices increases by +2. You can build devices that are easily concealed or disguised as other objects, such as a small pistol in the shape of a spoon. If you choose to conceal or disguise a device, a character attempting to find it must make a Perception check. A character trying to discover the device’s function must make a Investigation check. The DC of either check is 8 + Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency Bonus.

Vehicle Knack
You receive a +2 bonus on craft technological device checks when building a vehicle. Your Technological Limit for building vehicles increases by +2.

Vehicle Proficiency
Choose a specialty: land vehicles, water vehicles or air vehicles. You may operate a vehicle of the appropriate type by making a Slight of Hand Check
Special: You can take this Tinker's Knowledge multiple times. Each time, it applies to a different specialty.

Prerequisite: Level 10
When making a check to craft a technological device you may choose, before you roll to take a 10 as your result before modifiers.

Tinker Specialization
Different Tinkers have different ideals when it comes to building their creations, some believe that their creations should have a more lethal purpose, while others seek to improve their creations and perfect them.

Battle Tinker
The Battle Tinker uses his or her devices to give them an edge on the battlefield, they excel in creating weapons of war, for themselves and their allies.

War Training
When you choose this specialization at level 3 you gain proficiency with all martial weapons and proficiency with light and medium armor.

Swift Strikes
At 6th level the Tinker has honed it's abilities in combat to the point where when it takes an attack action it may make a second attack as a bonus action.

The Last Action Hero
At 10th level the Tinker has learned the ability to quickly fire off a ranged weapon, such as a firearm, as a bonus action.

Flesh to Metal
At 15th level the Tinker has discovered the ancient secrets of meld flesh with metal, allowing the Tinker to replace it's own body parts and skin with metallic replacements. The Tinker can now craft devicea onto it's own skin, replacing a hand with a gun or whatever the Tinker can come up with. The Tinker's AC when not wearing armor is now 13 + Dexterity Modifier.

The Engineer values perfection in all it creatures, striving to improve their creations to the point where there is nothing left to add.

Wired for Success
At 3rd level when you choose the Engineer Specialization the equation for your Technological Limit changes to what is listed below.

Technological Limit = 1 + (tinker class level x 2 ) + Tinker's Knowledge modifiers

Improved Cobble
At 6th level the Engineer has learned how to quickly create something out of almost nothing, when making Craft Technological Device checks with Cobble progress is made by the minute, instead of by the hour.

Improved Craft Technological Device
At 10th level the Engineer has mastered the art of creation and is able to add his or her's Proficiency bonus to Craft Technological Device checks twice.

Something From Nothing
At 15th level when the Engineer attempts to craft a Technological Device, he or she only has to supply one-tenth of the Market Price in raw materials.

Designing and constructing a technological device is a collaborative effort between the player and the GM. To do so, follow these steps:

Step One: Define the Primary Function
The first step in creating a device is determining its primary function. Though inventive or desperate heroes may find alternate uses for a device, tinkers typically design a device with a single function in mind. Think of a device’s primary function as the verb that will be used most often when describing its use. Some possibilities include:
• Magnifying a view of far-away objects.
• Boring through the lock on a door.
• Ferrying cargo and passengers through the clouds.
• Testing floors for traps.
• Assembling a building.
• Communicating with a distant city.
• Translating one language into another.
• Forging swords and axes.

Once you have described the device’s primary function, the GM assigns the function a Difficulty representing the function’s complexity. Note that this Function Difficulty (FD) is not a Difficulty Class and is never used in skill checks. Function Difficulties serve as a way of evaluating how complex a device is and how difficult it is to construct. While determining the Function Difficulty, the GM should take into account the scale of the function’s operation, how long the function will take to complete, how complicated the function is to perform, and how independent or responsive the device is intended to be. These factors create a wide continuum of possible FDs — a function that produces a small fire without flint or tinder may have an FD of 5, for instance, while a device that follows the tracks of an elven ranger without being detected would be considerably higher. The GM may rule that a specific task is impossible to perform with the technology available to the characters.

One method of convincing a GM to set a lower FD for a function is to provide as complete a description of a device’s workings as possible. As a certain degree of impossible science is a tinker’s stock in trade in, a cartoonish but detailed drawing may be just as valid as engineering blueprints.

Table 1–2: Technological Device Function Difficulty Benchmarks provides suggestions for establishing a Function Difficulty for a device. These are suggestions only; the GM has complete freedom when assigning a device’s FD.

