Recruitment- PLANESCAPE: Intrigue. Reopened


Currently brainstorming a bit on the following player character:

race: Half-Orc OR Orc (I have Volo's Guide to Monsters, so I could use that version)
class: Rogue (Arcane Trickster) OR Wizard (Enchantment)
alignment: Chaotic Evil (not the extreme sociopath/psychopath type, she is Chaotic because she has a strong disdain and resentment against any authority, and she is Evil because she believes that the ends justify the means)
faction: none (clueless)

Short background: Grim has been in conflict with orcish culture, rules and authority since she can remember, until she was finally banished by her tribe after a serious act* of sedition and defiance, and is now on her own lonely path to leave the whole life on the material plane behind her back

*to discuss with the DM about how much of said act will be public and how much will part of the 'dark secret'

I am not at all opposed to the PCs being given secret and possibly conflicting purposes but the DM must guarantee that this cannot and will not cause PvP conflict to the extent of mechanically-resolved physical confrontation or betraying the party to their doom.

Some examples to clarify:

Say that PC1 and PC2 have conflicting personal goals, and PC1 ruins PC2's personal goal. An argument starts, and PC1 and PC2 beat the sh*t out of each other in a fight, that the DM resolves through narrative with the consent of both, and ends up effectively without mechanical consequences for either, and a resolution agreed together. So far this is OK for me, just part of the narrative.

It is not ok, if the DM has PC1 and PC2 actually resolve the argument by rolling dice against each other or even a full combat by the rules, or if the DM allows either character to take some hostile action such as casting an offensive spell or stealing equipment from the other, whether this is resolved by the rules or DM's fiat.

As to betraying the party as a whole, that's a bit more complex... I think it's best avoided, but I can see some possible appeal in the event that the player of such character has actually decided to leave the game, and the DM has come up with a plot that effectively turns the PC into an NPC. In such case, the betraying character "loses the game" (in the sense that he won't be playing anymore), and the rest of the party continues to play. What shouldn't happen, is that the betrayal results in a TPK or such other extreme outcome that causes the other players to quit the game as well.
Sounds like a good starting point for Grim. Feel free to message me privately some backstory whenever you get the chance.

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With that in mind, could you explain to a 5e newbie how you went from a base score max of 15 to 18 by level 5? Was it the variant human that boosted charisma to 17 at level 1?
Point buy to 15 +1 for Variant Human, +2 for leveling up at level 4 +1 for the Telekinetic feat.

Actually the character sheet builder I used apparently didn't add in the 2 +1s the Variant Human has so I should be adding +1 to 2 different ability scores.

Edit: Which I just added to the character sheet.


Ghost Writer!
Moving over here from roll20 and I messaged you the backstory.


Name: Valthor "The Crow"
Race: Human
Class: Monk
Background: Criminal
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Level: 5

Ability Scores:
  • Strength: 12 (+1)
  • Dexterity: 16 (+3)
  • Constitution: 8 (-1)
  • Intelligence: 10 (+0)
  • Wisdom: 16 (+3)
  • Charisma: 14 (+2)
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
  • Skills: Stealth, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Insight
  • Tools: Thieves' Tools
  • Languages: Common, Infernal
Hit Points: 40 (5d8 + 10)
Armor Class: 16 (Wisdom and Dexterity bonus)
Speed: 40 feet

Unarmed Strike: +6 to hit, 1d6 + 3 bludgeoning damage
Quarterstaff: +6 to hit, 1d6 + 3 bludgeoning damage (versatile, 1d8 + 3)

Special Abilities:
  • Ki Points: 5
  • Flurry of Blows: Spend 1 Ki Point for two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
  • Patient Defense: Spend 1 Ki Point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action.
  • Step of the Wind: Spend 1 Ki Point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action, and jump distance is doubled for the turn.
  • Stunning Strike: Spend 1 Ki Point to attempt to stun the target (DC 14 Constitution saving throw).
  • Evasion: Take no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw that would normally halve the damage.
  • Stillness of Mind: Spend an action to end one effect causing fear or charm on self.

