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3.5e Planescape - Cold Black Mask OOC Thread

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Dire Lemming

First Post
I wouldn't call myself a seasons planewalker. I've only ever been in one game here and it didn't last all that long, but I've read allot of the material on Planewalker.com and Planescape: Torment was one of my favorite CRPGs. Unfortunately, when my hard drive died before I finished it I was and still am unable to bring myself to replay everything over again lest it be cheapened. :heh:

Are those first two house rules the same as in SWRPG? If I can play a cager I'll be a factionless Aasimar Beguiler, probably neutral/chaotic good. None of the factions fit my beliefs. If I'm clueless I'll be a human beguiler. I want to try playing a beguiler though damn it! :] Also, would you rule that a Beguiler would get some of the bard only feats in the PS setting? I've really wanted to try kiss of the succubus. :p If not well, can I learn it with the special ability... um, whatever it's called?

Isida Kep'Tukari

Everyone comes to Acheron to find fighters. There are many of the planes who will fight, and many more that are bred to it, by nature and profession. But few that are born with it in their blood, who breathe it every day, who live it with each motion, whose very bodies are a testament to battle. My kin are some of those few. Spikers, kin of the bladelings, we live for the battle that comes from the crashing metal of Acheron.

Yet for all those that have hired my siblings and clan, I have yet to see outside my own world. My blades are sharp, my flail is heavy, my shield is thirsty for blood, but I was not chosen to walk with the war clans. Honor in battle is life, blood in battle is life, indeed, battle itself defines who we are. Why was I not chosen?

Uncertainty plagued me, was carried in every thrust and stop, every slash and swipe. It dimished me even as I grew stronger in my craft. How could I fail when I hadn't even begun?

It is said that hate in a warrior leans to reckless action, that desire would rob me of my edge, that curiosity only annoyed potential employers.

Yet I hate that I was not chosen. I desire to fight beyond the cube of my clan. And I am curious about those that have left and never returned.

I have broken from my sept and clan, I have finally journied away from Acheron, and I hope this Sigil, this Cage, holds the battle I seek. If I fail myself this time, at least I will have died trying.

My name is Pierce Spinecrusher, I am a spiker from the Infernal Battlefields of Acheron, and I am here to fight.


Okiday, so that's just kind of a thumbnail sketch of my potential character, a spiker fighter (from the Planar Handbook), specializing in use of her body spikes and spiked shield as weapons, along with most other jagged and unpleasant things the cross her path. (I'd like to get the Blood Spiked Charger tactical feat from PHB II at 6th level.) Like many from Acheron, she's a rebel without a cause, so to speak, and will probably lend her skill to any who could afford her. She desperate to prove her nebulous worth to herself, but not so desperate she'd sell herself short. Given the proper motivation, she could become quite a devotee of a cause, provided there's lots of fighting involved.

So, she'd be kind of a berk. She'd have heard some tales of other planes, but filtered primarily through the eyes of other fighters, so they'd be pretty distorted and a little monotonous. Most of what she sees is entirely new to someone who's spent her entire life looking for the next fight.

How's that strike you Cage Rattler?


First Post
Count me in!

I'm way familiar with Planescape, so I'd love to be a seasoned planewalker to sneer...er...guide the others...but I'm just as happy making a prime who's all fisheyed at the planes too!

I tend to enjoy sorcerors/warlocks the most...but I'm flexible. I've got my eye on a tiefling fighter/rogue too...muahaha. Or a Beguiler. Hmm!

I'll have more details when I get home from work tonight. :)

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
I'd be interested. I've got a basic knowledge of the Planescape cosmology, but I've never gotten a chance to play in it, so I'm fine with being part of the newcomer crew. Build-wise I'm leaning towards a paladin/cleric of some sort, but that's still a little up for grabs.


First Post
Dire Lemming: I'm not hugely familiar with the Star Wars RPG, but fom what I've heard, the "Vitality and Wounds Points" and "Armor as DR" rules are borrowed from that system. Regarding taking Bard-specific Feats -- well, my gut reaction is to say that they're "Bard-specific" for a reason. ;) However, I'll consider it on a case-by-case basis if it meshes well with your character concept.

