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If you believe the web stories, it's the Zygons who will be the villains for the 50th Anniversary Special. There's pictures of an actor in the costume floating supposedly from the set. Joanna Page (Love Actually) and John Hurt are also supposedly on board. Will there be multiple villains, or could one costumed actor be misdirection?

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
The episode wasn't too bad until the ending, which turned into a cascading failure.

First, the deus ex screwdriver has finally reached the point where I can no longer tolerate it. It's gotten pretty bad over the past few seasons in terms of being a magic wand that can affect any inanimate object in any way the writers want; but now the Doctor can just wave it emphatically in the direction of people and have it serve as an impediment. It only fails to work when the writers decide it would be more dramatic for it not to. They've dug themselves a deep, deep, deep hole with it and they show no interest in getting themselves out of it.

Second, there was the Doctor's interminable-but-empty-and-ultimately-meaningless speech about "take it all".

Third, there's the leaf. Which, as you say, makes no sense whatsoever. The thing can eat an entire kid without missing a beat because of the "infinite number of possible futures" it is directly snuffing out, but a leaf which merely represents those possible futures is the thing's kryptonite? (And even that doesn't make sense, because that's not actually what the leaf is established as actually representing earlier in the episode.) Out of the millions of people who have offered up millions of sacrifices over the past few aeons, nobody has ever given up something that was sentimental because it was important to their dead mum until Clara came along? Complete nonsense..

I couldn't agree more, sadly.

It might have been a neat turn that the 'mummy' wasn't actually the foe but was just the alarm clock. But the screwdriver ("great at opening things") now telekinetically lifts doors? and creates forcefields? What?

The doctors speech that turns out to be meaningless? What?

The leaf which kills the star? What?

Although I like what they've been doing with Clara, and I think she has potential, this has been one of the worst episodes (for me) since the absorbaloff.

I know, that's saying something.


Watched Victory of the Daleks last night because of insomnia. Still the beginning of the horror of series 5. The number of bombastic Doctor saving the world, and it's Amy who does all the heavy lifting. Just like she did in the story before (the last Good Episode I've seen) The Doctor was mostly just a plaything. Seems to be the pattern now. Everyone can twist and manipulate him. Seems silly. But then, most of VoD seems very silly and childish.

As for a 50th villain:
the Daleks are just over-used and don't have the gravitas anymore. And too obvious a choice. Likely, but it would be a let-down.
Dare we hope for Omega? Without the Time Lords to help, can the Doctor face him a 3rd time and survive?
Different Cybermen? No, Cybers don't have enough to them either.
The Black Guardian? That could be good, though Valentine Dyle would be hard to replace or live up to.
The Valyard? That could have some interesting possibilities.
Susan or Romana, back after escaping from the time war, but twisted?
Iris Wildthyme? Odd, but could be a good comedy episode. Maybe for a Christmas special instead.
The Rani? Dinosaur Embryos and whatever weapons she developed during the Time War--perhaps even a shield to mask her existence?
How about: the previous Doctors as villains. They manifest somehow and are there to give 11 a good stern lecture to get him back into shape. Would be a great way to fix some of the dafter aspects of the current show.
Gennie: She's been running a-muck, been twisted by the evil she has encountered, and her Dad has to set her back onto task.
K-9 has been corrupted by cybermen and unleashed a virus into the Earth's computers. Combined with Mr Smith, all of Earth's time is threatened. And the first thing that happens when they meet, is K-9 destroys the Sonic Screwdriver.

But in truth, there can be only one fit villain for the 50th: cave-men.

EDIT: Hurdell was great as Hartnell. JNT gave him the job after seeing him in an episode of Blake's7 a couple weeks earlier.
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If they start replacing older Doctors with other actors who do their best to imitate the original actors, I hope we get some up to par with Richard Hurndell's role as William Hartnell's First Doctor in "The Five Doctors." That guy did a fantastic job!



But in truth, there can be only one fit villain for the 50th: cave-men.

I beg to disagree. Call it wishful thinking, but....


First Post
Watched Victory of the Daleks last night because of insomnia.

I haven't watched it since it was broadcast, but "Victory of the Daleks" may be the worst episode of nuWho. (I'm only hedging my bets because I refuse to rewatch it and confirm just how bad it was.)

Its only saving grace was that Moffat used it as a chance to reboot the Daleks and then not pretend to destroy them all. (This was a mistake RTD repeated over and over and over and over again during his run of the show, forcing him to waste valuable time and credibility explaining why the last time we saw the Daleks get wiped out they hadn't really been wiped out.)

But this was turned out to be just another example of Moffat seeming to clean the slate only to immediately reverse course: You go to all that effort to have the true Daleks wipe out the corrupted, human-hybrid Daleks... and then you turn around and use the next solo appearance of the Daleks to have them create human-hybrid Daleks in "Asylum of the Daleks"? Why? Did you forget your own continuity from just two years ago?

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