Table 1–2: Technological Device Function Difficulty Benchmarks
FD Function Examples
10 Simple Repetitive task Mortar shells; steam saw; irrigation system
15 Complex repetitive task Timed bomb; mechanical calculator; automatic thief
20 Simple responsive task Firearms; intruder alarms; slow ground vehicles
30 Complex responsive task Clockwork guard with pre-determined tactics; devices to record and analyze information
50 Simple creative task Devices that forge simple weapons, make tools, build walls or copy books
75 Complex creative task Devices that create gunpowder, build complex non-technological equipment such as siege weapons, or
make predictions based on a set of information
100 Amazing feat of technology Devices that build simpler technological devices; devices with humanoid-level intelligence; a device that
could hunt down and attack a particular individual
Moving Devices
A device that can move does so either under its own power or via a pilot’s control. If it moves under its own power, the function is at least a complex responsive task. If it moves but requires a pilot, the function is probably a complex repetitive task — though most vehicles are complex enough that their FDs are 20 or higher.

Example: Mike the Dwarven Tinker wants to build a Mechanical Horse. His GM knows that a moving device has a base FD of 20 at the least. Mike's GM rules that his horse will have a FD of 30 because it will need to move it's legs in a more precise way unlike a vehicle that has wheels.

Step Two: Set the Technology Score and Determine Features
Even devices that perform the same functions can have different forms. A device’s complexity and power determines its Technology Score (TS). Items with lower Technology Scores are cheaper and easier to construct, while those with higher Technology Scores are more powerful. The features of the devices a tinker can create are limited by his experience and ability — his Technological Limit (TL). The features of any device a tinker designs must have Technology Scores less than or equal to his TL, which is determined as follows:

Technological Limit = 1 + tinker class level + Tinker's Knowledge modifiers

A feature’s Technology Score establishes its power, as shown on Table 1–2: Technological Device Features. The device’s overall TS is equal to the highest TS among its features. A cannon that deals 5d6 points of damage (TS 5) yet has a range increment of 50 feet (TS 1) has a TS of 5.

Example: Mike is ready to move on to Step Two! Mike is a level 5 Tinker, so his Technological limit is 6. Mike wants his Mechanical Horse to be able to move as fast as possible, so he gives it the max movement speed his Technological limit will allow him to, TS 6. So the horse's max movement speed will be 6 x 10 = 60 miles per hour, wow that's fast! Mike isn't done yet though, he also wants his horse to be able to store some of his gear. Mike decides to reduce costs later he'll only assign a TS of 3 to the Cargo Capacity, so the Cargo Capacity will be 3 x 100 = 300lbs of cargo space.

Table 1-3
Feature Technology Score
Armor Bonus TS / 2
Additional Hit Points* TS x 5
Blast Radius** (TS/2) x 5ft.
Cargo Capacity TS x 100lb
Climb Speed TS x 5 miles per hour
Deals Damage (TS/3)d6 points
Fly Speed TS x 5 miles per hour
Land Speed TS x 10 miles per hour
Projectile Weapon*** 3
Range Increment**** TS x 50ft
Swim Speed TS x 10 miles per hour
Underwater capability 10
*All technological devices have Hit Points as determined by their size, but you may add additional hit points if you like.
** Most devices that have a blast radius blow up, they have Time Factors of 10 (See blow).
*** Any device that shoots something and deals damage is a projectile weapon and has a base TS of 3.
**** For projectile weapons.

Step Three: Determine Complexity Score
The more complex a device is, the more difficult it is to construct. A device’s Complexity Score is equal one-half its Function Difficulty plus the combined values of all of its features’ Technology Scores. Add all of the feature’s Technology Scores together, then add them to half the FD.

Complexity Score = (FD/2) + TS1 + TS2 + TS3, and so on.

Example: Now that Mike has his FD (30) and his TS scores he can move on to Step 3. Mike will have to figure out his Horse's complexity score which will look something like this. Complexity Score = (30/2) + 6 + 3. This equation factors out to a Complexity Score of 24. The 6 and 3 come from Mike's choice of having cargo space in his horse, and for how fast he wanted his horse to go.

