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D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Elemental Savant (fire) help

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I'd recommend it dealing 10d6 or 20d6 damage per round, similar to Acid or Lava.


Yea, i actually ran into that thread from google, haha. I actually figured out that doesn't apply, since ES's capstone specifies you become elemental type, subtype <your energy type>. Not specifically an <energy type> elemental. Since the whole water business is specific to Fire Elementals, it doesn't apply, thank god. Thanks though.

On a somewhat related note, what's the most efficient way to counter the vulnerability to your opposing element? In my case, cold?
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First Post
Yea, i actually ran into that thread from google, haha. I actually figured out that doesn't apply, since ES's capstone specifies you become elemental type, subtype <your energy type>. Not specifically an <energy type> elemental. Since the whole water business is specific to Fire Elementals, it doesn't apply, thank god. Thanks though.

On a somewhat related note, what's the most efficient way to counter the vulnerability to your opposing element? In my case, cold?

As a Sorc/Wizard? 7th level spell Energy Immunity then choose (Cold) it lasts for 24 hours so you will have moments where it overlaps unless you prepare spells at the same time every day.


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There is no reason to make the Elemental Savant worse.

It is mediocre in offensive capabilities and even weaker in pretty much everything, but in a campaign where no one is an optimizer the immunities are pretty decent (on the level with someone actively seeking out defensive buffs that aren't just to AC). Weakening a pure Wizard by losing casting levels, not so good though (I use it for Cleric cause it fit my character).

Not to mention it is one of the best ways to become immortal in the game world, especially coupled with some sort of way to not gain aging penalties.


First Post
I'd recommend it dealing 10d6 or 20d6 damage per round, similar to Acid or Lava.


Nothing in the wording hints that it does damage like this. If anything "treated as impassable terrain" means just that, treat it like a wall of force is surrounding it and he might not even be able to accidentally fall into the water.

Or for a less boring bad thing happening, have it summon a water elemental of equal strength and it start attacking the fire elemental. Just doing Xd6 or XXd6 is dull and unimaginative.


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I'm playing in a large campaign with mostly beginners, so I decided to play as a Sorcerer 6/Elemental Savant (Fire) for the hell of it. Now that I'm nearing ES 10, my DM and I realized we really should get what happens with the capstone clarified. Complete Arcane (p32) says the PC gains "elemental perfection", which means the player "completely transcends her mortal form to become an elemental creature. Her type changes to elemental. She no longer needs to eat, sleep, or breathe. She gains an elemental creature's immunity to stunning, and she is no longer subject to extra damage from critical hits or flanking. An elemental savant gains the speed and movement modes, natural attacks, special attacks, and special qualities of a Medium elemental of their type as noted in MMI" We have a multitude of questions that we really don't know the answer to, including but not limited to:
-"The merest touch from their fiery bodies is sufficient to set many materials aflame" Would I incinerate anything flammable I touch, period? In extension to this, "Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental's attack, and also catch on fire..." would this affect anyone who touched me, ever, or only when they are attacking, OR when I choose? Also in extension to THIS, what happens when i grapple something/one?

You got to keep in mind, you are NOT becoming a fire elemntal. You are at best a Quasi-fire elemental. You are part fire elemental, part whatever your race was to begin. I would treat you more like a Half-elemntal, or even a powerful Genasi. I would treat this as your body radiates heat in responce to your will or emotional state. An interesting way to play this would be you get "hot" when you get angry. Having to be careful to not accidently burn someone when you get angry. Good Roleplay method.

-"A fire elemental cannot enter water or any other non-flammable liquid. A body of water is an impassible barrier unless the fire elemental can step or jump over it." What happens if I am, say, pushed into the water? Is it the water/air boundary or the earth/water boundary that's impassable (Would I just stay over the water like it's ground?), or if i do come in contact with the water, what would happen?

