First Post
Huh. Not sure how I left those out, but they're fine as sources, as well.
[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Alt of the Black Flame[/b][/color]
[i]Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)[/i]
[b]Race:[/b] Changeling [b]Profession:[/b] Assassin
[b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Classes:[/b] Rogue 2/ Cleric 3
[b]Align:[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Party Role:[/b] Scout
[b]Region:[/b] Thrane [b]Divine Patron:[/b] [b]Silver Flame[/b] (Black Flame Sect)
[b]Languages:[/b] Common, Ignan, Elven, Celestial, Orc
[b]Carrying Capacity[/b]
[b]Str[/b] 12 (+2) [ 4 pts] [b]Light[/b] 0 - 58 lbs
[b]Dex[/b] 16 (+3) [10 pts] [b]Medium[/b] 59 - 116 lbs
[b]Con[/b] 12 (+1) [ 4 pts] [b]Heavy[/b] 117 - 175 lbs
[b]Int[/b] 12 (+1) [ 4 pts] [b]Overhead[/b] 175 lbs
[b]Wis[/b] 14 (+1) [ 6 pts] [b]Stagger[/b] 350 lbs
[b]Chr[/b] 10 (+0) [ 2 pts] [b]Drag[/b] 875 lbs
[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Class and Racial Abilities:[/b][/color]
[Racial] [b]Minor Shape Change[/b] (+10 disguise for physical changes, +/- 1')
[Racial] [b]Natural Linguist[/b] (Speak Language is a class skill)
[Racial] [b]Rogue Substitution Level[/b] (Ro 1) 10 skill points, - trapfinding,
+ a knowledge skill (religion), + Social Intuition
[Rogue] [b]Sneak Attack (1d6)[/b], [b]Evasion[/b], [b]Social Intuition[/b]
[Cleric] [b]Turn Undead[/b], [b]Domains[/b] (Trickery/Death), Spells
[b]Hide[/b] +11 = 8 [+3 Dex]
[b]Move Silently[/b] +11 = 8 [+3 Dex]
[b]Spot[/b] +6 = 5 [+1 Wis]
[b]Listen[/b] +6 = 5 [+1 Wis]
[b]Know. (Religion)[/b]+9 = 8 [+1 Int]
[b]Know. (Local)[/b] +6 = 5 [+1 Int]
[b]Gather Info[/b] +7 = 5 [+0 Chr] [+2 Know(Local)]
[b]Disguise[/b] +13 = 5 [+0 Chr] [+10 Racial] [-2 different race]
[b]Bluff[/b] +6 = 4 [+0 Chr] [+2 Racial]
[b]Sense Motive[/b] +7 = 5 [+0 Chr] [+2 Racial]
[b]Intimidate[/b] +3 = 1 [+0 Chr] [+2 Racial]
[b]Speak Lang[/b] +4 = 3 [+1 Int]
[i]Armor (Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields)
Weapons (Simple + hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword)[/i]
[L1] [b]MWP (Kukri)[/b] [L3] [b]Iron Will[/b]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Combat Stats[/b][/color]
[b]Hit Dice:[/b] 2d6+3d8 [+5 Con] [b]HP:[/b] 33
[b]AC:[/b] 19 [i][+6 Mithril Shirt] [Dex +3][/i]
[[b]Touch[/b] 13, [b]Flat-footed[/b] 16]
[b]Init:[/b] +3 = [+3 Dex] [b]Speed:[/b] 30ft
[b]Fort[/b] +4 = +3 [+1 Con]
[b]Ref[/b] +7 = +4 [+3 Dex]
[b]Will[/b] +7/+9 = +3 [+2 Wis] [+2 Iron Will] [+2 vs Sleep and Charm]
[b]BAB/Grapple:[/b] +3/+4 Melee: +4 Ranged/Finesse: +6
[b]Melee Atk:[/b] +5 Shadow's Heart (1d4+2, 18-20/×2) (d6 SA)
+5 Rapier (1d6+2, 19-20/×2) (d6 SA)
[b]Ranged Atk:[/b] +7 Hand Crossbow (1d4, 19-20/×2) (d6 SA)
[COLOR=DarkOrange][U][b]Spells[/b] ([url=]Trickery[/url], [url=]Death[/url])[/U][/color]
0 (DC 1) 4 DM, DP, IMW, Guidance
1 (DC 13) 2+1+1 *Disguise Self, Divine Favor, Death Watch, ILW
2 (DC 14) 1+1+1 *Invisibility, Resist Energy, Death Knell
[b]Death Touch[/b]: Your death touch is a supernatural ability that produces a
death effect. You must succeed on a melee touch attack against a living
creature (using the rules for touch spells). When you touch, roll 1d6 per
cleric level you possess. If the total at least equals the creature’s
current hit points, it dies (no save).
[b]Shadow's Heart[/b] [1d4, 18-20/×2, 2 lb, 5008gp]
[i](+1 Admantine Kukri)[/i]
[b]Rapier (MW)[/b] [1d6, 19-20/×2, 2 lb, 310gp]
[b]Hand Crossbow(MW)[/b] [1d4, 19-20/×2, 30' 2 lb, 400gp]
[b]+2 Mithril Shirt[/b] [+6, +6, --, 30', 10 lb, 5100gp]
[b]Backpack[/b] (2lbs, 2gp),
10 candles (0.1gp), Flint and Steel (1gp), Small Steel Mirror (.5lbs, 10gp)
Everburning Torch (1 lb,110gp), 3 Sunrods (3 lbs, 6gp)
Grappling Hook (4 lbs., 1gp), 100' Silk Rope (10 lbs., 20gp)
3 sacks (1.5lbs, 0.3gp), Silver (Flamite) Holy Symbol (1 lb, 25 gp)
Scholar's Outfit (6 lbs, 5 gp), Cleric's Vestments (6 lbs, 5 gp)
Travelers Outfit (5 lbs, 1gp)
Waterskin (1 lbs, 1gp)
[b]Belt Pouches[/b] (2) (1lbs, 2gp)
2 Smoke Sticks (1 lb, 40gp)
Potions: CSW (750gp), 4 CLW (200gp) Cats Grace (300gp)
2 Darkvision (600 gp), 2 Pass w/o Trace (100gp)
[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Money and other Tender[/b][/color]
[b]gp 0[/b]
[b]sp 6[/b]