Step Four: Decide Time Factor
The primary function of a device takes time to perform. For most devices, this time is the interval between initiating the function and completing it. For others, where the function is instantaneous or continuous, the time is that required for the device to be prepared to function — the time required to load a weapon or start a vehicle’s steam engine. Once you determine the device’s primary function and its features, the GM decides the basic time unit on which it operates — move actions, standard actions, rounds, minutes, hours, days, weeks or months. The time unit chosen should be that most appropriate given the scale of the function and the design of the device. The tinker then selects a number between 1 and 10. This is the Time Factor (TF), or how many time units the primary function of the device requires to perform its task. The Time Factor is important because slower items are less expensive and can be built more quickly than fast items. The faster an item is, the more it costs. Personal firearms, for example, usually operate on move actions and have TFs of 1 — they take a single move action to reload. Some items, such as bombs or disposable flares, work just once and then destroy themselves. These items have Time Factors of 10.

Example: Mike's GM decides that the Mechanical Horse's time factor shall be in minutes. Mike decides to make the Time Factor (TF) 5, so his Horse will take 5 minutes to turn on and become useable. The Time Factor could describe how long and item takes to “recharge” until it's usable again, or even how long it will run for, but in this instance the Horse's running time is continuous and only the time it takes to start the Horse matters.

Step Five: Determine Malfunction Rating
Reliable and durable devices are always a possibility, given sufficient skill, time and resources. However, ambitious tinkers and the cheapskate adventurers funding them often settle for devices that serve the desired need despite the risks of an occasional explosion. During the design process, tinkers assign the primary function of the device a Malfunction Rating (MR) between 1 and 5, representing the chance that the device will fail to operate when used. If the device’s operator makes an attack roll or a check associate with using/operating the device, and the roll is equal to or less than the device’s Malfunction Rating, the device malfunctions. (See “Malfunction Effects” later in this chapter for more information on specifying the details of a device’s malfunctions.)

Example: Mike has sacrificed reliability in the past, and often it has worked against him, he decided that he doesn't want his Horse exploding with all his precious loot inside of it, so he gives the Horse a Malfunction Rating of 1.

Step Six: Calculate Market Value
Once you have fully designed a device, you must determine its market value before you can begin construction. The device’s market value takes into account all of the factors you previously determined.

Market value = (Function Difficulty x TS x Complexity Score) / (TF + MR)

Function Difficulty: Determined in step one.
TS: The device’s overall Technology Score, determined
in step two.
Complexity Score: Determined in step three.
TF: The device’s Time Factor, determined in step four.
MR: The device’s Malfunction Rating, determined instep five.

Round the market value to the nearest 5 gp. Market
values are not set in stone; the GM may adjust it further
if he feels it appropriate.

Example: Mike is finally read to figure out the cost of his Horse. His equation is as follows:

Market Value = (30 x 6 x 24 ) / (5 + 1)
Market Value = 4320 / 5
Market Value = 864gp

Now Mike's GM decides he likes round numbers and declares the price shall really be 900gp. GMs have the final say in prices.

Step Seven: Fill Out the Details
You now have completed the design’s blueprint and the shopping list (and price) of the required materials. Before you begin construction, you and the GM should work together to describe the details that are not explicitly determined in the above process. Base the device’s size and weight on its function and the materials going into its construction. In most cases, the device’s size and weight are obvious: hand tools are Tiny and weigh a few pounds at most, steam-powered tree saws are Small and can be held and operated in two hands, while self-propelled mechanical lumberjacks may be Huge and weigh thousands of pounds. Keep in mind that steam technology is oversized, involving great pistons, huge boilers and other large pieces of equipment. Also, despite the incredible abilities they can possess, the materials and techniques that go into tinker-made devices are less sophisticated than those of 21st-century Earth, resulting in constructions that are big and bulky. Devices that are self-powered also require fuel of some sort; probably liquid phlogiston (see below.) A device’s size determines its hit points, as shown on the following table. You can add hit points to your device by adding layers, armor plating, supports, solidifying the design and the like. Adding hit points or hardness counts as a feature, as described in step one.

During this step, the GM should also determine what proficiencies (if any) and checks are required to operate the device. A good baseline is a DC equal to 10 + the device’s TS.

Table 1-4
Size Hit points
Fine 1
Diminutive 3
Tiny 5
Small 10
Medium 20
Large 40
Huge 80
Gargantuan 160
Colossal 320
Fuel and Ammunition

The miracle substance driving most technology in the world is phlogiston, a gas collected from the air and distilled into vials of liquid phlogiston: a precise mixture of oil, water and phlogiston gas. Liquid phlogiston allows smaller boilers to burn at the tremendous temperatures and pressures that enable portable tinker technology and gigantic vehicles to operate. Unless specified elsewhere, along with their other fuel requirements, phlogiston-powered devices require 1 vial of liquid phlogiston per week. Vehicles may require anywhere between 1 and 20 vials per week (or more!) based on their size and weight. A phlogiston vial weighs one-quarter pound and has a market value of 20 gp.

