• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

3 weeks till new Who!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I find the one set on the playground very nice. The sentiment is sweet (possibly to the point of pancreatic shock-inducing for some) but it has the Doctor wearing his "old" costume/outfit. It makes me wonder if there will be a specific reason for this or if it's just Moffat f*ing with us.

It's bad that just the very concept of him (as in an adult male) talking to a child seems ludicrous to me in this day and age. Then again, this is sci-fi.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
40 minutes to go! Woohoo!

(@Herschel - it's not that she didn't need to be asked; it's that they're all strictly instructed to lie rather than give anything away).


The local coffee house, Geeksboro, has a small cinema in their basement. Guess what they are showing on the bog screen? Alas, I cannot make it there, this week. They are having a drawing for a TARDIS cake.


Steven Moffat likes his "head turns all the way around" creatures, doesn't he?

"Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead" - those library announcers that spin around and reveal a human face
"The Beast Below" - the Smilers
"The Bells of Saint John" - the Wi-Fi robots

Nice to see Clara make it through an episode without getting herself killed.



First Post
Well, that was unfortunate. Another poorly written effort by Moffat filled with telling instead of showing and dull, repetitive echoes from other, better episodes from recent seasons. The fact that he spends the entire episode violating his own rules for how the story concept works simply adds a sad patina to the whole thing. I don't expect hard SF from Doctor Who, but I do at least expect the scripts to make sense within the context of themselves.

People working for a secret organization engaged in work they know to be illegal going on Facebook and posting their place of employment? Okay, that doesn't make much sense. But I guess I can roll with-- Oh, they're actually completely brainwashed and mind-controlled? Nope. You've gone too stupid now.

Of course, we also have the entire concept of the episode... which stands up to no scrutiny whatsoever.

(1) "There's something living in the wi-fi!" Okay. Sounds like an interesting science fantasy concept with some legs to it.
(2) "It can only find you if you click on it!" Okay. We have now established a rule.
(3) "But we can also mind control everyone in the world!" Uh... wait. How does that fit in with rule #2?
(4) "We also have ubiquitous surveillance which lets us look through every camera in London!" Okay, again... how does that fit in with rule #2?

Somewhere in that morass of "you have to click the wi-fi thing before we can read your mind, but we can read everyone's minds, and we can control everyone's minds, and we also have access to all the cameras in the world, but we need people to turn on the lights, but then we can just turn off the power grid, and we have mobile upload platforms that take the form of psychic-imprinted robots because, I dunno, just 'cause" Moffat lost track of whatever the heck he was supposed to be writing about.

And the episode shows the same sloppy, lazy, unintelligent writing at every level. "We can control the minds of everyone in London, but the only way we can think of to deal with Clara is to crash an airplane into her." Okay, that makes no sense. But let's roll with it. "We'll create a target for the plane by turning on all the lights around Clara, but turning out the lights everywhere else." Okay, that makes sense. That way the human pilots you've mind-controlled to crash the-- Oh, wait. You actually just knocked the pilots out and are flying the plane by remote control? Which means there are no eyes on the plane to target the light and the plan that makes no sense is now being executed in a way that makes no sense? Oh god.

Earlier I said this: It's actually been impressive how much the sheer charisma and talent of the actors has been making up for some truly atrocious scripts, but there's a limit to how much rope I'm willing to feed the show. The 8 episodes remaining in this season is the last opportunity I'm giving Moffat to convince me that the show is still worth spending time on.

1 episode down with no improvement. 7 to go.

Voidrunner's Codex

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