D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Stats for Tharizdun


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I thought I would come up with some stats for Tharizdun based on the other deities' stats from Deities & Demigods. This isn't perfect, so please give criticism and suggestions.

Colossal Outsider (Evil)
Divine Rank: 15
Hit Dice: 60d8+840 (1080 hp)
Initiative: +20 (+20 dex)
Speed: Fly 320 ft.
AC: 67 (-8 size, +20 dex, +15 divine, +28 natural, +12 deflection) Tch: 39, Ff: 47
Attack: Spell-like abilities (touch attack +95)
Special attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Immune to transmutation, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, electricity, cold, acid, poison, disease, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration, DR 25/Epic, fire resistance 20, spell resistance 47, automatic actions, fear aura
Saves: Fort+56, Ref+63, Will+61
Abilities: str 55, dex 50, con 39, int 43, wis 47, cha 35
Skills: Appraise +94, Bluff +94, Concentration +92, Diplomacy +102, Disguise +96, Escape artist +98, Forgery +94, Gather info +96, Hide +82, Intimidate +96, Knowledge (All) +94, Listen +96, Move silently +98, Search +94, Sense motive +96, Spellcraft +96, Spot +96
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Create Magic Item: Create any magic item related to portfolio up to 200,000 gp in value (no artifacts)
Automatic actions: Perform any action related to portfolio as free action
Fear Aura: All within 100 feet shaken, those who see Tharizdun frightened, no save
Spell-like abilities: (All at will) All spells from Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, Madness, Trickery domains (CL25); Greater Teleport (Self + 1500lbs) (CL20) Save DC 37 + Spell level
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I always enjoy seeing an interpretation of Tharizdun, so thanks for that. You haven't given us a full D&DG-style write-up but there's enough to work with. It's interesting to compare your version with a write-up of the old nutter that appeared in Dragon 294. Your version is stronger in some respects (AC, HP, for example) but weaker in others (such as divine rank). In some respects, such as characteristics and saves, your version's considerably tougher. But we're dealing with gods here, so there's no harm in that.

I think were was another, more recent write-up of Tharizdun than the Dragon one. I don't know if it was different (it would have been 3.5, as opposed to 3.0) but I can't remember where at appeared.

The Achilles heel (if that isn't too strong a way of putting it) of your Mr T is vulnerability to mind-affecting effects and banishment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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