Gunpowder & Bullets
A standard fuel for most explosives, flintlock pistols, and rifles. Gunpowder can be expensive, and dangerous often exploding when lit with fire. Gunpowder comes in many different containers each with different amounts of Gunpowder. Bullets are fired from rifles and flintlock pistols with the use of Gunpowder. They are sold in leather pouches that hold 10 bullets for 5 gold. It is often useful to keep in mind that 1 pound is equal to 16 ounces.

Gunpowder, 2-pound horn 35 gp 2 lb.
Gunpowder, 15-pound keg 250 gp 20 lb.

Step Eight: Build the Device
Once you reach this step, the design work is completed and it is time to begin construction using Craft Technological Device checks.

First you must have the Market Value of the item in gold pieces, you must also have the DC for the item you are about to create. The Craft DC is 10 + the device's TS. Now you must pay one-third of the item's price in raw materials. Then you must make a Craft Technological Device check representing a weeks' work. If you succeed multiply the result by the DC, if the result x the DC equals the item's price in gp the item is completed. If it doesn't then it represents progress made that week, record the result and make another check for the next week, progress is made each week till the total reaches the item's price in gp.

Example: Mike is ready to build his Mechanical Horse. Mike has the Market value of the horse 900gp, and he has the Horse's DC: 16. Mike pays the 300pg and makes a Craft Technological Device Check (Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency) for his first week of work. He rolls a 18 (12 + 6) which is a success, now he multiplies 18 by 16 and gets 288. 288 is written down and he has 612g to go. Mike makes a check for the next week of work, and gets a 25 (19 + 6). Another success for Mike, so he multiplies 25 by 16 and gets 400. Mike adds this to 288 giving him 688, only 212 to go. Mike would keep rolling for each week until he finishes his creation.

Add-Ons and Upgrades
Tinkers can improve technological devices. Two types
of improvement exist: add-ons and upgrades.

Add-ons perform functions that are peripheral and/ or unrelated to a device’s primary function. They are secondary devices included in a larger construction, such as a steam cannon mounted on a suit of technological armor or a clock in a steam-powered drill. You design an add-on as an independent device, using steps one through eight in the normal design process, but addons do not automatically receive hit points. Either the add-on shares the device’s hit points or it has its own hit points. In the latter case, granting the add-on its own hit points counts as a feature. Add-ons that possess their own hit points continue to function if the primary device is disabled.

An add-on’s market value is 75% that of an independent device of its type. Construct it using Craft technological device checks. After you complete the add-on, you must incorporate it into the device. This requires one day and a Craft Technological Device check with a DC equal to the device’s TS plus the add-on’s TS. Add-ons are generally smaller and less obtrusive than the device to which they are added, and their reduced market value represents the fact that they make use of the existing device’s capabilities (drawing power from its boiler, being steadied by its frame, and so on). The GM may rule that a particularly large or unusual addon, such as a cannon added to a pocket watch, cannot make substantial use of the existing device and does not benefit from the reduced market value.

Upgrades improve a device’s existing functions. A tinker can upgrade a flintlock pistol to enhance its ability to deal damage, or she might upgrade a steam horse so that it moves faster. To make an upgrade, design the upgraded device as if it were a wholly new device sharing all the device’s existing attributes along with all desired upgrades. Once you determine the market value of the upgraded device, subtract the market value of the original design from that of the upgraded design. The result is the upgrade cost. Make Craft Technological Device checks to upgrade the device; the DC equals the upgraded device’s TS + 10. The device cannot be used while you are upgrading it.

Collaborative Construction
Some devices, such as a zeppelins, are so complex or so difficult to design that few tinkers could complete the task on their own. Multiple, skilled tinkers often combine their efforts to create such a design and guide the project to a timely and successful completion. Designing a technological device by collaboration proceeds normally through the design process, except that the Technological Limit is determined as follows:

Technical Limit on a collaborative design = number of tinkers + the project’s average tinker level

This calculation does not include feat modifiers.