Also, for what it's worth, I totally consider it worthwhile to play through the Planescape: Torment game again. I tend up a new game every few months or so, and only part that's ever been a drag to me is the Drowned Nations Catacombs (mainly because I've never been able to figure out what the deal was with the Silent King. :mad: )

Isida Kep'Tukari: Despite the fact that I can't help but think of Spikers as "Diet Bladelings", the concept sounds good to me. :)

Shayuri, Voda Vosa, and Nac Mac Feegle: Thanks for showing interest! Looking forward to hearing more on character concepts from you.

Here's a quick list of interested parties:

Blind Azathoth
Dire Lemming: Possible Human or Aasimar beguiler
Isida Kep'Tukari: Possible Spiker warrior-type
Shayuri: Numerous possibilities
Voda Vosa
Nac Mac Feegle: Possible holy crusader-type

I'll keep recruitment open for a few more days (at least 72 hours) in case additional people drop by, or one of you decides that you'll have to bow out. In any case, I'll be sure to give everyone advance warning when the time comes to wrap recruitment up and start the game proper.

In the meantime, keep those character concepts coming, and don't be afraid to ask any questions.


First Post
Wow things fill up fast.
I have never done any Planescape (Planescape: torment is over $40 at amazon..com) I hope that I would not be too noob to play in this campaign.
I am playing a Lucilus, a Druid Summoner in Living Greyhawk. Lucilus is a Dreadwalker which means that he is part of a group whose job it is to protect a forest (the Dreadwood in Keoland on Oerth) from evil outsiders and aberrations. I think it would rock his world if he were to go extra-planar himself. Do you think that I could find a place in this campaign?
On a related note, I imagine that Summon Nature's Ally would work outside the Prime Material, but where do the summoned creatures come from?


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Ummm.... Hell Yea!

Arrrrgghhhh!!! I will try a different character. Grrr...

Going for Black Flame Zealot for a renegade sect of the Silver Flame

[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Alt of the Black Flame[/b][/color]
[i]Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)[/i]

[b]Race:[/b]   Changeling	[b]Profession:[/b] Assassin
[b]Gender:[/b] Male 		[b]Classes:[/b]    Rogue 2/ Cleric 3
[b]Align:[/b]  Lawful Neutral	[b]Party Role:[/b] Scout
[b]Region:[/b] Thrane		[b]Divine Patron:[/b] [b]Silver Flame[/b]  (Black Flame Sect)

[b]Languages:[/b] Common, Ignan, Elven, Celestial, Orc

					[b]Carrying Capacity[/b]
[b]Str[/b] 12 (+2) [ 4 pts]			[b]Light[/b] 	0   - 58 lbs
[b]Dex[/b] 16 (+3) [10 pts]			[b]Medium[/b] 	59  - 116 lbs
[b]Con[/b] 12 (+1) [ 4 pts]			[b]Heavy[/b]	117 - 175 lbs
[b]Int[/b] 12 (+1) [ 4 pts]			[b]Overhead[/b]      175 lbs
[b]Wis[/b] 14 (+1) [ 6 pts]			[b]Stagger[/b]       350 lbs
[b]Chr[/b] 10 (+0) [ 2 pts]			[b]Drag[/b]	      875 lbs

[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Class and Racial Abilities:[/b][/color]

[Racial] [b]Minor Shape Change[/b] (+10 disguise for physical changes, +/- 1') 
[Racial] [b]Natural Linguist[/b] (Speak Language is a class skill)
[Racial] [b]Rogue Substitution Level[/b] (Ro 1) 10 skill points, - trapfinding, 
	 + a knowledge skill (religion), + Social Intuition

[Rogue]  [b]Sneak Attack (1d6)[/b], [b]Evasion[/b], [b]Social Intuition[/b]
[Cleric] [b]Turn Undead[/b], [b]Domains[/b] (Trickery/Death), Spells

[b]Hide[/b]		+11     = 8 [+3 Dex]
[b]Move Silently[/b]	+11     = 8 [+3 Dex]

[b]Spot[/b]		+6	= 5 [+1 Wis]
[b]Listen[/b]		+6      = 5 [+1 Wis]

[b]Know. (Religion)[/b]+9      = 8 [+1 Int]
[b]Know. (Local)[/b]	+6     	= 5 [+1 Int]

[b]Gather Info[/b] 	+7   	= 5 [+0 Chr] [+2 Know(Local)]
[b]Disguise[/b]	+13	= 5 [+0 Chr] [+10 Racial] [-2 different race]
[b]Bluff[/b] 	   	+6	= 4 [+0 Chr] [+2 Racial]
[b]Sense Motive[/b] 	+7   	= 5 [+0 Chr] [+2 Racial]
[b]Intimidate[/b] 	+3   	= 1 [+0 Chr] [+2 Racial]
[b]Speak Lang[/b] 	+4	= 3 [+1 Int]

