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3.5e Planescape - Cold Black Mask OOC Thread

Dire Lemming

First Post
Well here is what I have so far for my character. The sheet isn't finished yet, I haven't bought any equipment. That always takes me the longest time... It seems from what you said that the game will start with explaining just how the primes got to sigil, so I guess we can start without Tony being fully equiped.

By the way, when you said "welcom to use" did you mean that I can have them as bard of my Beguiler spells sheet, or that I can take them as part of the Advanced Learning class ability?

[sblock=Anthony Orchidaceae]
Anthony (Tony) Orchidaceae
Race: Aasimar
Class: Beguiler 4
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Alignment: NG

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 12 +1
Constitution: 12 +1
Intelligence: 16 +3 Level 4 bonus
Wisdom: 12 +1
Charisma 18 +4

VP: 21
WP: 12
Speed: 30
BAB: +2
AC: 11
Initiative: +1

Fort: +2 (Base+1, Con+1)
Ref: +2 (Base+1, Dex+1)
Will: +5 (+4, Wis+1)

Class Features:
Armored Mage
Cloaked Casting (+1 DC)
Surprise Casting

Racial Features:
Darkvision 60 ft.
Electricity Resistance: 5
Fire Resistance: 5
Bless 1/day at character level
Calm Emotions 1/day

Bluff +11 (7 ranks, Cha +4)
Diplomacy +16 (7 ranks, Cha +4, Misc +5)
Forgery +10 (7 ranks, Int +3)
Knowledge (Sigil) +10 (7 ranks, Int +3)
Listen +10 (7 ranks, Wis +1, Misc +2)
Search +10 (7 ranks, Int +3)
Sense Motive +10 (7 ranks, Wis +1, Misc +2)
Speak Language (1 rank)
Spellcraft +10 (7 ranks, Int+3)
Spot +3 (Wis +1, MIsc +2)

Skill Focus: Diplomacy

Planer Trade

His family is a bunch of top shelf types, and his parents are both Aasimar. His dad is a mercykiller. However, perhaps due in part to teenage rebellion, he despised the mercykillers and their methods and ran away from home he ended up in the Hive, and somehow through shear luck, manage to survive long enough for someone decent to find him and decide to teach him how not to die like a berk. His parents are both Aasimar and he has two sisters, one two years older and one a year younger. He has not see anyone in his family since he left home.

The person who took him in and took care of him was Dinah Harin, a human woman who was born in Sigil and apparently ended up living in the Hive due to some family tragedy. Of course she never speaks of it, just as Anthony avoids speaking of his own past. Over the years he has continued working with her as an information gatherer and broker as well as a part time tout. For the most part this has gone smoothly. He’s made many contacts, including the a Modron Outcast commonly referred to as Modoc, and an old male Bariaur named Kalel, both of whom taught him the languages of their former cultures. He has also learned to communicate with the Dabus better than most due in no small part to actually trying. He’s found that they can be quite well informed at times. Other contacts are: Holes, a (formerly male human) zombie that always has fliers and whatnot pinned to his body. Jerid, a male tiefling Chaosman who is often actually talking about something if you pay close attention. Lilly, a female tiefling, and a sensate who clearly has some succubus ancestors and takes full advantage of the traits this bestows on her to get by, though she avoids sucking the life out of anyone. Though she is a Sensate she is also rather cowardly, and so has never tried anything that she thinks would be dangerous. Lorne, a male Aasimar with distinctly elven features… well they would be to someone who knew what elves looked like. He’s a slightly experienced Planewalker and trader.