Malfunctions and Repairs
Stories of the amazing devices created by tinkers are matched in number by stories of their malfunctions. At best, vehicles do not move and weapons do not fire. At worst, the devices’ phlogiston-fueled boilers explode and those standing nearby are reduced to smoldering messes on the ground. Every technological device has a Malfunction Rating (MR) between 0 and 5. This number represents the chance that the item fails when used. When making a skill check or attack roll while using the device, if you roll a number equal to or below the Malfunction Rating (MR), without taking into account any modifiers, the
object fails to operate correctly. Thus, if your character attempts to use a device with an MR of 2, and you roll a die to use the device and the roll comes up a 1 or a 2, the device malfunctions (despite any bonuses you have to the check) When most devices malfunction, they fail to perform the desired task (the vehicle stalls, the weapon jams, the chicken gets stuck and so forth) and must be repaired. Repairing a technological device probably requires a Craft Technological Device check. The GM may rule that a malfunction has other effects, as described in the following section. To repair an item, the Tinker needs to make a check against the original DC used to make the device, and must supply one-fifth the item's market value in material components.

Never Trust Technology

As an optional rule, whenever a device malfunctions, the GM may require the user to make another roll of the same type using all the bonuses he used in the first place. If this second roll would have failed at the intended action, the malfunction is more interesting than normal, as described under “Malfunction Effects.” This method is similar to determining a critical hit, but is the opposite — technological devices can critically fail.

Malfunction Effects
A tinker maxim: “Two devices may be made from the same plans, but each fouls up in its own way.” Table 1–3 lists a number of possible malfunction effects. While constructing a device, players and the GM should choose an effect from the table that is appropriate to the device. The device sometimes produces this effect when it malfunctions. Alternately, you can elect to have the device produce a random result when it malfunctions. If you do so, to see what happens when the device
malfunctions, you or the GM rolls 1d20 on Table 1–5. (Reroll inapplicable results.) Creating a device with a random malfunction reduces the device’s MR by 1 (to a minimum of 1, with the adjustment made after the device’s construction is complete). Several malfunctions have permanent effects. In most cases, you can correct these effects by upgrading the device, as described above, returning it to its former capacity. In cases where this does not make sense (for example, the noisemaker or pain machine effect), you can repair the effect by following the normal rules for the Craft skill. (You therefore have to repair the device twice: once to get it working again, and once to correct the permanent malfunction effect.) Malfunction effects are cumulative.

Table 1-5
d20 Malfunction
1 Function Lock
2 Mangled
3 Leaky
4 Total Failure
5 Inhibited Function
6 Degradation
7 Balky
8 Pieces Everywhere
9 Awkward Operation
10 Backfire
11 Frangible
12 Kickback
13 Bulky
14 Critical Components
15 Self-Destructive
16 Noisemaker
17 Fused Function
18 Fragile
19 Pain Machine
20 Phlogiston Explosion
Function Lock: For 2d6 rounds, the device continues to repeat the action taken during the round in which it malfunctioned. Weapons continue to fire and their direction cannot be altered; vehicles continue to move uncontrollably in the same direction at the same speed. All ammunition or fuel loaded into the device is consumed or destroyed in the malfunction.
Mangled: The device can be repaired, but it will never look the same again. For all purposes related to the device’s sale or appraisal, its market value is halved. If a device suffers this malfunction effect twice, it is ravaged beyond recognition and must be replaced.
Leaky: The device now requires regular applications of some substance in order to continue operating. This lubstance may be a lubricant to keep gears turning, phlogiston to replace that seeping out of a leaky boiler or something similar. If the substance is not applied daily, the device ceases to function.
Total Failure: Not only does the malfunctioning device fail, so do all its add-ons. They must be repaired individually.
Inhibited Function: Once the device is repaired, its Time Factor (determined in step four, above) is doubled.
Degradation: Even after being repaired, one feature (randomly determined) is decreased as if the feature’s TS were –1 lower (minimum 0). An armor bonus may be reduced by –1, maximum movement speed might decrease by –20 mph, and so on.
Balky: The device’s speed is reduced by half.
Pieces Everywhere: The device falls apart into a multitude of tiny components. Craft Technological Device checks to repair the device have their DCs increased by +4.
Awkward Operation: The device is more difficult to operate after being repaired. All skill checks or attack rolls
made with the device have disadvantage.
Backfire: All weapons on the device backfire, dealing their damage to the operator.
Frangible: Though it can be repaired normally, the device is more likely to malfunction in the future. Its Malfunction Rating increases by +1.
Kickback: The device somehow deals damage to its operator, by jerking her around violently, blasting her with steam or the like. She takes 3d6 points of damage.
Bulky: You can repair the device, but it needs extra components. Lots of extra components. For the purposes of repair, its market price increases by 25%. After you repair it, the device is one size larger — Tiny devices become Small, Small devices become Medium and so on. The device’s weight doubles, and its movement speed decreases by –20 mph (if applicable).
Critical Component: The malfunction destroys a critical component. You cannot repair the device until a rare or delicate component worth at least 10% of the device’s total market value can be replaced. (This requirement might spark an adventure if the component is not available on the open market.)
Self-Destructive: After you repair it, the device damages itself, taking 1 point of damage each time it is successfully operated.
Noisemaker: The device immediately emits a loud and annoying noise that can be heard by any creature within 60 feet. Even after repair, the function makes the noise continuously during its operation and for a period afterward equal to its Time Factor (but not less than 1 minute).
Fused Function: You cannot upgrade the device and all skill checks made to repair it have their DCs increased by +3.
Fragile: The device’s maximum hit points are halved.
Pain Machine: The device can be repaired normally, but it deals 1d6 points of damage to its operator each time it is used.
Phlogiston Explosion: The device’s phlogiston boiler explodes, dealing slashing and fire damage equal to (the device’s Technology Score)d6 to all characters and creatures within 15 feet. The Craft Technological Device checks required to repair the device have disadvantage.