  • Quarterstaff
  • Darts (10)
  • Explorer's Pack (includes backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, torches (10), rations (10 days), waterskin, and 50 feet of hempen rope)
  • Set of fine clothes
  • Thieves' Tools
  • A small knife
  • 50 gold pieces / jink
Physical Description:
Valthor "The Crow" stands at an imposing 6 feet tall, his lean and muscular frame a testament to his dedication to martial discipline. His skin is weathered and bears the faint marks of old scars, hinting at a life of violence and intrigue. His piercing eyes, the color of ash, radiate an air of cold calculation, leaving others uneasy in his presence.

His jet-black hair, often tied in a topknot, contrasts sharply with his pale complexion. He keeps a closely-trimmed goatee, emphasizing his sharp jawline and high cheekbones. Valthor's countenance is a mask of inscrutability, rarely revealing his true emotions or intentions.

Clad in dark, form-fitting clothing that allows for swift and stealthy movements, Valthor seems to melt into the shadows as he moves. His attire is practical, adorned with hidden pockets and compartments for his tools of the trade, which include throwing darts and a quarterstaff that is occasionally adorned on his back diagonally.

A black iron pendant hangs around his neck, the engraved crow on it serving as a grim reminder of his dark heritage and the weight of his past transgressions. Despite his intimidating aura, there is a certain elegance to Valthor's movements.
Last edited:


Moving over here from roll20 and I messaged you the backstory.

View attachment 290800

Name: Valthor "The Crow"
Race: Human
Class: Monk
Background: Criminal
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Level: 5

Ability Scores:
  • Strength: 12 (+1)
  • Dexterity: 16 (+3)
  • Constitution: 8 (-1)
  • Intelligence: 10 (+0)
  • Wisdom: 16 (+3)
  • Charisma: 14 (+2)
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
  • Skills: Stealth, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Insight
  • Tools: Thieves' Tools
  • Languages: Common, Infernal
Hit Points: 40 (5d8 + 10)
Armor Class: 16 (Wisdom and Dexterity bonus)
Speed: 40 feet

Unarmed Strike: +6 to hit, 1d6 + 3 bludgeoning damage
Quarterstaff: +6 to hit, 1d6 + 3 bludgeoning damage (versatile, 1d8 + 3)

Special Abilities:
  • Ki Points: 5
  • Flurry of Blows: Spend 1 Ki Point for two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
  • Patient Defense: Spend 1 Ki Point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action.
  • Step of the Wind: Spend 1 Ki Point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action, and jump distance is doubled for the turn.
  • Stunning Strike: Spend 1 Ki Point to attempt to stun the target (DC 14 Constitution saving throw).
  • Evasion: Take no damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw that would normally halve the damage.
  • Stillness of Mind: Spend an action to end one effect causing fear or charm on self.

  • Quarterstaff
  • Darts (10)
  • Explorer's Pack (includes backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, torches (10), rations (10 days), waterskin, and 50 feet of hempen rope)
  • Set of fine clothes
  • Thieves' Tools
  • A small knife
  • 50 gold pieces / jink
Physical Description:
Valthor "The Crow" stands at an imposing 6 feet tall, his lean and muscular frame a testament to his dedication to martial discipline. His skin is weathered and bears the faint marks of old scars, hinting at a life of violence and intrigue. His piercing eyes, the color of ash, radiate an air of cold calculation, leaving others uneasy in his presence.

His jet-black hair, often tied in a topknot, contrasts sharply with his pale complexion. He keeps a closely-trimmed goatee, emphasizing his sharp jawline and high cheekbones. Valthor's countenance is a mask of inscrutability, rarely revealing his true emotions or intentions.

Clad in dark, form-fitting clothing that allows for swift and stealthy movements, Valthor seems to melt into the shadows as he moves. His attire is practical, adorned with hidden pockets and compartments for his tools of the trade, which include throwing darts and a quarterstaff that is occasionally adorned on his back diagonally.

A black iron pendant hangs around his neck, the engraved crow on it serving as a grim reminder of his dark heritage and the weight of his past transgressions. Despite his intimidating aura, there is a certain elegance to Valthor's movements.
Very interesting, I'll transfer over to OOC thread!


Apologies, @Nordom, but I overestimated my ability to commit to this game. Better to withdraw now than after you begin. Thanks for the opportunity, and have fun!
Appreciate the frankness, TwiceBorn2.

Look, I may need backups/waitlist. If you're interested and your schedule clears up in the future, please feel free to get back in touch.

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