[i]Armor (Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields) 
Weapons (Simple + hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword)[/i]

[L1] [b]MWP (Kukri)[/b] [L3] [b]Iron Will[/b]

[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Combat Stats[/b][/color]
[b]Hit Dice:[/b]  2d6+3d8 [+5 Con]		[b]HP:[/b] 33
[b]AC:[/b] 	  19  [i][+6 Mithril Shirt] [Dex +3][/i] 
		 [[b]Touch[/b] 13, 		[b]Flat-footed[/b] 16]
[b]Init:[/b] 	  +3 = [+3 Dex] 		[b]Speed:[/b] 30ft
[b]Fort[/b]    +4     = +3 [+1 Con]
[b]Ref[/b]     +7     = +4 [+3 Dex]
[b]Will[/b]    +7/+9  = +3 [+2 Wis] [+2 Iron Will] [+2 vs Sleep and Charm]

[b]BAB/Grapple:[/b] +3/+4	Melee: +4	Ranged/Finesse: +6

[b]Melee Atk:[/b]	+5 Shadow's Heart (1d4+2, 18-20/×2) (d6 SA)
		+5 Rapier 	  (1d6+2, 19-20/×2) (d6 SA)

[b]Ranged Atk:[/b]  	+7 Hand Crossbow  (1d4, 19-20/×2)   (d6 SA)

[COLOR=DarkOrange][U][b]Spells[/b] ([url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spellLists/clericDomains.htm#trickery]Trickery[/url], [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spellLists/clericDomains.htm#deathDomain]Death[/url])[/U][/color]

0  (DC 1)      4	DM, DP, IMW, Guidance
1  (DC 13) 2+1+1	*Disguise Self, Divine Favor, Death Watch, ILW
2  (DC 14) 1+1+1	*Invisibility, Resist Energy, Death Knell

[b]Death Touch[/b]: Your death touch is a supernatural ability that produces a 
death effect. You must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living
creature (using the rules for touch spells). When you touch, roll 1d6 per 
cleric level you possess. If the total at least equals the creature’s 
current hit points, it dies (no save).

  [b]Shadow's Heart[/b]	[1d4, 18-20/×2,     2 lb, 5008gp]
	[i](+1 Admantine Kukri)[/i]
  [b]Rapier (MW)[/b]		[1d6, 19-20/×2,     2 lb,  310gp]
  [b]Hand Crossbow(MW)[/b]	[1d4, 19-20/×2, 30' 2 lb,  400gp]

  [b]+2 Mithril Shirt[/b]	[+6, +6, --, 30',   10 lb, 5100gp]

[b]Backpack[/b] (2lbs, 2gp), 
    10 candles (0.1gp), Flint and Steel (1gp), Small Steel Mirror (.5lbs, 10gp)
    Everburning Torch (1 lb,110gp), 3 Sunrods (3 lbs, 6gp)
    Grappling Hook (4 lbs., 1gp), 100' Silk Rope (10 lbs., 20gp)
    3 sacks (1.5lbs, 0.3gp), Silver (Flamite) Holy Symbol (1 lb, 25 gp)
    Scholar's Outfit (6 lbs, 5 gp), Cleric's Vestments (6 lbs, 5 gp)
    Travelers Outfit (5 lbs, 1gp)

Waterskin (1 lbs, 1gp)

[b]Belt Pouches[/b] (2) (1lbs, 2gp)
    2 Smoke Sticks  (1 lb, 40gp)
    Potions: CSW (750gp), 4 CLW (200gp) Cats Grace (300gp)
	     2 Darkvision (600 gp), 2 Pass w/o Trace (100gp)

[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Money and other Tender[/b][/color]
[b]gp 0[/b] 
[b]sp 6[/b]
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Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Quick question: do you have the Complete Champion book? I'm thinking I'll probably go for a tank-heavy cleric, and there's a PrC (Ordained Champion) in that book that I could just qualify to take one level in.

If not, I'll probably just go straight Cleric 5 with heavy armor and combat feats.

Also, just as a note to FreeXenon, if you're going to use a tower shield you'll probably want to take Tower Shield proficiency or take that -10 Armor Check penalty to attack rolls.
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