Basic Boomstick
Description: Sometimes you want more firepower than a long rifle. The basic boomstick fires several small metal balls that are 1 inch in diameter — large enough to blow many small holes in people, and far too many balls to be accurate at long ranges. The basic boomstick deals 5d6 points of piercing damage. It has a range increment of 50 feet.
Operation: The basic boomstick is a firearm and requires a ranged attack roll to hit. It requires two hands to use properly. Reloading it is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Fuel: The basic boomstick consumes two ounces of
gunpowder with each shot.
Ammunition: The basic boomstick uses regular bullets, and consumes 5 bullets per shot,which are sold separately.
5 hp; Size Tiny (weapon category: Medium, two-handed); Weight 25 lb.; MR 2; TS 15, Craft DC 25; Price 2,900 gp.

Repeating Pistol
Description: A repeating pistol, also called a repeater, resembles a flintlock pistol with five barrels arranged in a circle. A clockwork mechanism is incorporated into the barrels, so that when a character fires the pistol, a new barrel rotates into position, saving her the trouble of reloading it. A repeating pistol deals 2d6 points of damage and has a range increment of 20 feet.
Operation: A repeating pistol functions like a
flintlock pistol. It holds five shots, and switching barrels
takes little time; you can fire a repeating pistol several
times per round equal to your Tinker level divided by 4.
It takes a movement action to reload the repeating pistol.
Fuel: The repeating pistol uses 1 ounce of gunpowder per shot.
Ammunition: The repeating pistol fires the same pistol balls as flintlock pistols.
5 hp; Size Tiny; Weight 7 lb.; MR 2; TS 6, Craft DC 16; Price 750 gp.

Description: Zeppelins are swift, able to make long journeys, and pass above rough terrain. A zeppelin consists of a wooden gondola attached to large balloon. A phlogiston boiler pumps hot air into the balloon. Ropes connect fins on the balloon’s back to a wheel in the gondola, allowing the pilot to control the zeppelin’s direction. He controls its altitude and speed by regulating the balloon’s degree of inflation and with ballast. One or more rotors provide thrust and alter the zeppelin’s speed. A zeppelin can hold 2,600 pounds of cargo, and it flies at a speed of 15 miles per hour.
Operation: Inflating the zeppelin’s balloon takes 1 hour. Piloting a zeppelin requires a DC 10 slight of hand check once per hour.
Fuel: The zeppelin’s boiler requires 20 vials of phlogiston to inflate the balloon and 1 vial of phlogiston every hour it is in operation.
Malfunction: Zeppelins are one of the most stable technological devices currently known, and malfunctions tend to be nonthreatening. The zeppelin may drift off course or develop a leak, forcing it to descend to the ground, but only rarely does the phlogiston boiler explode (in which case it deals 13d6 points of slashing and fire damage to all creatures within 15 feet).
320 hp; Size Colossal; Weight 900 lb.; MR 1; TS 13, Craft DC 23; Price 10,140 gp.

Steam Armor
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