Once again, you are NOT a fire elemental. You still possess a body crafted for the mortal world. Treating water as a barrier, or even a barrier that hurts you means you can't go out in the rain. And that's just stupid. If you can't enter a fluid, then that also means you can't do your lava swimming. Molten lava is a fluid. From a phsyics standpoint, fire CAN exist under water. As you still possess a human body, you can still go swimming. That being said, as your mind has altered to more fully embrace your elemantal type. You probably won't WANT to go into water if you can avoid it. Same as an Air Savant would hate being underground. I would treat it more like a phobia then a phsyical, damagaing barrier.

-What is included under "special qualities" that would apply to me? "voice sounds like the crackle and hiss of a great fire"?, grapple bonus?, immunity to fire?, vulnerability to cold?, feats (dodge, improved initiative, mobility, weapon finesse)?, weight?
-Would I still be able to go unconscious?
-by immune to fire, if included in "special qualities"; is that fire as in fire-energy magic? Or fire as in fire, like burning house fire? Worth noting, it has listed separately in the ES entry "Energy Immunity: from 10th level on, an elemental savant gains immunity to the type of energy associated with her chosen element."
-In extension to the previous question, what would happen if I, say, decided to do a few laps in a lava pool, just because?

immunity to fire. All fire. Keep in mind, you also don't need to breathe. So you're not even vunerable to smoke inhalation. You can set fire to the grass around you, and stand in the middle of it without any harm. Where as someone under a protection spell will choke to death from the smoke. You might have to worry about your clothes going up and being naked. I would invest in some fireproof magical fabrics. As for lava. You can swim in it, bathe in it. But you are immune to all heat. That's what fire damage is. Heat. You can hold a white hot piece of metal in your hand without any problems. Cover your hand in Alchemical Fire and smear it across someone's face. Be creative. :D

Any help is greatly appreciated! Also, if you could include your reasoning for any of your answers it would be great, so I can give my DM a "why" for anything I give him.

Also to note. You gain landspeed of 50. Which means you can now outrun most people. You are immune to poison. So you can use poisoned weapons with complete safety. Also you are immune to poisons and don't breathe. So you can release posioned gas and stand in the middle of it unharmed while people around you die. The weaknesses of the Elemntal Savant class is way lower then the advantages in my mind.


First Post
Your creature type is Elemental (fire, augmented humanoid, <insert race>, native), you are not a fire elemental you just have similarities so you don't have to worry about the whole "can't go for a swim" bit. Your soul is bound to your body like a living creature, nothing in the description of the class says you lose it or are destroyed utterly when you die or that you cannot be raised from the dead like normal.

This is what you get from level 10:
Speed: 50 ft.
Attacks: Slam (1d6 + Str mod; if you change size this damage changes to the appropriate sized elemental)
Immunity to critical hits/precision based damage, flanking, stunning, poison, sleep effects, paralysis
Darkvision 60 ft.
Do not eat, sleep, or breathe (but you still have to get 8 hours of rest to regain spell slots)
Special Attacks
Burn (Ex)
A fire elemental (elemental's) savant's (slam attack) natural attacks deal (bludgeoning damage) their normal damage type plus 1d6 fire damage from the elemental savant’s flaming body. Those hit by a fire elemental savant’s (slam) natural attack(s) also must succeed on a Reflex save or catch on fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is (10 + half HD + Con mod). A burning creature can take a move action to put out the flame. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Creatures hitting a fire elemental savant with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take 1d6 fire damage as though hit by the fire elemental savant’s attack, and also catch on fire unless they succeed on the same Reflex save.
Special Qualities
Immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold; other qualities listed above

You aren't a fire elemental. The class feature doesn't say you emit flames or acid or gusts of wind/lightning bolts, or freeze the area around you when you hit level 10, so why would you assume you do? Keep it simple, you get what it tells you you get, nothing more (without dm fiat)


First Post
The class does say it changes your physical appearance to become more like the elemental chosen type, and anyone generally dealing with elementals will know what you are just by sight.

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