One day while he was walking along, tapping his left leg with the fingers of his left hand, he suddenly found himself in a giant field of vegetation. Staring around aghast at all of the green, taking deep breaths so as not to panic, he looked around himself, behind himself, above, and bellow, for some sign of the door. Unfortunately, he didn't see one, he wandered in a general direction for several minutes slowly starting to feel much more at ease. Almost unnaturally, though he was still completely lost. Just as he was starting to wonder whether or not there were any people on this plane, because as pleasant as it was, it was also kind of lonesome, he heard a soft rustle and looked all around and finally up to see the second most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. "Uh..." He said, as she landed. "Are you an angel?" The woman nodded and spoke in a voice as beautiful as her appearance. "Yes child, welcome to Ellysium." "Ch-, Child? Are you my great grandmother or somethin?!" The woman cocked an eyebrow amusedly at him. "I don't think so... Look, you look a bit lost, are you in need of aid?" "Oh... welll... um... See... I was kinda just walkin allong, Um... tappin my leg with my left hand... and then bang. I'm here, and the door's gone." The woman looked surprised at first by his words but understanding quickly dawned on her face. "I see, you are from the city of doors. Hm... I know of a portal that can return you there if you wish... but you are welcome to stay here as well." He paused for a moment, thinking it over. This place was certainly nice but, he really did need to return to the cage, there were folks who counted on him. Besides... this place was kind of... boring. "Uh, I better get back... This bur- er, place... is real nice, and I wouldn't mind bangin aroun with ya for a while but... I really oughta get back fore I'm missed. Er, thanks." The woman gave him a small smile, and cast a spell, teleporting them to the shore of a large lake. She pointed to the doorway hanging in the air beside them. "Here we are. Remember my child, that you are always welcome in Elysium." "Yeah, thanks. Seeya round some time, I hope." He stepped through the portal and stumbled at the half foot drop on the other side. Cursing as he dusted himself off he looked around to find himself staring at the buildings of the Lady's Ward. "Augh... I'm gonna be late! I hope I don't run into me old man...." and with that he set off with haste in an attempt to return to the hive. And now…

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First Post
Sindr is posted on the RG. I'm going to re-examine his spell list tomorrow and his background needs more specific detail, but he's about 95% complete (99% for mechanics, I just need to find something to replace Comprehend Languages on his spell list since he has it as a SLA now).


First Post
Oh yeah, one thing Cage-Rattler:

You're using LA buyoff, which means for us +1 LA people the chance to buyback that first level has already passed (character level 3). How much experience should we have? LA+0 characters will start at level 5 with 10,000 xp; a normal LA+1 would start at level 4 with 10,000 xp (and needing 5,000 for level 5). Assuming we were allowed to buy back that theoretical 3rd level, we would have spent 3,000 xp doing so. Should we just subtract that from the 10,000 we should have had, and start at 7,000 (needing 3,000 to level), or should we start raw at 4th level at 6,000 xp (and thus need 4,000 to level)?


Cage-Rattler said:
I don't have Unearthed Arcana, so I'm initially inclined to say no. As always, if there's something you'd really like to take, let me know about it and I'll consider on a case basis.
I was considering taking a trait called swift or quick (I can't recall at the moment) which grants a +10-ft. to a character's base speed, in exchange for a -1 hit point per hit dice. I guess I just feel the "need for speed". :p

Blind Azathoth

Well, fortunately, UA's character traits are available in the SRD, and the trait you were thinking of was called Quick.

I apologize for not getting any more done with Cang last night, but emergency room visits wait for no man. I'll do my best to get my sheet and backstory done tonight instead.


First Post
Dire Lemming:
By the way, when you said "welcome to use" did you mean that I can have them as bard of my Beguiler spells sheet, or that I can take them as part of the Advanced Learning class ability?
You can include the Bard spells to your Beguiler spell-list.

Zurai: If you're buying off your level adjustment, I'm assuming you would have done it at 3rd level. Thus, you'd need 3,000 XP to reach 5th level.

Ambrus: With the link at hand, I have no problem with people taking Traits.

Blind Azathoth: Thanks for the link - I was looking for that, but obviously in the wrong place.
Emergency room visits wait for no man.
On the condition that you're lucky and have a decent hospital nearby. I've heard some horror stories...

Anyway, hopefully your body is on the mend by now!

All: I'm planning on starting the adventure this evening. I'll post announcement here when it's time to let you out of your cages (and into The Cage, har har). ;)


I still have some mechanical and background tweaks I intend to make to my character. Hopefully I'll have them done before you post, or shortly thereafter. Is the first post going to describe how the prime characters met or are we going to roleplay our meeting before or after we show up in Sigil somehow?

Thanks for the thumbs up on traits Cage-Rattler; but since BA pointed out the SRD link, I just have to ask how you feel about Character Flaws.


First Post
Flaws are fine, too.

I was going to open the game up with a bit of Prologue for both sides (in the case of the primes, dealing with the events leading up to their unceremonious eviction from the Prime Material) before throwing you all right into the mix -- that way, everyone can have a piece of the action at the same time.

The primes will start the campaign having already become fairly familiar with each other. The planars have at least a passing acquaintance with each other (which you planar players are free to develop or not, as you like); at the very least, they'll just happen to be at-the-right-place-at-the-right-time when the primes arrive on scene.


I think I'd rather role-play meeting the other primes since we haven't really worked out how we met, why we'd be together or even if we're all from the same prime world. Just a thought though.

Voidrunner's Codex

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