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D&D 4E 4E PrRC ~v2.7~ FINAL UPDATE May 29.08

Verys Arkon

First Post
Thanks everyone for your comments. I've made many changes and updated the PHB "Lite" to version 1.1 (follow link in post 1). I'll try and comment on some things here....

dm4hire said:
Not bad, but the lay out is a little confusing in certain areas. Perhaps adding in a dividing line between subsections would help. Example is the break between Ranger and Rogue.


I'm not convinced that Controllers only get 3 HP per level, but otherwise, good job!

Adjusted to:
Fighter 6
Rogue 5
Wizard 4

Very nice - there are some errors. Like, the half-elf gets a bonus power... check out Ray of Frost (an encounter power), which suggests humans can take encounter powers too. Also note it's from another class.

I've added a bonus power to the half-elf entry.

The halfling +1 to all defenses seems less likely since they updated Corrin on wotc's site to remove 2 from his Will, suggesting paladins get +1 to all defenses and halflings get nothing.

I've changed it to this now.

I _really_ suspect 17 is 14 points, not 13. 13->18 seems ludicrous.

That was my thought too, originally, but I kept the author's formula (http://forums.gleemax.com/showpost.php?p=15284858&postcount=54). I've changed it to 14 now.

I would suggest sourcing it, too:

I've added URLs or source information for a lot of things, but I will endevour to try and track down more sources for future updates.

The human cleric's init was fixed, so humans don't get +1 init

Taken off the human entry.

As far as I can tell, the halfling's size does not effect its defenses.


I thought the DDXP PCs where made using a 28 (or, in error, 29) point buy with the same cost as 3E IIRC.

Since there is still some debate about this point, I've simply put both in the document as "Method A" and "Method B".

Looking at the XP table and seeing "Level 2 Minion 31.25 XP" made me shudder.

I rounded these off :)

I would also add "Backstabber" to the feats list - it's in the Rogue class write-up on the Wizards site. I would bet that it's the rogue equivalent to Lethal Hunter - increasing the die size of back stabs.

Added. Thanks for finding this one.

Under Feats, Skill Training should say it makes one untrained skill trained, thereby granting the +5 (not +2 bonus).

I had this in the "Skills" section, but missed it in the "Feats" section. It is now fixed.
Where's that XP v. Level chart from?

This chart came from discussions here, specifically the chart developed by Racinante. It is admittedly speculative.

what you did *MIGHT* considered a infringement

:confused: I did indeed consider this, but my hope is that WotC sees this for what it is - a labour of love by a 'fan' who wants to see 4E succeed. All the material is already available for free on the internet; I've just collected into a more digestible format. Consider it free viral marketing. If WotC or EnWorld objects I will remove it at once, of course.

Looking forward to any other additions, corrections and comments.
Verys Arkon.

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keterys said:
Very nice - there are some errors. Like, the half-elf gets a bonus power... check out Ray of Frost (an encounter power), which suggests humans can take encounter powers too. Also note it's from another class.

What makes you attribute that bonus power to the half-elf rather than to the choice of fey pact warlock? When I first saw it, my thought was that it was a power tied to fey pact. Presumably the other pacts would have different abilities associated with them. Sure, it's a wizard spell, but it might also be a fey spell.


First Post
This is awesome and utterly helpful. Thank you for helping me clean out my 4E folder, its literally down to the pregens, three adventures, Monsters & More, and this now.

Oh and of course I havesome 4E stuff that people, such as Keterys, have made.
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