3.X Petition


Front Range Warlock
I signed it but, clearly, my main contribution to keeping 3.5 compatible stuff in print is the stupid amount of money that I spend on it. Voting with wallets work if enough people do it. That's the key, though. A lot of people talk about doing it. Few people actually turn that talk into action.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
cperkins said:
For those of you interested in keeping 3.X alive, by having publishers continue to print 3.X compatible material, there's a petition up at:


Thought I'd pass the scoop along.

The only "petition" that will make such a prospect viable to publishers is called "buying their 3.x material with actual cash". You can present lists of names or wail on messageboards to your heart's content, but if they're not making a profit on a given product, they're not going to produce it. With an 80% drop in 3.x sales, publishers are losing money on them. This is a fact.

You want 3.x stuff, start buying it. Now. Because thrid party publishers can't sell stuff that people don't buy. The climate right now is this: the market is sending a clear message that they don't want to buy 3.x materials in the indisputable manner of not buying 3.x materials.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Odhanan said:
What's your source on this, Morrus? Link, please?

Wow, aggressive!

I speak from the POV of a 3.x publisher who has experienced said drop immediately following the 4E announcement, and who has heard from dozens of others who say the same, and who has been advised of RPGNow's sales drops of d20 material overall by the owners of said company. I'm sure there are exceptions, but as a whole the market has plummeted.


Morrus said:
Wow, aggressive!

I speak from the POV of a 3.x publisher who has experienced said drop immediately following the 4E announcement, and who has heard from dozens of others who say the same, and who has been advised of RPGNow's sales drops of d20 material overall by the owners of said company. I'm sure there are exceptions, but as a whole the market has plummeted.
Nah, not aggressive. Don't take it that way! :)

Sorry it came out that way, but that isn't the intent. It's a fair question. I'm fine with taking your word for it, but would feel better if you had actual data to back it up and call it "a fact".


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Odhanan said:
Nah, not aggressive. Don't take it that way! :)

Sorry it came out that way, but that isn't the intent. It's a fair question. I fine with taking your word for it, but would feel better if you had actual data to back it up and call it "a fact".

I can't share accounts with you; sorry! I'm a fairly open individual, but not that open. :)

And info I might have on other publishers is really not mine to share (and I shouldn't even have some of that info!); it's gonna have to stay at the level of "take my word for it", I'm afraid!

Words don't matter anyway; the market will decide what happens. That's how it works. Let's just say that, personally, other than fullfilling WotBS subscriptions, ENP has no intention of producing further 3.x material; I can't afford it! :)
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